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Today’s video mini-series is “How to condition a proper breathing habit”.

When people think about breathing routines, it is an exercise to calm themselves. Rarely do they ponder the pattern of breathing. This video shows you how to condition yourself by focusing on breathing out not taking a breath in. Making that a focal point gets you to change how you breath daily, creating a habit that continuously diminishes stress rather than allowing it to accumulate.

How to condition a proper breathing habitcondition a proper breathing habit

The main thing that you need to do to retrain your breathing habit is change your focal point. Focusing on the blowing out rather than taking the big deep breath in. Doing this will retrain the daily habit of breathing. We use breathing exercises as a way to de-stress, not realizing stress is an all day affair.

Doing this style of breathing daily throughout the day as an exercise will condition the muscles and timing of how you breathe. The true beauty happens when, a few weeks down the line, you become aware that you are breathing like this without trying: that is when the habit has set in. Give this some time and consistent practice. In the video I have a slight focus on the verbiage I use with my kids to get them to do this, so be aware of how you speak to yourself while doing the exercise.

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Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!


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Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

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