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What’s up? Patrick LeRouge here. I am an intuitive healing expert and the creator of The Live Pain-Free Process. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body; you just need to learn how to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and effectively. A couple weeks ago, I talked about why it’s so hard to do your own self-care, and someone asked me, “What do you do when you’re actually in pain?” And I realize, I talk about pain a lot, but I don’t really talk about what to do when you’re exactly in it. So, what do you do when you’re in pain? If you trip or fall, number one, stay on the floor. Have a laugh about yourself or whatever the case may be. Stay on the floor because the majority of really, really bad issues that creep up secondarily without you even knowing is from when you fall and then try to pop yourself back up too fast. That’s when those secondary things sort of shred, but because you have a contusion or whatever the case may be, your body’s going to show you that first and then all those other things that go unknown. That’s why when people get into car accidents, and they say, “Oh. I feel good,” because they’re in shock and not feeling much because of what just happened. But a day or two later, they’re saying “Oh, man. What happened? What is this?” And there goes all those secondary things. So the best thing that you can do is stay right there when you fall; lay there for a second and just say, “Wow. I just fell.” Once you get your fight or flight mechanism has calmed down, then you’ll start to notice any areas that may be in pain. This might take five or six minutes, depending on the fall. That’s the number one thing you want to do.


Now, what happens if it’s not a fall or if you’re just in pain? Like if you have an elbow pain or a shoulder pain? This is what I want you to do. You have to, number one, calm your fight or flight response; this must be done before your body is ever going to let you do anything else. You have to get that to calm down. So, first things first, I want you to hold the area. Think about when you were a kid, and you fell, what did your parents do? They didn’t know anything about self-care per se, but it’s hardwired in the human system to hold it. We rub our kids painful areas and say, “Oh my gosh,” and we kissed it. We gave it a different touch. That’s just instinct. It’s in your body. I want you to really focus on that.


So let’s take the elbow pain or a knee pain. What you can do is just hold the knee. Just hold it and say, “Oh, my gosh it hurts.” Then start to look for what your hands feel like on top of your knee, which then starts to mask the pain receptors and starts to work better than then pain sensation you’re getting. You’re always going to reach for a nice, loving touch as opposed to a very abrasive touch. That’s just what happens inside the body. I want you to feel that knee and feel what your hands feel like on it. For example, I could put my hand above my other hand on my knee. I would ask myself what my hands feels like going into the knee.  Now that you are feeling, this turns off your brain, your logical fight or flight mechanism. Your brain rationalizes, and you feeling it turns off the rationalization. Now that you’re feeling it, it naturally calms down. Once it calms down, that’s when you do something, whether it be foam rolling, trigger points, stretching, active release, ART, or any other techniques. All those different techniques will not be as effective (or effective at all)with the fight or flight mechanisms on. If you’re in pain, you have to calm that bad boy down as much as humanly possible. Now, touching your knee and holding your knee, it might take a good five minutes. It might take that time, but it needs that time. Especially on the fall, and especially with the shock.


If you’re in pain right now, that’s what you do; you hold it, hold it, hold it, and just wait until it calms down, and you breathe, you breathe, you breathe. It might take a minute, or it might take five, but wait until your body says go, and then you do something. You’ll see how fast your body will respond. So folks if you need something, reach out to me, tell me what’s up, and I’ll help you guys out. Until next time!


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