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Are You Fighting Fight-or-Flight and making it hard to heal?

Why Self- Care is Hard to Do




What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy, and I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain-Free Process. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. You have to learn how to use the connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and efficiently. Today, what we’re going to be talking about is why it is so hard to eliminate pain and do your self-care. I’m going to take it from two standpoints. The way the body works is this: the body receives different electrical signals. Once it has that electrical signal, its goes into to the brain where it is processed as “Fight-or-flight” or “This is cool.” When you’re a therapist working on another person, it’s completely different than you working on yourself because you are not going through what that person is feeling and not raising any red flags for flight or flight. If that person is in pain, they have to understand what’s happening in their body. When this happens inside your body, it becomes extremely hard because once your fight-or-flight mechanism rears its ugly head — and it does all the time — it’s something that you’ll never be able to stop. You just have to understand it’s there, and then you have to take it down. You can never stop it from happening, so I want you to understand this: the reason why it’s so hard is because you never take down the veil of the fight-or-flight mechanism; you try to work through it.  In the people that work out really hard, the people that do all these long runs and they don’t realize that they’re doing it at a comfortable pace, the fight-or-flight mechanism comes in. Once that comes in, unless you take it down and/or you slow it down, your body’s always going to fight anything you 100% of the time.


Let’s talk about what you have to do. You have to understand that once you’re in pain, you must calm down. If you’re a therapist treating another person, that person has to calm down first, and your work will be cut in half. They have to bring that fight-or-flight mechanism down before the therapist can do anything well. Flip that around; if you’re a therapist or a person doing your own self-care, it’s completely different. Now it’s your fight-of-flight mechanism. To top it off, if you’re a therapist, it becomes that much harder because your knowledge becomes a hurdle. Understanding a situation becomes something that blocks you because now you understand what is supposed to be happening. You gave the super computer more logical information to defend against you. That’s all that happens, so you have to really understand that you are your own worst enemy.

You get information in the form of energy. Once that happens, it puts it through your filter which is comprised of different experiences you have had, so if you’re experienced in physiology, your brain’s going to be like, “Oh, this is happening because of this specific occurrence,” and you just pigeonholed yourself into one-way of thinking. Saying, “Oh, this is just what’s happening,” Is not very open-minded. What’s going to happen is that you’re going to say, “Now I need to do this because this is what worked for that occurrence,” but it could be something completely different.

So, let’s show you a way to get a different outcome then the traditional way. You say, “I need to do my self-care, whether it be foam rolling, trigger point, yoga, or stretching.” Once your filter gets a hold of what’s happening, that’s when your body’s going to say, “I NEED TO PROTECT myself. Fight-or-flight?” This is where the power struggle begins because this is where you try to do your self- care. This is where we will change our ways.  Think about this. If you’re a parent and you look at a kid fall, you would run over to the kid and say, “Oh my God, are you okay? What happened? How do you feel? What’s going on?” All open questions to get data in.  You’re not going to say, “This happened because of (fill in the blank)” and proceed with the most logically reaction. You’re going to be very, very open and say, “What’s happening?” And then you’re going to say, “All right, you’re okay. You’re okay.” Everyone does it, but we don’t do it to ourselves. We never say to ourselves, “It’s okay. It’s okay, Breathe, bring your heart rate down. Bring that fight-or-flight mechanism down,”  and then do a self-care action. That’s the hard part — breaking that cycle — because we put it through our own filter and our own filters going to mask whatever is happening like saying, I’ve been in this pain before, and I didn’t get out of it easily. It took a long time, so your mind runs crazy instead of just saying, “This is what’s happening now. And I just need to breathe, calm it down. I’m okay, what do I need to do? I need to do this self-care action,” then choose from your tool box of things to do. That’s why it’s so hard; we’re so quick to run something through our filter and then just do something. We miss a complete component, a humongous component of bringing in what’s happening now and saying that you’re okay. Bring down the flight-or-fight mechanism.

