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You want a reliable way to begin to improve massively?

Break out of the conditioned habit of looking for convenient solutions. Convenient will get you what you want in the short term. It’s something that’s doing more harm than good.

Suppose you keep on conveniently doing things. You will fail epically.

🤔You’ll start to take shortcuts consistently.
🙈You will blindly be lead by the quick-fix mentality

Your desires will conveniently be just out of reach
You will have growth and self-sabotage cycles popping up

This state of mind will eventually end with you not being able to optimize your mind or body.

Optimization takes challenging your current state safely. It takes you to do things that are not always convenient.

If your knee-jerk reaction is to reach for a convenient way, you continue to stay in the realm of mediocrity.

Here is an example I see daily

You need your body to perform to a high degree.

For some reason, you run out of energy quickly. Your mind becomes cloudy, and your emotions begin to dictate the outcome.

Sound familiar?

It should because if you want to break into your next level, you need energy on tap. A clearer mind, and emotions that keep you calm in stressful moments.

That conditioned response to reaching for convenience is the deeper habit loop that stops you from getting what you desire.

Your freedom is not that far away, just going to take a different way to get there. Not harder or forceful either. Just not the traditional way the world wants you to think will get you there.

Breaking the convenience cycle takes you:

✅Clearing out the belief systems that have you second guess what is easy and what is not

✅Tapping into the bodies rapid healing abilities to heal and optimize

✅A way to keep your nervous system in a state of peace and calm

✅A guide that walks you through the ever-changing world of stressor called life

💪Optimize your body, so you have energy on tap

📃Optimize your mind so you can clear the list of priorities

😴Getting the sleep, you need to heal and be the best version of yourself.

If this sounds like something you want to clear up and learn more about, reach out through a quick Dm

It is a simple chat you have nothing to lose so much to gain.

Recognize when you’re getting comfort and start doing things to challenge that comfort. Make that the habitual way that leads to optimization.

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