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There is a huge secret  I have to tell you. There are massive benefits of knowing everything not working out immediately. We’re going down this rabbit hole of making your positive habits stick! Our last video was about the chasm of chaos. If you did not watch that short video make sure you double back and check that out.

We all have great intentions when we start a project or begin to learn a new skill. What you need to understand is It’s all about realizing not everything works for you.  I’m so sorry.  We invest in everything we do-time, energy, and money.  If you’re following the methodology that I’m teaching you then you’re focusing on how you’re doing those actions.  By now, you’re starting to get slightly overwhelmed, as I said in last week’s video tip.


If you didn’t watch it, go watch it today!


You have to realize it’s not always going to work out for you.


Think about the 80/20 rule.  20% of the things that you learn will become the most productive things you use.  These actions will put you in the super-hyper zone.  That’s what I want you to focus on, but you have to figure out a couple of things first.


  1. Figure out why isn’t it working for you?  What is it about you that’s not jamming right with it?

Once you figure that out you’ll have a bigger foundation; something to bite into.


  1.  Put some fire under your ass to fix it!  Figure out what you need to improve within yourself to make ‘X’ work.

Ask yourself what part of your life is this going to enhance when you complete this learning?  If you can see that image well enough, it will feed and give you a little bit more momentum to take the steps needed to do the things that you need to do.


We invest in coaches, but not every coach is going to teach you 100% of the things that you’re going to need to learn.  So find out what that 10% is in everything that you’re a doing-every investment that you’re doing.


Find out how am I in the way?  How am I the bottleneck?  Figure that out and then you’ll be able to jump leaps and bounds over your competition.  You’ll jump leaps and bounds over your goals!  Everything will work out once you realize everything doesn’t always work out for you right away.


Stop playing the short game.  Live in the long game.  Look at your role in it.  You’re the bottleneck, as well as the solution.

And you will be the solution 100% of the time if you stop doing these small little mistakes.

See you on the next one. Bye.

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