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Pain Is Not Random:

We’ve been trying to get clear lately, but you’re still in pain…now what? As we get into the nitty gritty of things you have to recognize that pain is not random. It’s not! It’s inevitable. Let’s take a look at this quote “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional. What that means is our bodies are always going to be talking to us and pain is one of the ways the body communicates.

What do we do with that information determines if you are going to suffer. If we get a pain in our body and we just say, “Here it is again! Oh my God. Oh my God”, this is just you pouting and complaining about it and acting like a child, rather than doing something about it.


So what we’re going to discuss is pain-it is there, but it is not random. What you have to realize is when your body is communicating with by expressing pain it means that there’s more stressors on the body than there are healing aspects; things that get the body to calm down. Whether it’s a rolled ankle, a fall or a chronic pain that nagging all the time. You need to take away stressors and add in more healing properties. Such things as, meditation, gentle yoga, movement based yoga, chiropractic sessions, anything that helps you perform. Maybe even some weight training or movement training. All these will help, as long as it doesn’t tax you out or add any extra stressors where you’re hurting from it. That means your body is not going to respond to it well, but if it’s nice and easy and you take baby steps your body is going to start using it consistently. It’s all about understanding that you have more stressors in line that healing qualities. The more stressors you have, the more healing you need, that’s all it is. When it comes to pain your body is like a bank and the currency is energy. The energy goes back and forth within your body based off stressors. The more stressors there are, the more you’re pulling out energy just like money coming out of the bank and the more money is coming out of the bank the more energy is coming out. You have to slow that down!

We all have accidents….let’s talk about a trauma injury; an actual serious fall. Now, depending on the fall, if you don’t have enough money-energy-to back up that fall, then that’s your issue. Pain, again, is inevitable. Before your body decides to start really working with healing the trauma, you have to replace all that money back in the bank, all your energy must be restored to your body. Otherwise, it is always going to try to start holding itself and then you’re stuck in fight or flight mode. Let’s say you hurt your knee….you can’t just focus on the knee, saying, “Oh my God, my knee hurts, my knee hurts”. You need to do more activities that will get you breathing; give you energy. Then you’ll start saying, “All right now I can deal with the knee”. You’ll be able to respond to the knee so much better. It will be easier to deal with it. That’s the name of the game, not, “I’m going to get energy that’s going to magically heal it”. How you respond to it, not react to it.

You have to start recognizing where you are in the whole scheme of things and realize that pain is not random. Pain just doesn’t happen; if you wake up with a crick in your neck, it wasn’t from you pillow or the way you slept. You lost the amount of energy needed to consistently heal or you didn’t eat the proper amount or type of food that would give your body the resources it needs to heal the cellular debris to get the muscle tissue to work better so it can actually heal. Or, you just never got out of fight or flight in the first place before you went to sleep and your body has been running overtime all night and eventually just pops! It can’t give anymore and hold this awkward position that you put yourself in. It always boils down to having more stressors than healing properties.

Just focus on removing stuff when you’re in pain. We’re talking about physical, mental and emotional facets. A lot of people just look at physical pain and they see physical issues and think, “Oh, I jogged wrong”, “I walked wrong” or “I hit this” or “I hit that”. I am a firm believer that it’s all a humongous conundrum of fun. Become conscious of the fact that every stressor has to go through an emotional aspect, followed by mental and then a physical aspect. If you have chronic pain, those aspects are streamlined in and you’re consistently triggered on the emotional and mental bearing and it’s giving you manifestations in the physical. Our mind is a very adaptable beast and it hides things from us so you wouldn’t even notice the emotional drain in energy. For so many ailments I see in the human body, you won’t notice the emotional drain in energy. If I can get that to clean up or you can manage it better, then you’ll heal. Point blank!


Take Away:

Pain is not random. Take it apart, find out what’s happening within yourself. Find out and then start realizing that you just need to add more healing forms and remove some stressors. That’s it! Then you’ll start mapping it out easier and easier; start noticing that it wasn’t the night sleep that did it, it was the whole day that did this or that to you. That is what you have to focus on.


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