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Getting out of pain vs staying out of pain

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve, Restorative Therapy. You can find me at Livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people get out of pain relatively quickly all because of the Live Pain Free Process. What it does, it gives you a step by step guide on how to get out of pain using foam rolling, trigger point and stretching, also known as the core 3 in my world. It also balances out your mental state, as well as gives you a nice, peaceful balanced emotional state, which easily can optimize athletic performance, but it’s designed to help you live and move pain free. We’re going to do a 2 part video this time around, and we’re going to be talking about the difference about getting out of pain this week, and staying out of pain next week. There are 2 completely different worlds. I’m going to take it from a macro view, into a micro view.


The microscopic aspect is where all of us stays, the massage therapist, PT’s, personal trainers, all sorts of different doctors, they look at the microscopic aspect and stay doing actions there and hoping it makes a lasting change, and majority of the time it makes changes but not lasting. We all do it, I would like to do is blow up and get you to see a bigger picture.  I want you to look at this in a big, big way. To get out of pain, there’s 3 major things and to stay out of pain, there’s 3 completely different things. It’s the rule of 3, it’s how our brain works best, it’s just relatively easy to remember aspects of 3. What is the three things that we need to stay out of pain?

Number 1, we need to get you to make a very substantial, variable change. Our body is a variable all on its own. It changes all the time. It needs you to make a substantial viable change. If you go to a personal trainer, they’re going to work out a specific muscle group, or specific muscle chain. That chain is going to show the body that it has more muscle fibers, and more compensation patterns, which is going to shift the body into doing something different. That is a substantial, variable change. There are many of them. You can do it through your circulatory system, by changing your diet. You can change your mindset. You can change the way that you move, your kinetic movement chain. There’s so many variable changes that you can make, but you need 1 of those. It’s like a staple that you need to do.

Number 2,  You need to understand that you have to consistently get things moving and staying moving. Let’s go back to that variable change of a muscle chain working. In the muscular world your body has a posterior line, anterior line in the fascial world. You need to get muscle fibers to start working inside of one aspect of the chain, but you have to get the whole chain moving. If you have a calf issue, the calf get functional as well as it has to link up with the rest of the chain.

Once that starts working, that brings us to number 3. You have to get the whole chain working together and get the chain to hold that pattern for a long or substantial time. That’s within the world of muscle tissue.  Let’s say  you have a back pain or an ankle pain, you will need to get a valuable change, like getting your calf tissue to work. You get the calf to start being able to move, you now create a variable change like that there’s more slack in that posterior chain, which now alleviates some of the back tension that’s happening there. Now you have to get the entire chain to start learning how to move. That’s when you do the downward dogs or any movement that utilizes the whole chain, so a lot of the dynamic movement can also work.

In short start getting things to move, then you have to condition that chain to work for long periods of time. That time might take a little bit but then the pain goes away. Dietary change,  like you start drinking more water. More water starts to link up with the whole hydration system, in short, as well as it starts to fuel your circulatory system. That circulatory system will naturally start to heal and bring more fluid to the areas that need help, which then can relax and open and close, and do the things that it needs to do, and it starts to communicate.

That is the 3 things that you need to stop to get out of pain. Random 3 things that’s at a macro view of what your body needs to heal mentally, physically and emotionally. That’s just what you need.

Next week, we’re going to talk about the 3 things to stay out of pain, which is completely different. There’s 3 major things on that end to stay out of pain, but they’re still on the macro view. We have a tendency to just start looking for small action like I just need a foam roll. I just need a foam roll it a little bit more. I need a trigger point a little more. The core 3 is just a tool that’s going to help you learn. It’s just like the concept of a corrective exercise. You shouldn’t do corrective exercises all the time, because it’s supposed to correct an issue. Then as you live your life, that’s when the issue starts to sustain itself. That’s the vitality aspect of our body, but that’s a whole other story, and we’ll talk about it next week. If you guys need any other questions please reach out. If you haven’t looked yet, go get the PDF for 40 Different ways for Eliminating Pain, they’re actually quite fun, pretty cute. If you need more help, go to the pain relief zone. Until next time, later.

Patrick discusses how to tell apart a bone pain and a muscle pain.

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A Quick Fix For Shoulder Pain

What is up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m pretty gifted at getting people out of pain relatively quickly because I understand the concept of the body having a protection cycle and a healing cycle. I just have to get you to focus more on getting yourself out of that protection cycle into the healing cycle by focusing within and getting yourself to stop doing the things that’s making you protective. Today, I’ll be talking about a real quick fix for the shoulder. Here is something you can do to eliminate some of your shoulder pain and get you really moving properly. In last week’s video tip, I talked about why our extremities are so vulnerable and why it’s out there. Now we have to get you to start counterbalancing that tip that I did last week. You want to start learning the concept of the shoulders.