So folks, if you’re in pain, you have to remember: bring it down. Okay, folks, if you love it, share it. If you know somebody that’s constantly going through something and they need help, share it with them. If you’re not part of the family, please come on board. I love it. I love all the questions that I’m getting. Please keep on hitting me up. Until next time folks.


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Using cause and effect to build a habit to be pain free



What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body, and we’re going to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly for the long term. In order to do that, you have to understand the balance between the mental, physical, and emotional parts of your body. I get many variations of the question “How am I doing this? What am I doing to stay pain free?  What was my thinking process in doing all of this?” I get these questions a lot, and I love answering them.  Therefore, today is almost like an interview on me.  I want you to realize that what I’ve done and what I’m doing consistently is in line with one real big principle: balance. It’s all about getting your body to balance itself out. If you stop thinking of a quick tool that you can use and start saying, “How can I balance things out?” you’ll start to blend different things. I just really, really started to put it out there in the world that restorative therapy is going to be big because it balances and blends the worlds of Western and Eastern medicines. It blends everything, and we’re right in the middle. It’s not black and white where you have to do one thing or another. This is the world we live in, and there are these two philosophies here that we can use. One nurtures. One fixes things. One manipulates things, and one gets you to see the intricacies. Once you merge them together, there will be results due to the universal principal of cause and effect. Once you start looking at what you’re doing, it’s going to change something. Once you look at that, we’ll change the next thing, and so on.

All I do to stay pain free is focus on the starting point. Let’s say you want to start foam rolling. All you have to do is focus on the first action step toward foam rolling and then be present consistently throughout. For instance, if you say, “I will foam roll at noon,” as long as you are present at noon, you will foam roll. The proper response to your first time foam rolling will more than likely be, “Ah, I hate it. I don’t want to do it.” After a while, you’re going to see a difference in that feeling, and the new saying will sound something like, “Oh I feel better after I am done.” Then you will begin to put it together and say, “Oh wait, I’m starting to not feel good again. Let’s do my foam rolling because it makes me feel better.” As long as you stay present and don’t get bogged with thoughts of, “I have to do this or else,”  everything will progress.”  Or you will start falling apart because you’re no longer present with what counts: you. So to answer the question, “What do I do,” I focus on the laws and principles that the university is constructed by cause and effect. You don’t have to know everything that I know to be pain free. You just have to start realizing what you’re doing and notice the changes your body goes through as you add in things from the Eastern world and the Western world, such as personal training, acupuncture, and herbs.


That’s when things really start to change for the better or for the worst. Sometimes, you might start adding in things, and your body might feel like not so great for a little while. This is because it’s trying to re-balance itself. For instance, everyone talks about cleanses, but if you do a specific cleanse that gets your body to make a big jump, it’s going to eliminate all sorts of toxins. How do you think your toxins are going to get out? Your body has to drop its outward energy level to now deal with the inward issue. When that energy level is down, you’re not going to feel so good, but you have to understand that’s what’s going to happen. After you don’t feel so hot, you will feel amazing.  Understand that once you do something, cause and effect will happen no matter what. Be present and own it.


Own whatever you get because you’re in control of that;  you did this by yourself.  And once you start owning the cause and effect habit, that is where the big difference is made; I made that my habit. Not foam rolling, not finding trigger points, not stretching, not anything else — cause and effect. You have to do that same thing. And once you do that, something’s going to change. The majority of time, owning it and doing it is going to be for the better. It might not be the greatest thing upfront, but when you come out of it, it’s going to be good. So, starting that cleanse, starting that new diet, starting that new workout routine, starting that new movement pattern or concept, and starting new stretching, all these different things might not feel great at first because it’s not your norm, but as your body starts to balance out, it will; you just have to be patient and give it time to do so.


Once that happens, you’ll come out and feel that much better. You just have to stick with it.

Until the next time, bye.


