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What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge, the creator of the live pain free process™, from livepainfreeprocess.com. I teach people that everything is connected in the body. You just have to learn how to use that connectivity to eliminate pain for the long term, and quickly. The only way that you can do that is by balancing out the mental, emotional and physical aspects of yourself. We’re going to be clumping a lot of things together today. This is going to be a good one because now we’re clumping many different things together so that it’s hard for you to just think, “I can fix myself using this one thing.” This understanding is going to get you to start dealing with many different things at once. That’s going to be the beauty of it; we will be talking about one-sided headaches, one-sided hips pain, or one side of your body in pain in general. If you have pain in your flanks, this is for you. We are going to take this all on the Eastern side of the world this time. We’re not going to be talking about just one activity; we are going to be talking about a whole system. We are talking about your Gallbladder meridian.


Your meridian system is an unseen energy flow that is hard wired inside your body. Think about if you looked at a map just based off of highways and streets; you’re going to see different patterned roads that go up and down, left and right. That’s how the meridian systems looks and works inside your body. Instead of cars, it’s just energy flowing along those pathways. This philosophy has been around for eons. I want you to realize that this system is based off of nurturing. That’s the key here. It’s all about nurturing. This is where a lot of people make their mistakes. They think it’s a one-shot deal. I want you to start realizing that you need to nurture your energy flow to start moving, from beginning to the pathway to end of the pathway.


When I talk about meridians, you can find a chart and see their names. If you’re having any issues within the Eastern philosophy, we’re simply talking about just blockages through any one of those meridians. Now, when you hear a heart, lung, liver, or spleen meridian, don’t think that organ is at fault, and don’t instantly jump to a conclusion which is a common.


Meridians are everywhere in your body. You can have one meridian causing many different aliments elsewhere in your body. Today, we’re going to be talking about your gallbladder meridian which runs along the entire side of the body, from your foot to the side of your head. You will have to start to realize that if you have a problem anywhere along this line, it could cause the that particular side of the body hip pain or one sided head pain, more commonly known as temporal headaches just on one side.


Let’s just talk about the gallbladder function in eastern philosophy. Real quick and easy. The gallbladder’s meridians are all about getting your body to hold its energy in from the sides, so that it keeps your energy in line instead of expelling outward. In the muscular world, it’s going to hold your muscles in place, so it doesn’t spread too far out of control. When my clients talk about, “I have IT band syndrome” or “I have hip pain,” I must then look at their life within the gallbladder meridian. What I noticed with a majority of clients is that there is an issue with the gallbladder. What I notice is that mentally and emotionally, they have stuff that they are trying to rein in, and they’re trying to consistently keep it nice and neat so they can attempt to focus on how they’re going to deal with it. Sound familiar? The gallbladder is designed to keep your energy in, keep everything in line, and keep muscle tissues together. If your mental and emotional worlds are spread too thinly, your gallbladder meridian now has to work even harder and begins to get taxed.


In the physical world, it shows up as I.T. band pain for example. These clients may have too many different things on their plate, and their body’s just trying to keep it in. Within the muscular system, your quadriceps and your hamstrings play the same role. They begin to expand out due to you working harder. So, your IT band now tries to pull it together and keep it together; that’s why your IT band can be flaring off. It doesn’t mean that there is something wrong in the I.T. band. The majority of time, the reason is that it is trying really hard to keep everything together, and that’s why it’s screaming.  You have to now get all of your extra activities in line and structured so you can handle them easily. This allows your body to produce an easier world and an easier environment for your gallbladder.


That’s step number one — figuring out what’s happening, both mentally and emotionally. Step number two would be dealing with the physical pain you are in. That’s next week, but what happens after that is finding other blocks in the entire meridian itself. Remember, it’s pretty long, and it needs to flow from bottom to top.


See you next week.



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