Everybody knows about the rotator cuff, but they don’t realize the intricacies of it. It’s a sister-brother unit where four muscles work together to allow structured, smooth movement. It’s not about making your rotator cuff strong. It’s about smooth structures and how well they move together, but you can only get access to one of the muscles relatively easy. I’m going to show you how to touch the muscle called your infraspinatus, a muscle that runs right in the back part of your scapula itself. If you were to reach back behind you and grab the back part of your shoulder blade, the muscle that’s right underneath your palm is your infraspinatus. The infraspinatus has a lot of trigger point aspects; some are located i the front of your shoulder where you’re doing a lot of the bicep overexertion and using way too much.

If you can get the front part of your shoulder and the back part of your shoulder to work a little bit more efficiently, you might actually avoid what we spoke about last week and start adding in more of your body so you no longer have to use the biceps so much. I’m going to be showing you a trigger point aspect to getting your shoulder pain to go away. What we’re going to utilize is just an easy hand ball. This hand ball is going to be placed right in that groove. Remember how you grabbed your hand back behind your back as if trying to scratch your back? The little soft spot that you hit is your infraspinatus. Where your fingertips fall, I want you to put the ball right there.

Then I want you just to put that spot against the wall and lean against it. You can stand or sit; all you have to do is wait and add a little bit of weight. This is not pushing as hard as you can. Sitting and leaning against the wall in that area gives you the weight load that you need, and things will start to happen.

This infraspinatus is notorious for being a slow talker. If you do this nice and easy and wait for a second, you’ll start to feel it work its way in, and then your body will start talking to you. All you have to do is just like vacuuming your house, in straight lines left to right. Make sure you start to move with the same amount of weight load left to right using long strokes from one area to the next area. Drop down a little bit, and repeat until you clear the whole area. Eventually, you’ll find a point that’s going to refer right to the front part of the shoulder as well as the trigger points that deal with the top part of the head.

This will actually generate tightness in the front part of your shoulder up into the upper and back of the neck. If you also have upper neck and back tightness, this can help dramatically as well, mainly because you’re getting the shoulder pain to become less tight, allowing more movement. You’ve heard me say it plenty of times. The more movement that you can get, the more blood flow happens. The more blood flow happens, the more you heal.

Now you have to consistently keep that bad boy moving. Keep learning how to move. Then learn how to put it in the action of when you’re lifting up, learning how to move everything. You see how I’m not just picking something up? You would actually have to use your whole entire body, use your core, use many aspects of yourself so that you’re not isolating one area. That is how you have a quick fix for your shoulder. If you have any other questions or comments, please hit me up. I love getting them. Love you. Bye.

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Why our extremities get injured so easily

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m pretty gifted at getting people out of pain because I understand the concept that the body has a protective cycle and a healing cycle. I just need to get you to flip from that protective aspect to the healing aspect. I do that in very innovative and very creative ways of teaching you how to look inward so you can actually shift that aspect of yourself into a more healing state. Today I want to talk to you about why our extremities are more vulnerable to injury. The reason I briefly spoke about in an earlier post I made in the past, where it’s called stability versus mobility, is a humongous principle inside the whole body. Your body is always craving stability. It’s always going to try to make everything very stable, very similar to the Jenga game that we used to play back in the day. If you still play, you know exactly what I’m talking about. In Jenga, as long as there’s something sturdy underneath, the top half starts to waive. You have to make everything as sturdy as possible as you pull out blocks. The body is going to do the same thing, but it’s losing its stability in certain places, so it’s going to make the next thing in line stable.
What does that mean? I’m always talking about foundations. Your feet, your hips, and your shoulder glide are three major foundations in the body. If your feet are not in line, it’s going to make the next thing sturdy, which is going to be your ankles; your ankles are supposed to be a movable joint. Then, if that’s not working properly, it’s going to stabilize your ankle and make your knees stable, which is already supposed to be stable, so it’s extra stability. It then begins to lock your knees. When we talk about losing flexibility and not moving a joint properly, it’s based off a concept of stability versus mobility. You have to get the thing underneath it to become a nice stable object so you can get the object above it to become more movable.

