What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I have a pain free concierge service, and it’s been doing some magical things in the concept of showing people how to live and move pain free. I’ve been doing it with my Live Pain-Free process as the tool of choice. I designed it to teach people how to balance themselves emotionally, to be aware of what’s happening within themselves. I also show people how to do the same in the mental world by clarifying their mind and get clearer visions inside their heads. Balancing out the physical is where I started, using the core three, foam roll, trigger point, and stretching, and it’s done some magical things. Last week, we spoke about the concept of putting yourself first and making a choice. I realize that I forgot one aspect. It needs to be a lifestyle.
Once you choose this, it’s not a chore, something you do now and then. It needs to be a lifestyle. There are so many different concepts that I want you to think about in the world of priorities. Once you make something a lifestyle, you can not do it in dribs and drabs. It incorporates everything in your life. It shifts, it weaves its way into your heart and soul.
The big thing that you want to realize is there’s always eyes on you. Those eyes might come in the form of a child learning from you and not even realize they’re learning from you. I have a three-month-old. All she does is look. She doesn’t talk. She just looks and sees how the world is. That’s starting the internal programming that’s going to govern her life. If she sees me running around crazy, unfocused, screaming at kids and never really smiling. Never really doing anything that’s making myself happy, that will be the only thing she sees, it will become her world.
You need to realize there’s always eyes watching. When you’re walking down the street, through a parking lot, what’s the image on your face? When people look at you, what will they be saying, “Oh that guys happy”?
Here is a good funny story
I walked into a local store to get a gift certificate. I happened to find parking; it’s called prime real estate in my family, find some prime real estate in front the store. I had some music on. Singing and dancing are one of my favorites go-to tools to stay happy. I always have music on, and I just found this great station on Pandora called “Jock Jams.”
I’m listening to old school stuff that I used to dance out to back in the day.I jump out the car, and I’m still singing putting my money in the meter, I walking into the place, and the host just looks at me, and says, “Wow. You’re in a good mood.” I said, “That’s what’s up. You know why?” I showed her what I was listening too. Her response was “Oh Jock Jams. Here goes another one I listen to, hip-hop barbecue
That whole interaction happened because I was listening and I was jamming, I was having fun, I guarantee you I changed their day, and they influenced my day. It’s an infinite cycle of feeding people upwards, all because I had a smile on my face and I was ready to engage and have some fun. It’s my lifestyle.
That’s what I want for you guys to start shifting and thinking about, but it doesn’t happen like that. It takes small itsy bitsy steps. I want you to realize that. Don’t say; I’m just going to shift into making just being happy a lifestyle.” You can’t do that. It’s almost like quitting cold turkey. It’s a pain in the butt, but if you make small steps, it happens without you even knowing. That’s the name of the game. Make the small steps that make things easy for you. I have a pain free process to do it.
If you want some help, I have a 40 ways to get yourself to heal PDF. All you have to do is look at it and start doing each one of those things now and then and you’ll be surprised what your body would do get a smile on your face, to get healing, to get your body to shift and go upwards. Look at the PDF. Do something about it.
What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I have a pain free concierge service that does miraculous things bringing people back out of a painful situation, back out of physical pain, mental pain as well as emotional pain. I do that using my Live Pain-Free Process that gives you actual tools and a plan to bring yourself back to a youthful state, back into a clearer mindset as well as a stable emotional state. Today what we’re going to be talking about is how I pulled myself out of depression fast. I wouldn’t call it a full blown depression per se, but believe it or not, I do have a lot of depressive qualities that could put me into a depressive state fast. I learned early on in my life that I could not let that happen at all cost. Today what I want to talk to you about is how I got out of depression fast.
First things first, depression in my eyes is an inward cycle of looking within yourself. Also being super critical on what’s happening within yourself. It is not just about being negative to yourself but hypercritical about what’s happening in your life. Whatever the case may be, that’s going to put you in a downward spiral. That downward spiral keeps you in a depressed state.What you have to do is break that spiral and then work your way back up.
I broke this cycle ridiculously fast, and that’s why I was able to break my depression. I caught it early. Catching the downward spiral is the first thing I want you to realize. The reason why I broke it early is that I know myself. I know what makes me tick I’m aware of these qualities.
