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Trigger pointing Errectors for Low back pain

In this 7 minute video, I will discuss how to properly trigger point low back to eliminate pain in the errectors. This is  the muscles that surround your spine and keeps you standing upright. The errectors can be too tight because of overcorrection like forcing good posture or your abdominals are too tight which forces them to work too hard. so if you struggle with low back issues take a look at another aspect in fixing that issue.

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Advanced exercise foam rolling for low back

In this 7 minute video, I will discuss how to foam roll low back and what not to do. Many people foam roll lower back but make many simple mistakes all because they do not use their core properly. This is a good place to start getting your low back fascia to move will increase movement throughout the body and possibly eliminate many random pains you have.

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The second way to clear your Glute for hip pain

In this 5 minute video I will discuss how to properly clear your glute using trigger point therapy to take care of hip pain.



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Is it a muscular issue or structural issue regaurding knee pain

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m an intuitive healer, and I have a pain-free concierge practice. It’s all based on my live pain-free process, and it works wonders on optimizing athletic performance, but I made it for people to live and move pain-free; mainly because it gives you a step-by-step process on how to eliminate your pain physically. It gives you a walk-through on what you need to do to balance your mental aspect, as well as balancing your emotional aspect, and combining all three of those make you that much better of a human, hence, optimizing athletic performance. We are in month three, March, knee pain. We’re giving you a pain-free mind-set for knee pain. That’s what we’re going to be working on today.

The pain-free mindset for knee pain is all about understanding that you have to sit in the soup. A strong pain-free mindset is all about persevering through everything that you need to go through, which means that you have to sit there and ask what’s really going on. What’s going on emotionally, what’s going on physically, what’s going on mentally. All three of those play a role in your role in your body, communicating that you have pain.

Pain-free mindset for knee pain is all about sitting in the soup. This is going to be a little tricky, because the knee pain has some emotional aspects to it, but I see more of an issue with people when they flip-flop if they should have surgery, if it is a structural issue, or if it is a muscular issue, and do nothing. We are going to explore an example that’s the middle ground  a floating body inside your knee.

Your knee pretty much runs like a door hinge.  It opens and closes, but when a floating body gets too close, it crunches and gets stuck as you start to flex and extend. A floating body is when the cushion that pads the knee, which is your meniscus, starts to shred away because you’re already too muscularly tight, and you’re grinding away at it. Your meniscus starts to shred, and then tears away. If, by chance, one of those shreds float away into the joint capsule, what then happens is, as you are walking around, a nice little piece gets stuck in between the two joints and clamps down. Your body protects itself, and it doesn’t want to move anymore, so your knee buckles, your knee stops. It eventually moves away, and then you’re able to go. Now, that’s a structural issue, as well as a muscular issue. That’s why I’m using this one as an example; a lot of people go through this, and they’re like, “Oh, man! I have a meniscus tear. Should I go get it fixed? Should I not?”

What I want you to understand within the pain-free mind-set for knee pain is: yes, you have a structural issue, but when you have pain, you actually have a muscular issue. If you clean up that muscular issue, you start to gap the joint a little bit more, and then you’re able to move better. If that floating body does come in contact, it’s not going to be anywhere near as bad as if you’re grinding already, and it’s moving through it and grinds on it.

The name of the game is; understand, if I can’t get it fixed run with not getting surgery or rehab, the decision of it is structural or muscular. If it’s something minor, and you want to stop it so you don’t need surgery, you have to understand that every single time that happens, your body will clam shut.

You have to do all the work, rehab-wise, that a person would do after knee pain for this. That’s how big I want you to make this because, eventually, if you don’t take it that seriously, you’re going to need surgery, and then you’re going to need to do it anyway. If you do it now, and you start focusing on it now, your body will start to gap more.

It’s the same thing when I work with arthritis cases. Arthritis cases are bone-on-bone. They don’t have synovial fluid to cushion anything, but when the bone stops rubbing itself, and it calms down inflammatory wise, it no longer talks. It just doesn’t have that synovial fluid to stop the grinding. If you get the muscle tissues to actively gap the surface, you no longer have severe arthritis pain. It actually feels fine, but you don’t have that slow-motion kick.

Same thing here: if you work with the knee, like you’re working with the calf and with the hip, you can gap it well enough to get the knee to function better.  You need to work with all these structures that are going to naturally get your knee to make it a hinge-joint again so it makes it a stable object. If you remember in the first set of videos stability versus mobility, the ankle needs to be a movable object first. Then, your knee becomes a stable object. If your knee is trying to be movable, it’s doing all sorts of grinding and moving around, that’s your humongous problem. You’ll have to re-arrange that, so look for help with that.

Then, you have to start getting the quad to be the quad and not grabbing the knee, pulling the knee up on itself, grinding itself. Then you have to get the calf to work. These are all the things that we are going to be working with in the rest of the weeks, but that’s where I want you to focus with the pain-free mind-set for knee pain. Sit with it. Decide, do I want to get surgery, or do I not, and if I don’t want to get surgery, I know every single time that happens I have to go do some major stuff to get everything to start functioning right.

Take it seriously, so it doesn’t progress any further, and make it into a routine, so you don’t have to worry about when it happens because when it happens you’re already too late. Do it on a consistent basis, and it’s no longer a chore. If you haven’t looked at the pain-free zone, please look at that. That has a lot of videos that eliminate a lot of your pain, as well as the free pdf on “Forty Ways to Eliminate Pain.” Look at that as well. Until next time, see you later! Bye.



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