How that translates to our extremities being more vulnerable is because your extremities have the weak link of the hinge joint, like your knees and our elbows. The more pressure that we put on those areas, the more your body going to say “All right, this is not stable. It’s not supposed to do this type of movement.” It’s going to begin to stabilize it. Our job now is to open that up and start practicing in a fluid motion and using our muscle tissues properly. What I want you to realize is that if I were to pick up a weight, like a kettle bell, and I lift it out in front of me, I’m going to use a ton of muscle fibers in my arm. If my body’s not strong enough to lift it up, it’s going to cheat by locking up my neck.
But instead, another thing that you can do to fight this is actually bring all the weight as close as possible and lift with your entire body. By lifting with my body, this 15 pound weight became really easy because I have everything working together, rather than just my shoulder. That’s going to be the key to you understanding why your extremities are more vulnerable because there are more things that you do way out in front of you, especially with your knees. If you’re reaching out to walk, and your heel is striking, your knees and everything are not going to be able to hold the weight load, so your body is going to stabilize the area, which is not going to allow the movement that needs to move. You’re going to be cramming things together.
I want you to really pay attention to how you’re lifting things. Even if you’re bending your knees and protecting your back, if you don’t use your body as a unit, your bicep is going to work extremely hard. Forcing that bicep tendon, which is the tendon that’s right in front of your shoulder that runs through a thin little groove, makes it start to swell because of all the extra effort you’re doing. Now, we’re just talking about maybe lifting up your kids consistently. Maybe lifting up a small little dumbbell. A cup of coffee. All these little things you can be using your arms way too much, which is just going to add in more and more stress to the extremity that you’re using whether it be your knees, your legs, or your arms. Your extremities are more vulnerable because you are out there reaching out all the time and using more muscle fibers. More muscle fibers gain strength, and it starts to build stronger tendons. That tendon will no longer fit inside the groove that it needs to fit into or the tendons around the hip socket itself will start to adhere and lock the hip joint together. Then, you’ll lose hip range of motion, and then you’ll lose shoulder range of motion, which then stalls out the whole.
Your extremities are very vulnerable. You have to start realizing that you have to use your extremities with the rest of his body. That’s a whole another topic all on its own, but you have to realize that your extremities are more vulnerable. The way you start to counter that is by bringing the world closer to you until you’re able to hold things out in front of you because you actually have the strength to do so without cheating. Anybody can hold a kettle bell out in front of them, but what will happen is they’ll lift up and they’ll jack up their shoulder. That is a problem. That’s where a majority of the world messes up. I see a lot of shoulder cases because they don’t recognize that when they lift up a cup of coffee, they’re doing this to lift up the coffee. When they lift up their arms, they’re doing this. They don’t even need to mangle the weight load because their body’s so used to using so much strength.
Back in the day, I called this killing an ant with a sledgehammer with all your might; you’re just lifting up a cup of coffee. You don’t have to use all of your muscle strength to lift up something little. You can do things with ease and grace. Shoulders down and everything moving the way it’s supposed to. If you have any questions on why your arms or your extremities are more vulnerable, please hit me up. This is actually a good one to end the season, and it’s almost the end of the year. I can’t believe it. If you guys have any questions, please keep on coming in. I love talking with you. Until next time, bye.



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Why being a weirdo helps me eliminate pain

What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I am pretty gifted at getting people out of pain because I understand the concept that there are two phases in the body. It’s in a protective phase or a healing phase. All I have to do is get you in that healing phase, and your body does what it naturally does: Heal. I create innovative ways to get you to heal by getting you to focus inward, which brings you into that healing phase. Today, I want to talk to you about how much of a weirdo I am and how much I love aspects of me, which is partly weird. My beloved clients that know me well call me weirdo all the time, and I actually smile. It took me awhile to get used to it, but I enjoy it because what makes me a weirdo is why I’m so good at what I do. I believe everyone has this aspect of them inside themselves; I just embrace mine. Everyone has the different voices in their heads. You just have to learn how to not let them control you because then you will be quite crazy, nutty in the head, and that’s not good.

I embrace my weirdo side because I embrace the other voices in my head; the more you do that, the faster and better your life is going to become because all those voices in your head is not to trick you, not to mess with you, not to make you think something’s wrong. It will give you different opinions, different aspects of who you truly are in the situation that you’re in.

A lot of people don’t realize that these other voices in your head are part of you. There’s a masculine side of you. There’s a feminine side. There’s your higher self. There’s your lower self. There’s your evil person. There’s your nice person. There’s the right and wrong aspects of you. There’s so many different conversations going on in your head. The more you can actually utilize those people, the better you’re going to be able to decipher a situation.

How does that line up with pain-free living? It’s part of the concept of a pain-free mindset. The more you can actually hear all the different voices in your head, the more you’ll realize that you’re doing more negative talk than positive talk. Let’s say you have a knee issue or a shoulder issue, and you’re always saying, “Oh my God, it’s not getting better. Oh my goodness, this sucks because I’m always in pain.” You’re not realizing that there’s a change that’s happening. Your body’s always changing, and it’s always progressing, whether it be very, very small or humongous chunks. Healing. I’ve said this countless times. Healing is not the happy-go-lucky feeling that people think it is. It’s quite barbaric. There’s not always a happy feeling that comes when your body is healing.