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Handling IT BAND pain using the glute

IT band Part 2


What’s up, everybody? Patrick Le Rouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. We have to use that connectivity to eliminate pain for the long-term and to do it rapidly. The only way to do that is by balancing out the physical, mental, and emotional sides of yourself. What we’re going to be talking about today is gall bladder meridian issues and IT band pain. We spoke about this last week, and on the emotional and physical side, I realized people with this issue are trying to be reined in everything in the outside world. That reining in could be triggering a blockage in that highway system.

This is what you have to do on the physical side.  For IT band pain, I find everyone makes their humongous mistake in my head and my heart, when people go after the IT band head-on. I tell everyone whenever you have a pain, never go after it head-on. You will lose 100% of the time because the body will  allow you to think that you won, so it’s going to calm down in that area for the time being and then flare up even harder later because you never addressed the true reason as to why you have pain in that particular area. So the next time you go after it, the next time it flares up, it’s either even harder to get rid of or you get no response. It just gets madder and madder, and you make it worse by locking it into a little protective little nut that you can’t penetrate and feel because now it’s also defending itself against you using the other musculature around it. It’s trying to hold on for dear life, and it’s very good at it, so you will lose all the time going head-on to an area.

In the restorative therapy world, I have to get my students to acknowledge all the other variables that are in play so they can see the bigger picture, calm it down, and start focusing on what they’re going to do to clean everything up. I also have to get them to realize that their IT band is reacting to something. Find out to what it’s reacting to, what’s guaranteed is the quad, as well as the glute insufficiency. So remember: the gall bladder also protects you from energy from moving outside. If you’re doing a lot of outside activities with lateral movements, you’re going to have a lot of tightness throughout the hips just based off of that alone. So a lot of that action is done by the glute, the side of the hip, right? That is going to be the cause of why your IT band is going to be flaring up in the first place. Go after the glute first. If you get the glute to start working, the IT band doesn’t have much of a reason to really flare up because the glute pulls up on the IT band. So if you stood up, grabbed the side of your pants, and just scrunched them, you’re going to feel your pants pull up right by your knee, almost exactly where people get their knee pain when they have ITB syndrome. You get that pathway to stop, the IT band just calms naturally. So it’s all about getting your glute to start working properly.


There are many trigger points in the glute that runs on the outside of the hip – just one point of the lower glute runs pain outside the hip, starting at IT band. Another one, slightly higher in the hip, runs down the back side of the leg into the calf. Finally, the biggest one is right in gluteus minimus that runs all the way through the whole lateral side of your leg. This one is key; getting to that area simply is not going to happen. You have to work through the big protective, non-sufficient, non-efficient glute. You have to work through those areas, and you have to do that calmly and passively.  So, take your time with this, and I tell people all the time, “If you haven’t gotten to the program, get into the program, and I’ll show you how to do this, what you need to do. Get in there! Right!” All you need is a hand. You just have to take your time to get through that glute and take your time to get into these different worlds of how to affect these areas to get your IT band to clear up. If you start cleaning up the glute, I guarantee you everything else will start relaxing. So folks, if you’re not part of the program and you want to learn all these different aspects, please get involved. If not, it’s okay. It’s fine. I’m not mad at you. Until next time folks, I’ll see you later.

How Your Gallbladder Meridian Plays A Roll in Pain In The Side Of Your Body

How Your Gallbladder Meridian Plays A Roll in Pain In The Side Of Your Body




What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge, the creator of the live pain free process™, from livepainfreeprocess.com. I teach people that everything is connected in the body. You just have to learn how to use that connectivity to eliminate pain for the long term, and quickly. The only way that you can do that is by balancing out the mental, emotional and physical aspects of yourself. We’re going to be clumping a lot of things together today. This is going to be a good one because now we’re clumping many different things together so that it’s hard for you to just think, “I can fix myself using this one thing.” This understanding is going to get you to start dealing with many different things at once. That’s going to be the beauty of it; we will be talking about one-sided headaches, one-sided hips pain, or one side of your body in pain in general. If you have pain in your flanks, this is for you. We are going to take this all on the Eastern side of the world this time. We’re not going to be talking about just one activity; we are going to be talking about a whole system. We are talking about your Gallbladder meridian.


