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Working harder than you need to is a big problem for many people. It’s working as hard as you believe you should, and if deep down you think that working your ass off will give you what you deserve, then this article is for you.



If deep down, you believe you need to have long days and tons of effort to make it work, you will live an unsustainable life.



This way of thinking is all you know. It is how you got to this level of success. So it’s no wonder we all have these issues and a need to work too hard. 


However, when the mind and body are optimized and integrated to work smoothly, actions flow, and your mind becomes relaxed- allowing success to come naturally. 


To do this takes some time, but luckily, there are ways to make it easy on yourself!

Patrick Lerouge Freedom

When you align your mind and body with a deliberate plan that aligns internally, actions flow naturally. There is an ease in how you think about achieving your goals. There are no conflicting thoughts or emotions to disrupt what’s going on. 


Natural flow means going out and having success in whatever exploits your inner ambition comes with. 


Image having the necessary details small enough that they’ll take action immediately without even second-guessing or thinking about it.


It’s time for us all to start living within ourselves instead of just existing day-to-day like robots going through motions when happiness has always been right under our noses this whole time!




It is hard not to feel frustrated when your own body is beating you. 



I remember every time I worked out and did the proper form, and my injuries start up again at a moment’s notice- no matter how much energy or focus I put in, it all seems for naught.



I have always thought that if there were just one thing wrong with me, then maybe it would be easier to fix, a bone spur or even a considerable bump on a muscle that hurt.



At that time, I reached for the common go-to of Physical therapy or chiropractic treatments and then bumped up to specialized functional Physical Therapy and body rolfing, etc. All with no real long-term change.



Now I realize this isn’t so simple as we think of it today because our old understanding has been limited only on what is physically seen rather than incorporating something more abstract like mental state, which will heavily affect any physical issues someone might have.



To make this stick, get internally aligned to why you are doing the activity you are doing. 



How is your body responding?

Does it have clean and easy movements?


You have the level of awareness you believe you have.

Any think they do, but instead, they default to seeing what they should be doing or what is right, causing becoming rigid.



This deeper awareness is critical. 



Here is what you need to do


 Begin to shift that perspective of needing to work hard to get results and become open to obtaining more with less effort.

Here is an example of in the workout space

Deliberately plan to connect to the movement you are working on training.

Select a specific exercise movement to watch your body move naturally and focus on what muscles are working.

Add slightly more weight and watch how the workout becomes much more effective with less—giving you a better RIO due to less time and no way of injuring yourself.


Stay in the hamster wheel and attempt to take care of the never-ending cycle of injury using old techniques that place a bandaid solution on a more significant issue. 

Leading you down an endless path until you hit rock bottom, where there is nowhere else for your body to turn but stop you permanently. Random Sickness and or Cause more trouble, so you opt-out of the working out altogether. “I DON’T HAVE TIME TO DO MY WORKOUTS” 

The key?

Take real action NOW!

I invite all those who are ready to break free from their injuries- be they mental or physical -to receive one of my morning routines explicitly designed for

Mind: balancing the body while activating both head and heart to come into each day prepared and energized. 

Fill Out the Form Below and Start right away!!!


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