"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 [email protected]









Folks, what we want to talk about today is understanding who you are. So who are you? Like, truly? What are you like? What do you do? Do you know who you are? Because that’s going to be key to sustainability. What I mean by sustainability is you want to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, for as long as you want to do it.


Folks, you want to stretch the amount of time you can do whatever it is you like to do. Whether it is triathlons, whether it is swimming, biking, running, yoga, a CrossFit trainer- anything. You want to stretch that out as long as humanly possible. But in order to do that, you have to understand it’s all about who you are. I had a person come in to me recently- working with her t forced me to do this video. This person was consistently just worn down, worn down, just getting hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt. I was like, “Dude, you’re burned out.” She was like, “I don’t know, I take my time for myself. All these different things.” She was telling me the whole checklist of who she is and what she does. I was like, “No, this is not making sense. This is not making sense.”

So, I started realizing this – she’s the personality type that goes balls to the wall all the time consistently, then takes small little break and goes balls to the wall. She’s the extrovert, that’s the type A personality. I’m not a big fan of the whole A personality, personality types and all that different jazz, but she’s the A personality type. But she was masking her thought process with the thought that she can take these small little breaks and it added up to balls to the wall. No, she needs to clean it out even more. What I had to get her to realize – and it wasn’t just me telling her once or twice – I had to prove it to her, I had to show her. Every time she got hurt, she went balls to the wall, rest for a little bit, balls to the wall, rest a little bit, balls to the wall, poof, something went wrong. I had to show her the sequence of events that she was doing to herself. And it’s all because she didn’t realize internally, that’s who she is. She’s going to give it her all. Now the cure to that is getting you to match the healing aspect to who you are and I had to help her realize that. In her case, I had to do more physical stuff – I had to get her to do more balls to the wall physical stuff. Better stretching, better forming, better trigger palm work, better movement draining – all these different things to get her to slow down the progression.



Now let’s switch it to the opposite side, someone that’s an introvert. Someone that’s a worrier, that’s an inward thought, “I beat up on myself.” They can be like, “Oh, I really don’t really do much in all these different things, and why am I getting hurt, why am I lethargic, why am I always– I don’t have the energy to perform?” It’s because internally, they’re the swan. They’re graceful outside, but underneath they’re going crazy. I had to get her to now use her inward side to recognize what was happening, and realize this is who you are, you have to now start spitting it out. You have to start journaling; you have to start getting things out of you. Doing all these different things, get your body to calm down and stay in the healing state. Now, we’re not even talking about what’s happening on the outward level of your biking, your swimming, your running – you’re doing all the chores that you love to do. We’re realizing that you’re burning out. Your falling apart is because you’re not taking time for yourself, you’re not touching base with who you are, and the way that you are, the other times of your life, that you’re not doing your sport, not doing your activity. That’s still happening.


In the outside world you have to realize things are happening. This is who you are. And once you start taking that apart and seeing it’s more than just introvert, extrovert, worry, class A personality – it’s more than that. Start getting data on yourself, start doing tests and see how you tick. What’s happening? What drives you? What makes you fall apart faster? I tell everybody this – it’s very hard to get me upset but the one person that could do it? My wife. She knows instantly what to do to drive me insane and I fall apart. So I have to constantly, consistently touch base with myself especially when we’re in that heated debate mode. Because she can take me down in a second. And we’re not talking about anger; we’re just talking about energetically. That’s something that is me. What is you? What are you like? What drives you? What makes this tick for you? And then once you start finding out those things, then find a natural combatant to it.


So with my wife, I have to consistently do things to make her happy, to fill that up with me, as well as understand that she has her point of view; I might have my point of view and I don’t have to fight with her, because I lose. I can win the argument, let’s say. But it took too much energy out of me. I’ll hurt something later. It’s not worth it. So folks, figure out who you are. Extrovert, introvert, all these different things start getting details on yourself. Then, start realizing to make all your life self-sustainable, realize you are this person doing these activities. So if you’re a balls to the wall person, you have to take that balls to the wall and apply it to your self-care as well. You have to put 100% there, 100% here. If you’re an introvert, if you’re a worrier, if you’re a person that does that, you have to start writing things down. Finding someone to talk to that you can actually not just complain to in essence – because that will just drive you more worry – but actually, get some result driven ideas from is an excellent idea.


Those are the things that are now going to keep you moving, keep you pepped up, rather than moving into that downward spiral without you even knowing.

Folks, it’s a tough issue to get a handle on, but I’m sure you got it. If you know anybody that needs to hear more words like this, please tell them to hit me up because this is a hard one just to spit out and just talk about. You need to understand the different personality types, the different learning styles that people have, the different way the body reacts to different things. You have to have somebody that knows that. If you need any help, please just e-mail me. I’m here for you, folks.

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