Your meridian system is an unseen energy flow that is hard wired inside your body. Think about if you looked at a map just based off of highways and streets; you’re going to see different patterned roads that go up and down, left and right. That’s how the meridian systems looks and works inside your body. Instead of cars, it’s just energy flowing along those pathways. This philosophy has been around for eons. I want you to realize that this system is based off of nurturing. That’s the key here. It’s all about nurturing. This is where a lot of people make their mistakes. They think it’s a one-shot deal. I want you to start realizing that you need to nurture your energy flow to start moving, from beginning to the pathway to end of the pathway.


When I talk about meridians, you can find a chart and see their names. If you’re having any issues within the Eastern philosophy, we’re simply talking about just blockages through any one of those meridians. Now, when you hear a heart, lung, liver, or spleen meridian, don’t think that organ is at fault, and don’t instantly jump to a conclusion which is a common.


Meridians are everywhere in your body. You can have one meridian causing many different aliments elsewhere in your body. Today, we’re going to be talking about your gallbladder meridian which runs along the entire side of the body, from your foot to the side of your head. You will have to start to realize that if you have a problem anywhere along this line, it could cause the that particular side of the body hip pain or one sided head pain, more commonly known as temporal headaches just on one side.


Let’s just talk about the gallbladder function in eastern philosophy. Real quick and easy. The gallbladder’s meridians are all about getting your body to hold its energy in from the sides, so that it keeps your energy in line instead of expelling outward. In the muscular world, it’s going to hold your muscles in place, so it doesn’t spread too far out of control. When my clients talk about, “I have IT band syndrome” or “I have hip pain,” I must then look at their life within the gallbladder meridian. What I noticed with a majority of clients is that there is an issue with the gallbladder. What I notice is that mentally and emotionally, they have stuff that they are trying to rein in, and they’re trying to consistently keep it nice and neat so they can attempt to focus on how they’re going to deal with it. Sound familiar? The gallbladder is designed to keep your energy in, keep everything in line, and keep muscle tissues together. If your mental and emotional worlds are spread too thinly, your gallbladder meridian now has to work even harder and begins to get taxed.


In the physical world, it shows up as I.T. band pain for example. These clients may have too many different things on their plate, and their body’s just trying to keep it in. Within the muscular system, your quadriceps and your hamstrings play the same role. They begin to expand out due to you working harder. So, your IT band now tries to pull it together and keep it together; that’s why your IT band can be flaring off. It doesn’t mean that there is something wrong in the I.T. band. The majority of time, the reason is that it is trying really hard to keep everything together, and that’s why it’s screaming.  You have to now get all of your extra activities in line and structured so you can handle them easily. This allows your body to produce an easier world and an easier environment for your gallbladder.


That’s step number one — figuring out what’s happening, both mentally and emotionally. Step number two would be dealing with the physical pain you are in. That’s next week, but what happens after that is finding other blocks in the entire meridian itself. Remember, it’s pretty long, and it needs to flow from bottom to top.


See you next week.



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A Recipe For Pain Relief

A Recipe For Pain Relief




What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolved Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. You have to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly, efficiently, and sustainably for the long term. The only way to do that is by balancing your physical, mental, and emotional sides. What I want to do today is give you a nice recipe for pain-free living, something; quick and easy. This first principle that I understand and that I want you to understand is to live; and move pain- free, you have to do self-care. We all understand that… but one of the things that is underlining and feeds that self-care is what I want you to really focus on.


It is a three part recipe. Ingredient number one. Your self-care needs to be peaceful, it needs to be easy, and it needs to be enjoyable. Common misconceptions are, “Got to go to the beach. Got to be on vacation. Got to be in tropical weather.” No. It doesn’t. It doesn’t have to be like that. What it has to be is on your own terms, and you have to take time to look inward. That’s it.