You have to realize those negative voices that you hear and are giving power to are actually slowing down the process. If you learn how to see that and just shift it to the positive side, your body is now going to listen to the right people that say inside your head. Your body’s going to shift into that healing zone. That stays. It’s all about just learning how to not listen the bad person, the woe-is-me, the victim, and start listening to the person that’s the conqueror, the more empowered voices, the person that’s going to help the progress. “Yes, my knee hurts now, but I’m doing my stretches that I need to do. I’m doing the visits with my therapist that I need to do. I’m seeing Patrick. I’m doing all the things that helps my knee, and my knee used to be like pain and can’t move. Now, it’s moving at least.”

It’s progressing. That is the purpose of listening to the different voices in your head. The more access you have to those other people in a controlled manner, the more you can actually bounce things off of yourself, and the more different ways you’re going to be able to solve a problem. Your brain is a problem-solving device. If you allow it to hit infinite possibilities, it will start bouncing different ways out.

Now I’m giving you a clue on how to utilize your different voices in your head. Every different way of solving a problem is a different voice, a different aspect of yourself. It’s a different way of solving a problem. It’s going to come with a different voice, a different sound, a different feel. It all works together. You just have to learn which one is your good guy, your bad guy, your masculine, your feminine, your higher self, your lower self, your rights, your wrongs, evil, devil, whatever you want to call it, all these different aspects of yourself. You’re going to start learning how to utilize it, and then whatever situation you’re in, whether it be pain, whether it be financial, whether it be mental, whether it be emotional, those people are there to help you. Allow them to help you. Okay?

If you need anything else, give me a holler. Always, always love the questions that I’m getting. Until next time. See you later.


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Strengthening muscles is different from conditioning muscles for pain relief

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com; I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. I’ve been creating some pretty innovative ways to get you guys to learn how to heal. I’m feeling pretty good about that because I’m getting great responses from all of you. What I’m here to talk about today is realizing the difference between conditioning a muscle and strengthening a muscle. Once you understand the difference between the two, you’ll start being able to rehab yourself properly.

When you are injured, your body will try to constrict movement so it doesn’t hurt itself further. If it constricts itself long enough, you’ll get muscle atrophy, like a withering effect almost dying away. On the short term, you’ll start getting the muscles to bind causing you to not move well. I had a knee injury case that come in; she wanted to rehab herself, and she started realizing that she was on the bike all the time, but she was not getting any stronger. I had to get her to realize that when you’re on the bike and you’re doing something repetitive in that way, your body is actually conditioning the muscle tissue that it already has access to, not building more muscle fibers to get stronger.

If you do this all the time, your body is conditioning itself to do this, and you’re only going to condition the muscle tissues you already have access to. Earlier, I think, maybe a month ago, I did a video tip on you having to stress yourself in going to a safe place of challenging yourself for your body to change, and that’s where strengthening happens. You have to safely challenge yourself by giving it something to restrict against. You have to really push that muscle tissue to understand that it can’t push anymore and that it needs to recruit more muscle fibers, so that’s when muscle tissue starts to tear slightly to start getting more access to more muscle tissue, and that’s where you start to really grow.

It’s really, really easy. I wanted to do this in the gym, but I realize not everyone has a gym inside the house; however, it’s easy enough to get a band, and everybody has a door. You just have to put the band around the doorknob on the inside and close the door, and now you have an instant restriction. That’s what’s the key component is. Your body needs to feel the resistance of it. If I want to work with my bicep or my quad, I would wrap this around my ankle, sit down in a chair facing away from the door, and start doing the quad action, which is straightening the leg from a bent position with resistance, and it needs to be at a pace where your body needs to work, so very slowly.

When you try this you’ll probably try to say, “You need a bunch of resistance,” and you don’t. That’s how you tear too much muscle tissue, and that’s no longer in the safe zone. Your body is going to shred too much, and that’s when people can’t put down their arms or can’t move properly. You have to take your time with it, and you have to remember that conditioning comes first then strengthening. Once you get to the point of strengthening, build that strength, just to get back to conditioning that new place of being. That’s how you safely build a functional body.

Condition, strengthen, and recondition so you consistently keep that strength going. That’s what you have to do when you work with an injury. Condition it to move; strengthen it. After you strengthen it, condition that new area so you’re that much better, and you won’t hurt yourself again later doing the same exact action. Hopefully this helps, folks. Until the next time, bye.