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What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here. You can find me at Livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert, and I created the Live Pain-Free process. I’ve been creating innovative ways of healing all based on focusing within, and I just need you to start learning how to use that focus to your advantage so you can heal effectively, quickly, and without any issues. Today, I was posed this question: “Why am I falling apart as I age?” In my head, the quick, logical answer is, “Oh, because you’re not doing your rehab program; you’re not doing your restorative plan correctly.” I realized, as much as I love my restorative plan, it’s still a tool; it’s still not a part of something that you have to do. There’s something that’s happening inside of every human being. Our cells are designed to deteriorate and regenerate at the same time. The problem is that we’re deteriorating faster than we can regenerate because we don’t have the resources within.

What I want you to think about is: Are you putting in enough resources for your body to regenerate itself faster than it deteriorates itself? It’s supposed to do that — it’s designed to do that — but if it doesn’t have the resources, it will not regenerate because it doesn’t have the resources. We’re not just talking about food here. There are vitamins and minerals that need to be in place at the right amount of time to do so. Your gut needs to be operating efficiently, and your respiratory system needs to be operating efficiently. This is a big one: the electron system inside your cells, the environments of your cell, needs to be on point.

If you’re drinking soda and you’re acidic, your body’s not going to regenerate fast. You have to understand the concept of alkalinity versus acidity. All those things need to be, not mastered necessarily, but you need to know where you are, and that will get you to understand that our body is designed to deteriorate and regenerate at the same time. It’s just we don’t have the resources to regenerate, so you get older and you fall apart faster because you have to actively and consciously put more things in that are going to build those resources.

Hopefully this gets you to really start saying, “I need to step it up a little bit because I’m 36 now, and when I hit 40, things will change. That means I have to work harder, that means I have to do a little bit more cardio in a safe manner. I have to start eating more greens and lay off the sweets. I have to make that conscious choice.” You have to really struggle with it to learn that, “This needs to happen because my body, no matter what, is deteriorating.” The more you do that, the slower that degeneration will start happening and the more you can start doing those things to make your body better.

You’ll be able to run better for longer. You’ll be able to swim, bike, run, do your yoga practice, play with your kids, hike — all the things that you love to do that keep you active and actually make you better. If you’re doing all those things and you don’t have the resources to rebuild, that’s all she wrote. Folks, I’ll see you on the next one. Bye.



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