You can do it in your living room, you can do it in your bathroom, you can do it in a toilet bowl; you can do it anywhere because it’s all in your head. You just have to now sift out the outside world with the inside world. That’s all this is, it’s learning the difference between the two and making it enjoyable. And in order to do that, we have to understand that it is all about the fun we have.


You have to have fun doing whatever you’re doing. Hanging out with people, having fun doing any activity, watching them fall on their face, or while you’re doing your foam rolling, getting down and having a real conversation with somebody. That is where it really starts to make a big difference. It is not you doing the action of foam rolling, trigger points, stretching, or whatever it is you’re doing. It is that you’re having fun, enjoying it while it happens, and not trying to perfect your self-care in that one moment. It’s all about you getting down and having fun. That’s when your body will perform the best.


I have a client that comes in consistently and all we do – this is majority of my clients, FYI – is laugh. We joke, and we have fun, all while we are doing our bodywork. I know for a fact that unless I get them to laugh and have some fun, the body always leans toward protection. I have to give it a compelling reason to let down its guard. That’s what it does. It tries to protect itself consistently from everything.


We have to now get you to realize that it doesn’t have to. By you laughing and having fun, it drops that guard, and now your body heals even faster. Now, if you stay present in that happy-go-lucky state, that’s the mesh between both worlds. Once you link that, that’s when things really start to change.


Recipe number two is, meshing your emotions into your world, building confidence. You; have to start going out and start learning how all the self-care that you have been doing, like the foam rolling, and, trigger point work, is affecting your body. All the extra movement that comes from the self-care, must be put in your everyday life. You have to see how easy it is to do a walking motion, the lunges that you practice, the squats etc. Realize that every time you sit down on the couch, you’re squatting. Look at how that moves, and see how your hips move, rather than going back to your old, congested sitting pattern which is really tight. See all the movement that you are doing.


So, number one, have fun with it. Number two, mesh in a little bit of clean movement and notice what’s happening. And number three, the biggest thing we are going to top this off with, is a little bit of slow and concise prominent breathing. Start looking at the breathing. Very concise. Very synchronized. Very purposefully. You want to start breathing while you are doing your activity. Watch how your body does this in sync with itself; it goes up and down. That’s what I want you to focus on. Do all three of those, and I guarantee that you will start to do things better and better. Until next time folks.



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How I Got Around Allergies

How I Got Around Allergies

Patrick lerouge, www.livepainfreeprocess.com, seasonal allergies

What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m here to help people understand that everything in the body is connected. I want you to realize that you can use that connectivity to help you eliminate pain for the long term and quickly all because you understand the concept of balance; mental, physical and emotional balance. That is the only way your body works quickly, and that is what I’m here to show you today.

Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of allergies….. and damn, allergies stink!! I just started getting allergies after 35 years of never having them. A few weeks ago my whole family was suffering from allergies as well. We nicknamed my daughter ‘the faucet’ since her runny nose would not stop! We had some fun with that at first before we realized what was happening.

Our bodies were having trouble dealing with the excess particles in the air that have always been there. That’s a problem for me on a deep level since that’s something our body is supposed to be able to do, but for some reason is not.

What I want to talk to you today about is the fact that our bodies are not falling apart on us. Some may bring up the argument of age. However my two-year-old, seven-year-old and my wife were all showing signs. For some reason, our bodies weren’t able to keep up anymore, and that is what the issue here is. What did we do in the past to allow these allergies do not affect us? That’s what I want to talk about today. I want you to understand that I put this issue through the Restorative Process and the Live Pain-Free grinder and came up with a perfect strategy for the Lerouge Family. It might not be for you, but it might be for somebody that wants to stay natural and is willing to do it consistently.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are the body showing signs and symptoms of it performing a lot of work and not being able to keep up with the overload. The reason why your body gets all the sinus issues, watery eyes, etc. is because it is trying to expel all the pollen and different materials in the air.

