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Today what we are going to be talking about, is “Are you making this mistake?” That mistake is: attaching yourself to an outcome.

What that means is that you set a goal and all you do is harp on it and just think about it. You just keep thinking, “I have to do this and this and this.” The way the universe works, is exactly like volleyball. You get down and hit the volleyball. The volleyball has to go up, it’s going to hit its arc and then it’s going to come down and it’s going to get you. A lot of people think it’s going to be a straight line.

Manifestation is all about the arcing of it. Once it goes up where people start seeing it, and it stops being recognized, that’s where it has its most potential. Then it comes down and drops right in your lap. So many people set it up, forget it, and don’t even deal with it whatsoever. Then they move on to a different track, instead of tracking it, following it and then “POOF” it just lands right in your lap.

But we always harp on it and think “it’s going to be over here,” and you run and run and try to catch it. You figure out that it’s not working, and you say “you know what, it’s not happening.” Then you turn around and you move and its drops right behind you.

The opportunity is always there and the universe never allows for you to do something and then it doesn’t give it back. It always gives you opportunities and situations to gain whatever you want. What we do is harp on things and try to make them happen faster than they are. It is going to happen; we just try to make it happen faster.

Let’s give you a different type of example. People always want pain relief. Pain relief is something that we all just want and want. For example we might say “I want to be neck pain free, so I am going to be proactive” or, “I just got my neck pain, so I am going to do the work I need to do.” Once you start stretching and things like that, it’s never going to just go away. It’s going to take its time. This is the arcing method. So once you stretch, do the foam rolling and trigger point work, the meditation – you have to set it and forget it. You have to let it go.  Do what you need to do and just live your life. Once that happens, everything changes.

Now your body is allowing things to go through. Its arcing up, then all of a sudden you just say to yourself “Wait a minute, I had a neck pain and it’s no longer there.” It fell in your lap. It falls right in your lap folks, if you just keep going in the trajectory that you need to go, and don’t worry about it. Just keep on doing the things that you need to do and don’t veer off.

The two common mistakes that we make are: 1) going too fast and trying to make things happen much faster than they have to, or 2) we veer off because we think we no longer are going to get the result that we wanted. But, it’s actually just getting ready to fall in our lap. If we just do the stretching and all the work that we need to do, and just follow the steps, it will fall in your lap.

We have talked about this before, we have talked about setting a straight goal. You have to set an end goal, and smaller action goals in between. It could be stretching or just going out to see someone, etc. We have also talked about life’s path and all of the things that just come up – our to-do list for example. These things get in the way. If it takes two minutes, just get rid of it right then and there. We just need to set it and forget it and just keep walking straight. All of a sudden we will say “How did this happen?” that’s just the way your body works.

Don’t make that mistake. Don’t try to make it go faster. Don’t try to veer off. Set it and forget it. Just keep on moving forward. Keep on moving forward! And that’s the tip for today.

Folks, if you guys need my help, please, give me a call. I’m always willing to talk to people. E-mail me. Comment on this video tip, so I can start helping more people. I am enjoying the feedback that I am getting. So, comment down below and hopefully I can help you soon.

Thank you!

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