"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 [email protected]
12 days ago I started a diet. This is not a weight loss thing for me. I am all about the efficiency of my mind and body. The goal was to reset my hormones.
Yesterday I had another detox…fuck…I had SO many in these last 12 days. It makes me think all the other detoxes and hacks I did in the past were not systemized enough to make a real effect or difference.
The body has too many defenses it compensates too well.
If you do not keep the brain staying safe and calm anything you try will not work. The brain will not let go of the toxins within the fat.
Toxins are everywhere and we are so used to them now that we don’t even notice them. It’s considered normal and that does not help.
I am starting to get used to drinking an average of 90 ounces of water without any other acidic thing going in.
Today I hit my floor on a few of my stats I have been wrestling with for the past year.
Muscle levels are at the highest I have been. I have used so many other things; diets, fad ideas, detoxes, and hacks. You name it and I have enhanced it.
I always wanted to be at 15% body fat, but I’ve never gotten under 17%-maybe in my late 20s or early 30s.

Now I am in my 40s and I am about to check off another new goal. A goal I did not know I wanted. I now want to get under 190 pounds.
This is an impressive thought.
I was happy with what my body was doing before.
It is true we don’t know what we don’t know. We don’t know what good feels like so we don’t chase it.
I am glad chasing down becoming efficient. It is my curse in life. To consistently chase more efficiency out of my mind and body has been a journey I now have fallen in love with.
Now I know how good I can feel. Feeling this good is what others need to know.
I am now considering building these huge results into my program in addition to The Belief Breakthrough Sessions that make massive changes in my clients life.
This will enhance so many functions within you. How you operate will be outrageous! The awesome part is it’s a 3-month process and I got these results in 12 days.
Stay posted and see what else comes up!
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