We are now in blooming season; the snow is all gone; the dust and all these different particles in the air are being taken in by your body, mainly through your nose. As it takes in all the particles, it gets clogged, and your body attempts to deal with it.

What the western side of the world tries to do is block the particles from you. They’ve created prescriptions that try to let the pollen not affect you or they stop a reaction on a chemical level. What I’m going to explain to you is what I did, which is more on the eastern side of things; the nurturing side. We need to remember that your body knows how to take care of itself, it’s just not able to keep up at this moment. You want to start feeding that cycle and helping your body to get through what it needs to get through at that precise moment.

First, realize when something comes into a cell, let’s call it an allergen; it could be pollen, it could be a nut, could be anything, what happens is your body absorbs it. The allergen comes in, gets absorbed and starts to manipulate the cell. The cell now has to produce waste or chemical, which we’ll call histamine. This forces your body to protect itself against this new chemical in your body. Your body needs to get rid of all these chemicals. That’s our primary focus; getting your body to speed up the process, because guess what!?….. Spring is here, pollen is not going anywhere, and neither is grass. It is just going to get worse. You have to get your body to process better. That’s the name of the game, and that is what you have to start focusing on.

Now, this is beautiful! What we did was focus on producing more anti-histamines. I tested many things and put it through the process and realized I have to stop the onslaught of what’s happening.

I started to think about different things; my wife already used the Neti Pot, but that’s not sustainable for daily use. You can add stuff in the Neti pot like the saline solution or apple cider vinegar, which seems to be used for everything nowadays. Although that’s one approach, I decided that it wasn’t going to work for sustainability for daily use. If you’re suffering from a tuff case, you might want to clean out your nasal cavity. Apple cider vinegar, as mentioned, is good at cleaning things out and starts to help your body boost its immune system. Boosting your immune system is the most important condition here.

Another thing you can do is close all your windows, but that’s not fun. It doesn’t work for the Lerouge Family as we are outside people. What we ended up doing is working on a cellular level. I’m going to tell you one of my key things that’s easy for everyone to do. It’s called Nettle Leaf. I found it at Whole Foods in essential oil form, but you can probably find it other holistic places also. It also comes in a dry tea form if you prefer drinking tea, but I decided to go with a more pure form.

What I started doing was giving everyone one a dropper full for the first day. After that, I started drinking a tea with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil to help my body produce and do the things that it needs to do. I also gave my kids the tea, which was a big dose upfront. We did that the first day since we were having a real hard time. We took it in the morning, noon and the evening. Then we started adding drops of it in our water bottles. That’s the sustainable trick; putting drops in the water bottle. Then I started watching them throughout the day. My daughter the faucet began to slow down to 50%. My son, not so red in the eyes. Me, I had the scratchy throat, and the compact sinuses and my wife had the posterior drip. We had everything across the board, and by the end of the day one everything was cut in half.

What I saw was that on the second day everything took hold. It took us two days to make everything better. It’s going to take time for your body to harmonize and start processing all the gunk out. That’s what this is all about. Getting the gunk out, so what I want you to do is find something that sustainably works for you, something that’s going to get your body to get the gunk out. It may be the Nettle Leaf, or there are plenty of different things that I found out there. Another was roasting some onions down and taking that with some local organic honey. There are many things you can do; you just have to make it sustainable in your way. I found this is the best method for us since we can go anywhere and everywhere by using it in our water bottles and it will cut the majority of the symptoms down. It’s not going to eliminate them, as that’s not what the body is doing. The body needs to get all this stuff out.

So folks, find out that sustainable method that works for you. This method worked for us; find out what works for you. The only way that’s going to happen is by you testing it safely. I do not suggest trying it out on your two-year-old, I would test it out on yourself first.  So, if this helped, please send it out because this is something that a lot of people need to hear. It’s not just about blocking everything or running to a drug. It’s about getting your body to balance itself out. Till next time folks, bye.