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Why Self- Care is Hard to Do




What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy, and I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain-Free Process. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. You have to learn how to use the connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and efficiently. Today, what we’re going to be talking about is why it is so hard to eliminate pain and do your self-care. I’m going to take it from two standpoints. The way the body works is this: the body receives different electrical signals. Once it has that electrical signal, its goes into to the brain where it is processed as “Fight-or-flight” or “This is cool.” When you’re a therapist working on another person, it’s completely different than you working on yourself because you are not going through what that person is feeling and not raising any red flags for flight or flight. If that person is in pain, they have to understand what’s happening in their body. When this happens inside your body, it becomes extremely hard because once your fight-or-flight mechanism rears its ugly head — and it does all the time — it’s something that you’ll never be able to stop. You just have to understand it’s there, and then you have to take it down. You can never stop it from happening, so I want you to understand this: the reason why it’s so hard is because you never take down the veil of the fight-or-flight mechanism; you try to work through it.  In the people that work out really hard, the people that do all these long runs and they don’t realize that they’re doing it at a comfortable pace, the fight-or-flight mechanism comes in. Once that comes in, unless you take it down and/or you slow it down, your body’s always going to fight anything you 100% of the time.


Let’s talk about what you have to do. You have to understand that once you’re in pain, you must calm down. If you’re a therapist treating another person, that person has to calm down first, and your work will be cut in half. They have to bring that fight-or-flight mechanism down before the therapist can do anything well. Flip that around; if you’re a therapist or a person doing your own self-care, it’s completely different. Now it’s your fight-of-flight mechanism. To top it off, if you’re a therapist, it becomes that much harder because your knowledge becomes a hurdle. Understanding a situation becomes something that blocks you because now you understand what is supposed to be happening. You gave the super computer more logical information to defend against you. That’s all that happens, so you have to really understand that you are your own worst enemy.

You get information in the form of energy. Once that happens, it puts it through your filter which is comprised of different experiences you have had, so if you’re experienced in physiology, your brain’s going to be like, “Oh, this is happening because of this specific occurrence,” and you just pigeonholed yourself into one-way of thinking. Saying, “Oh, this is just what’s happening,” Is not very open-minded. What’s going to happen is that you’re going to say, “Now I need to do this because this is what worked for that occurrence,” but it could be something completely different.

So, let’s show you a way to get a different outcome then the traditional way. You say, “I need to do my self-care, whether it be foam rolling, trigger point, yoga, or stretching.” Once your filter gets a hold of what’s happening, that’s when your body’s going to say, “I NEED TO PROTECT myself. Fight-or-flight?” This is where the power struggle begins because this is where you try to do your self- care. This is where we will change our ways.  Think about this. If you’re a parent and you look at a kid fall, you would run over to the kid and say, “Oh my God, are you okay? What happened? How do you feel? What’s going on?” All open questions to get data in.  You’re not going to say, “This happened because of (fill in the blank)” and proceed with the most logically reaction. You’re going to be very, very open and say, “What’s happening?” And then you’re going to say, “All right, you’re okay. You’re okay.” Everyone does it, but we don’t do it to ourselves. We never say to ourselves, “It’s okay. It’s okay, Breathe, bring your heart rate down. Bring that fight-or-flight mechanism down,”  and then do a self-care action. That’s the hard part — breaking that cycle — because we put it through our own filter and our own filters going to mask whatever is happening like saying, I’ve been in this pain before, and I didn’t get out of it easily. It took a long time, so your mind runs crazy instead of just saying, “This is what’s happening now. And I just need to breathe, calm it down. I’m okay, what do I need to do? I need to do this self-care action,” then choose from your tool box of things to do. That’s why it’s so hard; we’re so quick to run something through our filter and then just do something. We miss a complete component, a humongous component of bringing in what’s happening now and saying that you’re okay. Bring down the flight-or-fight mechanism.

So folks, if you’re in pain, you have to remember: bring it down. Okay, folks, if you love it, share it. If you know somebody that’s constantly going through something and they need help, share it with them. If you’re not part of the family, please come on board. I love it. I love all the questions that I’m getting. Please keep on hitting me up. Until next time folks.


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