I understand how I feel at all times and what’s happening within myself. That means I have benchmarks of where I am energetically, is this a good place or a bad place, as well how much energy do I have left. I’m talking about emotional energy when I’m looking at myself.
Two, what you have to do is learn the things that you need to do to break that cycle.
The way that I learned about myself in this instance is I had a hand analysis was done that told me I had this trait. Whenever I use a specific attribute, whichI’m really good at, I can take on these emotions that can overtake me. I have to be happy consistently, and on top of myself, so I can consistently have an upward spiral.
If something does take me down, I don’t go below that energy benchmark. I want you to start looking at yourself, feeling where you are so you can start making those benchmarks. Number two, what are the things that get you out? What normally get me out of a state is me doing things physically, me getting more verbal affirmations, all these different things that feed me and make me happy. I know what makes me happy, so it’s easy for me to say, “I can do this. Knowing exactly the things that make me happy. I can do those things.
Here is the twist in the story
Number one, I caught myself early. Number two, I started applying those things that make me feel better remarkably fast. This is the fun part of the story. None of those things were working. That’s where everything took a turn for the worse because I did go below my standard of energetic, emotional living, and I knew I was going down. If you make it to this place, you have to work your way through it.Don’t try to stop it. Work your way through the process because once you’re in it, you’re in it. You have to work through it because if you keep on trying to put the brakes on, you’re slowing down and you’re staying in that place. Don’t. It’s very hard to get out once you lose momentum.
I had to now instead of being an introvert; work my way into being extremely extroverted. I had to do something in an adrenaline fashion.I was lucky enough to have a bad storm passing through my area. It wasn’t snowy, it wasn’t bad, but we had high winds, we had a lot of rain, it was hard to see. It took a lot of me to look outward and say, “I am here, I’m present, and I need to be looking out.” That got me to shift the energetic aspect using my adrenaline, using my foresight to see what needs to happen.
Knowing where you are and pushing through something external is what broke my cycle. Then all those other actions I used prior started working. Me being with my family, me doing things with my family is what normally breaks everything. Once I did those things, snap, just like that. The key thing is I caught myself early and started doing my troubleshooting rather quickly. If you don’t do that, you lose. You’re going to be pulling at straws, and you’re going to be trying to do everything that you can do rather than sequencing it, seeing what’s working.
Lets recap
Number one, catch it early. Number two, know yourself well enough that I know what makes me happy. Breaking depression is not just random, it is using specifics. I know if kissing my wife makes me happy, hugging my wife makes me happy, sitting down on the couch makes me happy. All those things, do those things. Number three, if those things are not working, look at a different source. Look at how you can break that internal, introvert aspect into an extrovert aspect. Do something outside, physical, that’s going to get your body pumped. We’re not talking about just go out for a jog. It has to be a hard jog, something that’s going to force your body to shift. That’s the name of the game.
That’s learning how to live and move pain-free because problems are bound to happen. If you don’t think you are going to have problems, you’ve got another thing coming because then you’ll get problems and don’t know what to do with it. I expect it, so I watch for it, and I clean it up extremely fast.
Leave your thoughts on the subject. Love to hear your feedback. Until next time, later.
What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy and I have a pain-free concierge service that I am loving doing, and I’m having so much fun doing it because I get to see people come out of their light. The pain-free concierge service brings out the best version of you. It brings out the best version because I’m not just doing one thing. I’m doing many, many things to help you see you better, get in touch with you better. This practice is not just about, “Ow. My elbow hurts,” anymore; It’s so much more. I’m doing it with my Live Pain-Free Process, which gives you the tools you need to deal with things in the physical world. Gives you tools to deal with things in the mental world. If you’re overthinking things, how you’re overthinking things, or you’re not thinking things at all. You do not see things whatsoever. As well as it gives you the tools to deal with things on the emotional level to balance you out. To give you a stable emotional place to think about things. Now, what we’re going to be dealing with today is all about sciatic pain. Sciatic pain, we’re going to be telling you the quick ‘whats‘ about what’s happening here. So many people know about the sciatic pain that it runs from the butt cheek all the way down the leg or both legs. What I want to show you it’s not always about the sciatic nerve.
On The Pain-Free Mindset, which I’m reading right out my book that will be the outline for the actual book. “Sciatic Pain, the ‘why’ behind sciatic pain could be many things, a lot of it behind being hypercritical and having a fear around the future issues as well as money issues, so think about it this way. “Anything that’s going to make you pucker your butt,” like, “I don’t know what to do with a particular move. I don’t know what to do about this job offer, I don’t know what to do about anything,” is going to pull up your pelvic floor, tighten up that whole area up and then you can grab your sciatic nerve, so that’s one aspect.
Being hypercritical is another aspect. Having these such high unbreakable beliefs, sometimes even moral things might sound like “I am not doing this.” I remember when I dealt with a very, very brief sciatic pain. When I was in massage school, and I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t have any money to get back upstate. I lived in Jersey, and I needed to drive back and forth upstate, and I didn’t have enough money. I was talking with a friend, and she said, “You know what, why don’t you just get a job at McDonald’s?” and my pride got in the way. I was like, “No. I’m never working at McDonald’s. Never doing this, never doing that,” and I got my face smacked and I paid the price. My butt started hurting because I had my pride. My belief structure system was challenged. I felt like “I’m better than this.”
That is a humongous thing. Once you start putting yourself on a pedestal saying, ” I don’t want to move here. I’m better than this person. I’m better than this job,” your body’s going to respond. Not saying this is good or bad, I’m just saying there are pros and cons to everything so take that in line. That is your ‘why.’
The next thing is you have to start realizing what your body’s up to in the low back. It could be pinching things at the sciatic nerve through the piriformis. Which is the real go-to one, but I want to get you to realize that we don’t want to focus on one thing. I want to focus on the whole area, get your back to learn how to flex as well as extend as well as get your sacrum to stop compressing because your sciatic nerve is only one of the many nerves that can cause those pains.
You have to understand, your sciatic nerve runs through holes in your sacrum and runs downs all the way down the leg. That’s what everybody knows and the know the piriformis muscle can trap that nerve. What you don’t hear about is, all the other nerves that run alongside, up through the glute, in superficial layers all the way to the sacrum. All those areas can be entraped and get the same sensations down the leg. Maybe not as streamlined, but you can be so focus so hypercritical by saying, “I have sciatic pain,” that you forget about everything else.
What I want to start saying is that “I have an issue in my glute and my low back.” To clean that up what you have to now is deal with it as a lower leg issue, an upper leg issue, a hip issue and a low back issue. So many people go to PTs, go to a massage therapist, and they just work one specific area. They just work with the glute. They just work with the hamstring, and they forget there are laws and principles to everything. You have to realize you have to work on something on the front of the body as well as something on the back of the body because it’s by law if something on the front of the body turns on, something on the back of the body has to turn off so your body can do it.
Here another way to look at this
If your butt is like locked up, the front part of your body’s going to fight, fight, fight; this is the offside. We live in a society that’s anteriorly driven. We sit a lot, making the body to crunch shut. This constant need to tighten the front part o your body going to win over your butt. Which is going to make your butt fight harder which makes your piriformis or you’re sciatic, whatever is catching work that much harder and scream that much louder. Let alone that the driving force could be you having these high beliefs, high moral standards, which are great. But that could be one of the many things happening at a given moment. You could have this fear of money, fear of a big move that will change your life, all this other stuff that is driving you to curl up into a ball because that’s what happens when you’re in a fight or flight position. Your body wants to protect all of this. You have to get this to get undone, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about next time. We’re going to have to un-wire what’s happening in the emotional place, get you limbic system to spool down and get you to see an answer to the problem that you’re having using your frontal lobe.
Now I’m talking real quick. We are going to have to get you to spool down your central nervous system. Get blood flow to your frontal lobe, so you can correct the problem that you have all. We will do this using a tapping sequence, going through what’s happening and then sitting there and saying, “What is a different way I can see this? What is my vantage point now?” Then I will take you through the core three and show you where to foam roll, how to trigger point run, how to stretch, all this win uncompressing the sacrum, getting your spinal rotation back as well as your flex and extension.
