"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 [email protected]

Clearing upper back pain with trigger point therapy

I will be discussing the next practical action step you can do to calm the upper back pain. Many of my clients love using trigger point because it has the fastest and the most tangible. It has a way of getting the body to move better and make you feel like you have done something to help the cause of that good bad sensation you feel. Watch this 5-minute video gets a better understanding of how to clear up some upper back pain.


More Of My Secrets Revealed

Patrick discusses what the second level of the live pain-free process, and how it has helped many people begin the journey to living and moving pain-free.


Get a free PDF on 40 natural ways to eliminate pain go to:
For other pain relief videos go to:
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Regaining your low back using stretching


In this 6 minute video, I will discuss how to begin to stretch your low back, specifical rotation by tapping into a life pattern.

Get a free PDF on 40 natural ways to eliminate pain go to:
For other pain relief videos go to:
For a complete injury prevention system please go to: