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A message to becoming your most productive self and get more things done.

The concept that I want you to wrap your head around in this two minutes is your thoughts are your thoughts.
You have to learn how to separate from your thoughts, to get yourself to become more action-driven. The more action you take, the more things you will do.

we get bogged down by all the things that we should do, Right or Wrong, good or bad, et cetera.
The thought that I want you to understand is, a thought is a thought not who you are. Separating yourself from that gives you the ability to say, I want to take action or I don’t.

For instance, we all have that time where we get the positive reinforcement that we’re doing. we’ll go with it feeling good with no second-guessing.

But then the majority of our thoughts are negative. Not helpful, but our brain is hard-wired to do this to keep us safe. So you become a person that doesn’t want to take action. A person that second guesses.

You need to be able to say thank you to the positive as well as no thank you to the negative. The only way we do that is by separating them from who you are.

The easy thought would be, except the positive, tone out the negative.

I want you to put them both in the same box and put them beside you.

Watch as you become an action train. Doing actions that would like your time in deliberations inside your head.
Then, when a thought comes in, you have the ability then to say,
I love that. Thank you.


That is not good. I do not want it. I don’t accept it.

So saying no thank you.

Once you’re able to do that, you’ll become more and more or an action-driven boss.

Less and less, bogged down by your thoughts. because now there’s someone something separate, just put them in a separate box.
I get it your thoughts are still you, but it’s separate.

So thought is just a thought. If you want more information about this, just comment down below.

I’ll give you some more information about getting comfortable in your skin as a way to become more productive.


Pick up my amazon best selling book “A simple path to getting everything done” https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Path-Getting-Everything-Done

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