If you have a bulge or herniation, the process does not change, but your body awareness needs to be really good to do everything. It comes down to how you are doing the action not what action to do. Remember all therapies work because all we’re doing is getting the body to heal itself by getting the fight or flight system to spool down, and you see an answer to your problem.
That’s all we’re going to do, so now is going to be humongous. Next week I’m going to open it up. I’m going to allow you to buy it and do whatever you want with it and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at who had the sciatic pain, and we’re going to talk with them. We’re going to have a little chat and we’ll have a Q and A. That’s what’s up. That’s what we’re going to do, so until next week, keep on hitting me up. I love it, and I’ll see you next week. Later.
What’s up? Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy and I own a pain-free concierge service that helps people bring out the best versions of themselves. I do that through my live pain-free process that I created that’s designed to give you the tools that you need to deal with things on a physical level. Which gets you a clearer, more powerful, mindset, so you mentally can challenge, tackle all the things that challenge you. As well as keeping you emotionally sound, so you can always respond to the things that are happening to you, so you no longer get sideswiped by pain. You’ll see it coming, emotionally, you feel it. Mentally, you see it clearly so you can go through it. Physically, you learn how to deal with it.
It is 2017, guys, and I’m ridiculously excited to say so much to you because I have so many things I want to do and I’ve realized a couple of things going through my 2016, in looking at all the things that I did. It was humongous. 2016 was huge, and I loved every second of it. I would say this if you know me well, and you are a client, you’ve heard me say all the time, convenience is a silent killer. Last year was not convenient for me, what so ever, but I thrived. I did so much because I challenged myself because I lived my process. I bought a house, guys. I had a kid. I launched my concierge service that’s doing so well, so well that I now have a full practice, where before, I never had that.
In the hardest year of my life, I filled my practice while having a kid and buying a house and who knows how I did all that? All because I lived what I’m trying to teach you guys. I lived it, and I loved every second of it. I realized one thing. It took me a second as I was taking my new year’s drink, I was just like, how am I supposed to top last year? What I realized is I did them all on the personal level. I did all these things for me, and what I’m going to do this year is flip it. I will focus on my impacted on your lives now. I’m going to give you so much more content, so much more things. I challenged everything this year, and what’s cool is, I have a brand new theme for this year. Last year was all about giving you tools and the what to do with pain. Like how you clean up an ankle issue, a knee issue, a hip issue, a back issue. I was giving you the tools that you need. I gave you all those things.
If you haven’t been following me and this is your first time, look through all last year because all last year gives you the ones and twos on how to clear up everything, all by month. Star with January and you’re going to see in January I went from ankle, then to the knee, and went all the way up the body month by month. It’s relatively easy to follow so if you have an issue, look there, and that’ll give you some tangible tools to go after. What I’m now doing, what’s going to change things, is the fact I’m going to show you how to take care of yourself. Rather than giving you things to do, I’m going to show you exactly how in all levels.
Just like in my live pain-free process, guys. I have a whole manual, a whole book and another goal I’m going to have is I’m going to write a book this year. This year’s going to be powerful. It’s going to be ridiculous on the things I’m going to accomplish; right. I want to give everything to you. I’m changing this whole aspect of how I’m doing things. Instead of just showing you what to do, what to do, I’m going to walk you through things and hold myself accountable, and you because honestly I can’t help anybody anymore personally because I have a full practice. What I’m going to do is I’m going to offer a bunch of different how to heal video tutorials. I’m going to show you how to do things. How to do it, like the say goes teach a man how to fish.
The way I’m going to do it is, I’m going to have four weeks to work with you, The first week, I show you exactly what you need to do based off of an issue. January is all about sciatic pain. I had a client come up to me, and he’s like, “Oh I have this sciatic issue that comes up, ebbs and flows, ebbs and flows and never goes away. It’s chronic. It happens when I sleep but then it goes away, comes back, so on and so forth.” I’m going to help him directly through these videos based off of his issues and the things that he’s told me.
