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In this video, I will explain how to conquer your day. If you have not watched the video on Importance of goal setting, and How to achieve the goals you set watch those first. In this video, I will show the first significant shift you need to make to make a self-sustaining system to healing. It is changing the mindset to creating an environment by doing daily habits, starting with your morning routine.

A morning routine can be vital to conquer your day. Many people make the mistake of allowing anything to happen int he morning as the day starts. What this does is let many stressors and possibilities to highjack your day. All it would take is one email to set up off, and you are off to the races putting out fires for the rest of the day. I hear this so often from my clients, and it saddens me to hear that they are running from the moment they open their eyes.


When you begin your day with your morning routine, you create what is in your face and what is empowering you to kill the day. You can put just about anything in your routine; there is no right or wrong way to do this. What matters is it supercharges you to take on the day. A few things shouldn’t allow into your routine


You want to avoid emails and text messages that can infiltrate your routine and highjack you. I would try to stay away from my phone altogether. One of my morning routines is to stimulate my brain. So I take an online class or course that get me learning for a half hour a day. Begining your day with anything that gets your mind active is a life longevity tool. Our brains get neglected often and we don’t realize it. We have workouts for the body. Cardio for the heart but challenging our minds is last on the list. Let’s begin to change that. One thing you need to add is.


I am not speaking about hours of exercise but 10 to 15 minutes of movement is all you need. I get all my client to do their corrective drills all during the wake-up. My practice is only 15 minutes and is designed to get my muscle system up and ready. I have another one that brings down my nervous system and gets me calm and straight fro the day.

Tell me a little about YOUR morning routine in the comments below! What are your favorite things to do? What do you now to support the way you want to live that you didn’t like doing before?

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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