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What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free process. I create innovative ways for people to learn how to heal. We must stop trying to just feel better and start learning how to heal by looking and focusing within. Today’s topic is going to be the concept of the downward spiral of inactivity.

I had a client that was coming in for the first time, and I asked her what she is doing to feel better, what’s going on in her life? She started telling me that a doctor said that she is in bad shape. She needs to stop doing everything that she’s doing — stop working out, stop going for the walks — because every time she does, she was hurting herself. The doctor said, “Stop.” I was like, “That’s absolutely wrong.” My client asked, “Why?”  The body needs to move. The movement creates energy within the body that allows your cellular system to function. The more muscle tissue moves, the more energy it promotes, and the faster your body heals.

It’s not like you need to stop doing everything and being inactive; you need to stop doing the things that are hurting you and do them in a safe manner.  Think about it as a downward spiral because you’re inactive versus an upward spiral of activity and restoration. Everything and anything could be an activity. Walking for example, or just being outside, and doing all the things that you love to do is activity. You just have to learn how to do it in a way where it’s no longer getting your body to protect itself; it’s getting your body to open.

Being outside, all I have to do is walk around, look at the trees, and feel what’s happening in the world, like the wind blowing. Listen to your surroundings during a leisurely walk. Do not take a hard, heavy-paced walk like they say cardio is, but a leisurely walk. Get your body to start moving. If you’re really in bad shape, this is where you start — just walking outside, being outside, and listening to the birds, listening to the cicada, listening to the trucks, listening to the construction. In listening to so many different things as you’re walking around, your body is actually starting to get better and better because you’re outside in the world.

Once you get past that and used to that, you can ratchet it up to maybe a brisk walk, but you cannot just keep pushing yourself because it’s the good thing to do, and you damn sure just can’t stop moving. You cannot just lay and do bed rest because something’s not going to work. Your body needs to move. One of the recommendations that I do with my kids is when they start getting ill, when they’re snotty and all sorts of nasty, I kick them outside. We go for a walk, even if it’s really, really cold, and get that mucous out. We’re not walking around naked like Polar Bear Club, but we’re bundled up and taking a walk around the neighborhood.

It’s nothing hard or heavy-hitting; it’s just to get them fresh air and to get the sun even though it’s wintertime. It’s the sun; it gets everything to start opening up. Move, move, move, and that’s when your body starts to really start kicking up the things that it needs to heal, but only if you do it in a safe way. Folks, if you have any questions about this, please email me. I would love to talk to people more about this because this is something that a lot of people don’t understand — the downward spiral of inactivity. Until next time, folks, bye.



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