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Making Any Healing Routine More Effective

What’s going on everybody? I’m Patrick Lerouge. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com, and I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. I’m outdoors now, teaching you innovative ways to learn how to heal. Folks, it’s all about getting you to learn how to look inwards to do everything in the healing world, and I mean everything. The better you can look inward, the faster your body will communicate with you to heal whatever it needs to heal. I was posed a question about how someone can make their healing routine more effective. I couldn’t pick a more beautiful day to do this because the more you can get your body into a meditative state, the faster your body is going to turn off its fight-or-flight mechanism and focus on the healing aspect of itself.



You just need to understand this: Once you turn off your fight-or-flight mechanism, healing just happens. If you are working on stretching, for instance you’re stretching your calf, and you’re using the rope, have everything in line, . I did a video earlier this month about pushing yourself and pushing yourself too far.  Everything has to be done safely. It has to be easy. You’re pushing yourself and pushing yourself, and your body now brings up its fight or flight mechanism just a smidgen to fight some of the stretch that you’re doing. That’s counter-productive, now isn’t it? Yes, it is.

What you have to do is recognize. I’m outside now. I can hear everything. The sky is just a beautiful blue. It’s amazing. Once I take in this environment and say, “You know what? It’s damn comfortable outside,” I can now comfortably stretch my calf by picking up my toes, get myself in a position, and just breathe. Once you get comfortable in that inward-outward breathing pattern, your body’s going to stretch ten times faster because it has nothing to protect against. I’m not pushing it as far as it can go, I just want it to move. You’re taking a breath. It’s relaxing. It’s easy. That’s when your body says, “You know what? It’s time to open up.” Roll with it. The more times you do this consistently in this passive way, the faster your body’s going to allow more movement. Allowing more movement gives you more blood flow. More blood flow, faster healing.

The more consistent you make it, it forms a habit. Once you’re in that habit, you’re going to be doing it all the time. Now that you’re no longer protecting twenty-four hours a day, you’re actually healing more than you were doing before. Right? That is the key to everything. Bring yourself into that meditative state without being in an ohm position all on your own. You can do it anywhere. You just have to bring it down and look inward, and your body just does what it does.

Until next time, bye.

You’re Still In Pain, not Because of Your Age, But Because of a Lack Of Resources

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here. You can find me at Livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert, and I created the Live Pain-Free process. I’ve been creating innovative ways of healing all based on focusing within, and I just need you to start learning how to use that focus to your advantage so you can heal effectively, quickly, and without any issues. Today, I was posed this question: “Why am I falling apart as I age?” In my head, the quick, logical answer is, “Oh, because you’re not doing your rehab program; you’re not doing your restorative plan correctly.” I realized, as much as I love my restorative plan, it’s still a tool; it’s still not a part of something that you have to do. There’s something that’s happening inside of every human being. Our cells are designed to deteriorate and regenerate at the same time. The problem is that we’re deteriorating faster than we can regenerate because we don’t have the resources within.

What I want you to think about is: Are you putting in enough resources for your body to regenerate itself faster than it deteriorates itself? It’s supposed to do that — it’s designed to do that — but if it doesn’t have the resources, it will not regenerate because it doesn’t have the resources. We’re not just talking about food here. There are vitamins and minerals that need to be in place at the right amount of time to do so. Your gut needs to be operating efficiently, and your respiratory system needs to be operating efficiently. This is a big one: the electron system inside your cells, the environments of your cell, needs to be on point.

If you’re drinking soda and you’re acidic, your body’s not going to regenerate fast. You have to understand the concept of alkalinity versus acidity. All those things need to be, not mastered necessarily, but you need to know where you are, and that will get you to understand that our body is designed to deteriorate and regenerate at the same time. It’s just we don’t have the resources to regenerate, so you get older and you fall apart faster because you have to actively and consciously put more things in that are going to build those resources.

Hopefully this gets you to really start saying, “I need to step it up a little bit because I’m 36 now, and when I hit 40, things will change. That means I have to work harder, that means I have to do a little bit more cardio in a safe manner. I have to start eating more greens and lay off the sweets. I have to make that conscious choice.” You have to really struggle with it to learn that, “This needs to happen because my body, no matter what, is deteriorating.” The more you do that, the slower that degeneration will start happening and the more you can start doing those things to make your body better.

You’ll be able to run better for longer. You’ll be able to swim, bike, run, do your yoga practice, play with your kids, hike — all the things that you love to do that keep you active and actually make you better. If you’re doing all those things and you don’t have the resources to rebuild, that’s all she wrote. Folks, I’ll see you on the next one. Bye.



