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You’re not making it to the next level because you keep making this one mistake.

You are tolerating where you are and what you tolerate will persist.

Sorry for being the bearer of bad news, but it is the truth.

If you don’t know me, I am Patrick Lerouge, your Productivity Specialist.  I help you get more things done in less time.  I do so by breaking through those glass ceilings and enhancing your mind so you can perform 10% better.


This week’s category is all about…

Getting you to make those positive habits that we spoke about last week stick!

First, you’ve got a tough pill to swallow-which is, what you tolerate persists.

What that means is you have to commit.  We go through this place because we can, we allow it to happen. We tolerate so much, but what you tolerate will persist.

  • If you allow your body to feel like shit, it will persist to feel like shit.
  • If you want to make more money and you’re tolerating the amount of pay that you’re getting, then you’re tolerating the amount of financial abundance that you have. It will persist.
  • If you tolerate an unclear mind, an unfocused mind and you can’t concentrate, it will persist.

It’s the truth!  You have to STOP tolerating things.  It’s a survival mechanism that we have.  You have to switch over into a thriving position inside yourself.  You have to thrive.  So you have to commit to what you need, not what you want.

It’s not that hard.  I say it all the time.  All it takes is 10% and the ball will start rolling and you will have momentum.

You only need to access 10%!   It’s not reaching for the stars and grabbing everything.  Productivity happens in small bite-sized pieces.  All you have to do is reach for that momentum, but first, you have to focus on what your problem is and stop tolerating it.  Look at the things that you are tolerating-things that you want to change.  You need to commit to changing the things that you’re tolerating.

All you have to do is take a 10% bite.  Start doing something small daily-even if it’s just staying tuned to these small short videos so I can give you the answers.


Stop tolerating, as what you tolerate will persist and we want you to thrive, baby!

See you at the next one.

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