{"id":2232,"date":"2015-09-17T10:22:09","date_gmt":"2015-09-17T10:22:09","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.evolvert.com\/wp\/?p=2232"},"modified":"2015-09-17T10:22:09","modified_gmt":"2015-09-17T10:22:09","slug":"something-can-outside-help-achilles-calf-pain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/patricklerouge.net\/something-can-outside-help-achilles-calf-pain\/","title":{"rendered":"Something you can do outside to help achilles and calf pain"},"content":{"rendered":"

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert, teaching you innovative ways to heal. What I have for you today is a question that was posed to me. \u201cWhat do you do to help yourself when you’re outside?\u201d I decided to do some work outside today. What I want to show you is things that you can do on stairs. Stairs are everywhere, as well as a curb. I want to take apart the concept of stretching your calf differently when you’re outside and when you’re running about your day.<\/p>\n

There’s two different types of contractions that a muscle can do. It can be a concentric contraction, where you’re just contracting and the muscle shortens, or an eccentric contraction, where it’s holding load while getting longer. The eccentric is what I really want to focus on. I want you to really take in is, the muscle contracts so it shorten. When you’re muscles are elongating, that’s when your body starts to talk to you more. That’s when a lot of pain sensors start becoming more vocal. I did a video tip on the pain cycle and eccentric is all about the pain cycle. What you must do is look back at that video if you didn’t see it.