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In Pain Right Now? Here Is What You Do


What’s up? Patrick LeRouge here. I am an intuitive healing expert and the creator of The Live Pain-Free Process. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body; you just need to learn how to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and effectively. A couple weeks ago, I talked about why it’s so hard to do your own self-care, and someone asked me, “What do you do when you’re actually in pain?” And I realize, I talk about pain a lot, but I don’t really talk about what to do when you’re exactly in it. So, what do you do when you’re in pain? If you trip or fall, number one, stay on the floor. Have a laugh about yourself or whatever the case may be. Stay on the floor because the majority of really, really bad issues that creep up secondarily without you even knowing is from when you fall and then try to pop yourself back up too fast. That’s when those secondary things sort of shred, but because you have a contusion or whatever the case may be, your body’s going to show you that first and then all those other things that go unknown. That’s why when people get into car accidents, and they say, “Oh. I feel good,” because they’re in shock and not feeling much because of what just happened. But a day or two later, they’re saying “Oh, man. What happened? What is this?” And there goes all those secondary things. So the best thing that you can do is stay right there when you fall; lay there for a second and just say, “Wow. I just fell.” Once you get your fight or flight mechanism has calmed down, then you’ll start to notice any areas that may be in pain. This might take five or six minutes, depending on the fall. That’s the number one thing you want to do.


Now, what happens if it’s not a fall or if you’re just in pain? Like if you have an elbow pain or a shoulder pain? This is what I want you to do. You have to, number one, calm your fight or flight response; this must be done before your body is ever going to let you do anything else. You have to get that to calm down. So, first things first, I want you to hold the area. Think about when you were a kid, and you fell, what did your parents do? They didn’t know anything about self-care per se, but it’s hardwired in the human system to hold it. We rub our kids painful areas and say, “Oh my gosh,” and we kissed it. We gave it a different touch. That’s just instinct. It’s in your body. I want you to really focus on that.


So let’s take the elbow pain or a knee pain. What you can do is just hold the knee. Just hold it and say, “Oh, my gosh it hurts.” Then start to look for what your hands feel like on top of your knee, which then starts to mask the pain receptors and starts to work better than then pain sensation you’re getting. You’re always going to reach for a nice, loving touch as opposed to a very abrasive touch. That’s just what happens inside the body. I want you to feel that knee and feel what your hands feel like on it. For example, I could put my hand above my other hand on my knee. I would ask myself what my hands feels like going into the knee.  Now that you are feeling, this turns off your brain, your logical fight or flight mechanism. Your brain rationalizes, and you feeling it turns off the rationalization. Now that you’re feeling it, it naturally calms down. Once it calms down, that’s when you do something, whether it be foam rolling, trigger points, stretching, active release, ART, or any other techniques. All those different techniques will not be as effective (or effective at all)with the fight or flight mechanisms on. If you’re in pain, you have to calm that bad boy down as much as humanly possible. Now, touching your knee and holding your knee, it might take a good five minutes. It might take that time, but it needs that time. Especially on the fall, and especially with the shock.


If you’re in pain right now, that’s what you do; you hold it, hold it, hold it, and just wait until it calms down, and you breathe, you breathe, you breathe. It might take a minute, or it might take five, but wait until your body says go, and then you do something. You’ll see how fast your body will respond. So folks if you need something, reach out to me, tell me what’s up, and I’ll help you guys out. Until next time!


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Regaining Rotational Movement With Back Pain


What’s up, everybody? I am Patrick LeRouge. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. You just have to learn how to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and efficiently. I’m going to talk about is a question I got about doing different yoga poses for back pain, specifically the rotation because a lot of people do a lot of rotational stuff in their back pain regiments. What I want you to understand is that there is a muscle system called the errectors. Your errectors run up and down your spine; it is the first layer of muscle tissue protecting your back. There’s another layer underneath that, and then there’s the rotational muscles for your spine. If you’re having back pain and you’re trying to do rotation, your errectors are a very strong set of muscles that does a number of things like flexing and extending the back, and it’s very, very strong for protecting your spine. Unless you actively get errectors to want to open and become long, you will not be allowed to rotate. If you are going to truly get the rotation back, you will need to get to the rotators of the spine by getting the errectors to calm down, so you have to really start working with what’s happening with your errectors.