Week one is, we’ll break down the pain-free mindset. Tell you things on what to do emotionally. Tell you what to in the mental aspect. Week two, I’m going to tell you what you need to do in the physical world, in all the core three, foam rolling, trigger point and stretching, which is the core three for the live pain-free process, and I’m going to show you a couple of exercises. I am not a personal trainer, guys. What I’m going to show you are things to balance out your body based off of how your body responds, how your body’s supposed to do things, so when you do work out, you look for these things. The exercises are just to get you stable, get your body processing the proper movements, rather than a protective aspect. It’s all about getting you out of that fight or flight response and into a healing cycle. I’m going to show you things to do on the core three, as well as some things in the gym.
Then the third week, I will offer you exactly how to do it. I’m going to open up my shopping cart, and you guys can just buy it and run off with it. It’s going to be a small charge for all my subscribers, and it’s going to be everything you need. I’m going to be showing you topic. I’m going to be showing you things to deal with the emotional aspect, which is the EFT world. I’m going to show you how to do things on the mental aspect, to see things, to plan things, to how your body’s going to respond when you start doing these different things.
Then, I’m going to show you also what to do on the physical side. I’m going to be dealing all three of those things; I’m just going to hand it to you. With the case study, I’m also going to have real live people doing this. I’m going to, on the first week, I’m going to allow you to email me and give me your issue. I’ll email you back a form. You’re going to tell me what’s happening, how long it’s been going on, what you’ve been trying, what’s working, and what’s not. Five easy questions and I’m going to give everything that you need in the frequent weeks. If I need to call you, I’ll even call you. I’m going to open this up like a hotline, Opening up like this is putting me, the process, to a whole other level. It’s going to open it up to so much more, but I need your participation. I need you to email me. You guys email me in the past so this is not any different, but now I’m holding you to it because I’m going to hold you accountable. In the past, I just told you what to do, and if you did or not, I would never know.
Now, I’m going to say, “How did you do? How well did you do?” Hold yourself accountable. This is going to be so sweet. I can not wait. This year’s going to be powerful because I’m opening this up into the concept of, real life, clinical studies, with a Q and A. I’m super, super excited and the theme for this year is Patrick’s going to teach you how to take care of yourself. Not what to do, but how to take care of yourself, mentally, emotionally, physically, mindset, everything in heart realm. Oh, you guys going to love it. I’m excited this year and next week we start taking apart the world of sciatic pain. Guys, please start emailing me your issues at [email protected] because I’m only going to pick one person a month, and then in week four, I tell you what we’re going to do and how we’re going to work it out. That is only 11 more spots open for this all right? So let’s get working later.
All this month I have been talking about neck pain and this week’s tip is all about regaining motion back in your neck. If you have not seen the first video, on understanding neck pain , the second video was an intro to tapping for neck pain, and the third was trigger point specific muscles to decrease neck pain. Please click on the links and watch them, it is important for you to see the sequence of events to get your body to allow the neck issue to go away quickly. Many people make that mistake and just go after a physical condition blindly without understanding other reason you could be having neck pain.
This week is about regaining the motion back in your neck from either pain or a locked position. once you find out the other things that have happened in your world, you will need to take down the contractile or tonality of the neck. Remember it is being protective for a reason so the next step needs to be at slow and very much so safe for you. If you feel big resistance please stop. Breathing is another key component to this whole thing working if you don’t breathe in the right place in your body you will not get the stretch you are looking for.
So the way you regain motion in your neck is to lock your shoulders down by grabbing you elbows or your wrists and holding them down behind your back. Using an upper breath, breathe in deep so your chest and lower neck scalenes begin to expand. This stretches the area around your 1st rib which is important to regaining that motion we are looking for. Please watch the video for next step in the process.
Use these three muscles to trigger point for neck pain reduction. The month of November has been all about neck pain week one was about a pain-free mindset toward neck pain, if you have not seen it start there, click here. It covers the bigger concept of why you might be having neck pain.
Using EFT to clear up neck pain
The second week was a new way to cut and eliminate pain using EFT which stands for Emotional freedom technique. This tapping video will get you think more about the things you are allowing in and affecting you. It will also get you to see how to tap and speak to yourself appropriately. Click here to watch week 2.
This week is about trigger pointing you serratus posterior superior, sternocleidomastoid, and your suboccipital which are located on the back of your head where it meets your neck. These muscles generate tension in the upper back and neck. By breaking this tension is the way to eliminate one of the muscular cause of neck pain.