Number two, which is the biggest one, is how you do the rotation. Let’s say you’re doing the rotation stretch seated and twisting around you. What’s happening during this rotation if you have back pain is that you will be working hard to rotation, causing a pulling rather than a stretch. This happens because of the way you are asking for the rotation. You are either using your elbow to push yourself, and then you look over your other shoulder. This is the traditional way of doing a back rotation, but unless you get your body to want to expand, it’s just going to protect it. That means you’re fighting itself, so the injury that you’re trying to correct is actually being targeted at that precise moment.


What I would love for you to do is when you do a rotational stretch, don’t go to the point of a good stretch; once you make it there, sit yourself straight up and take a deep breath.  Let’s walk you through it. Cross your legs so you’re in a tight, girly cross. You’re going to put your elbow on the outside edge of your knee and then bring your sternum or your chest bone across your body, turning the opposite way you crossed your legs. Once you get that, you’re going to start to feel a stretch inside of your lower back and in the rotational aspect around your spine. Once you do that, straighten up, and add in your head turning and looking the same way your body is turning. Now, you’re getting a rotation all the way through your spine.


If you have back pain, go to where it feels slightly restrictive, and then lift yourself straight up and take a deep breath. It’s going to target right around your spine where it is restrictive. There is a deeper system around you spine called your craino sacral system, which nourishes the spine. When you twist slightly, you access that and bring out the tight spots. When you take a breath, that sack is going to push more pressure down through your spinal column, and it’s going to start stretching the areas that already had the restriction, so you have to start focusing instead of going into a full rotation immediately. Go into a little bit, look for restriction with your twist, and then take a breath. Every single one of your tight spots will start to get targeted. Now just take your time, and continue doing this slowly until they clear up.


That’s how you target this, but remember it doesn’t work efficiently unless you clear up the hidden issues that caused this back pain in the first place. For example, you could have issues going on in your hip and glutes (and I have plenty of things on your hips that you can start working with in my YouTube channel).  Also issues within your shoulders could cause back issues as well.  All those different aspects also have to be cleaned up because that’s why your back is hurting in the first place.

So when you’re doing your rotation, please focus on the aspect of clearing out your errectors first, then you do your rotation. If you’re in pain, do it with a breath. Let your breath be your stretching agent, not you pushing with your elbow using more muscle tissue to do it because then your body will just fight.


Please, if you loved it, share it. If you know somebody that has back pain that goes to yoga, or a yoga person in general, share it with them. Everyone needs to understand that there’s an easier way to work; we just have to figure it out. Until next time!


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2 huge reasons why therapist and body workers burnout

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here. I’m an intuitive healing expert, as well as the creator of the Live Pain-Free Process. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything in the body connects. You just have to learn how to use the connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and effectively. What we’re going to be talking about today is why therapists and doctors fall apart. I’ve been working with a ton of therapists and doctors now and I realize that they’re falling apart easily for two reasons. One, they’re doing what they love with a lot of intensity, so they push and keep pushing to do what they love, which is helping people. Number two, they’re doing what they love, but they’re not doing it the way they love to do it. What therapists are doing is they’re learning great techniques from other therapists and are doing the techniques that they learn in a way where it’s not going to be natural.


So, let’s take this apart really quickly. These therapists are burning out, and they’re doing really hard, taxing work. They’re doing it all with one thought in mind: “I have to fix them; they’re here for help.”  Therapists wear their hearts on their sleeves; they’re here to help. So, we often feel and say “I have to do this. I have to help them get out of pain,” so we push harder to get to our goal. That is the normal cycle, but you did not realize that you have been hitting a wall because that person’s body naturally protects them unless they are allowing it in, but it’s only going to be allowed in if that person accepts and is willing to go through the process of finishing it up. Otherwise, the body just protects against it right then or makes you think you have one just to protect better next time. So if a person doesn’t want to take care of themselves, you’re always going to hit somewhat of a wall, and if you’re pushing hard and you’re trying to shove it down their throat, you’ve hit the wall, too.  You will have to push harder, and you’re using a lot of intensity that you don’t need to.

If you back off the intensity a little bit, you’re still helping that person do whatever you have to do with this person, but you’re not putting all the intensity in it, and then your body is running at a pace that’s sustainable; that’s number one. Recognize that how much you’re actually putting in. If you’re a body worker, how hard are you trying to help someone, and how much taxation are you putting specific areas of your body in? How much are putting into your session? Ask yourself, do you feel drained after your session? And if you do feel drained, you now must recognize how much you’re working and look for the intensity we spoke about earlier, so then next time around, you’re working at a sustainable level. Where you are just feels vibrant and good. That’s number one.


Number two: You have to do things that you love in the way that you love to do it. I see a lot of therapists go to trainings and events where they learn amazing techniques from brilliant therapists with brilliant ways of working around what they created at their intensity level. The therapist attempts to do the techniques in the same way as the founder at the same intensity level to boot. What your body’s technically doing is something foreign. You have to work and try to make it fit your style. Here is a better thought: What if you started doing things and made up your own way? Take all that brilliant knowledge, put it into your filter, and don’t spit out what that other person said. Spit out what you learn from it because you did it from your own experience; that’s when your body’s going to start to perform better. That’s when your body’s going to start actually growing and actually doing things in a way where it’s vibrant. The endless energy is going to spew out of you. That’s when your body starts to really perform at a higher grade because it’s doing something that it knows based off of knowledge that you know works because it worked on you. It’s not reading something from a textbook.


So if you’re doing body work, and you’re not confident in it because you haven’t learned it, that’s when your body’s going to fall apart. This goes the same way for people that are not therapists, so if you’re not a therapist, and you’re reading this, it’s your self-care I am talking about. You have to do your foam rolling, your stretching, your yoga practice, your Pilates, your whatever you choose to do. You have to take what that person is telling you, put it into your own language, see how your body works with it, and then go do it. Do all the different styles or techniques but in your own language, based on what your body wants, and that’s when it’s going to be accepted, guaranteed.


So it’s two-fold. One, you’re working with too high an intensity. Two, you’re doing the things that you love but not the way you love to do it. Those are the two things that you have to start focusing on folks, and hopefully this helped. If it did, give me a shout out. I’d love to know what you thought about this. What did your body come up with? What’s going on? Talk to me, because I love the interaction I am getting.  If you aren’t already part of the family, please sign up. Until next time folks



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Convenience Is A Silent Killer




What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge here. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. You can find me at the livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m here to help people understand that everything is connected in the body. Once you understand that connectivity, you can start using it to your advantage to help you heal faster, move better, and live your life the way that you’re supposed to. Today, what we’re going to be talking about is the concept of convenience is the silent killer. I’m giddy about this, because I’ve been talking to all my clients about it, and most of them have the general thought of “Oh, you’re being kind of hard” or “Silent killer, that’s a real big claim.” The more I talk to people about it, the more I realize it is a silent killer.” You don’t even realize it. By law, your body needs to be taxed, it needs to be challenged and stimulated to make it grow stronger and keep on going, but, we’re living in a life, that’s consistently making it easier for your body just to die out. If it has no reason to build a bone, it won’t (i.e. osteoporosis). If you’re looking for scoliosis or a low back pain, keep on sitting.


All we’re doing is sitting nowadays. We drive cars everywhere. Yes it’s convenient, and it makes us go faster. We work at a desk for a major of the day to get paid, and the list goes on, but you have to start trying to get out there and walk. It’s all about getting to understand the balance between living our life and challenging our bodies. The body is something that’s going to wither away unless it’s challenged. That’s a law. It has to be done. We have to consciously and effectively try to find ways to challenge ourselves.

Things like the standing work desk are great because you’re working, you’re standing, and you’re doing different things. There’s going to be pros and cons to everything, but, you have to challenge yourself, like sitting on a stability ball instead of sitting on a chair and getting on the floor while you’re just watching TV and doing things on the floor. Try to stay as low as possible on the floor like moving around 5 inches off the floor; play like a child. It is crucial to work at challenging your body because we do have to live our lives. We have to work eight hours a day because we have all these bills to pay. We have all these things to do, but we forget that we have to challenge ourselves and stop thinking about convenience.

When you park your car, make it a little bit farther away. Now that I’m telling you that, park at the farthest spot as possible that you know, and take a little hike over there. I’m just talking about going to the last spot on the lot in the last row. Start challenging yourself because if you don’t, your body’s naturally going to wither away. If it doesn’t need to make you stronger in specific areas, it won’t.


For example, the reason why hiking is so good is because you’re moving and challenging different areas. You have to start pulling yourself up rocks, jumping down, and controlling your weight load. Your body’s going to start realizing that it needs to consistently build more muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue is challenged, the more it is going to get stronger from you forcing it to control its weight. Then, it’s going to realize that muscle tissue’s going to rip off the bone, so the tendon has to be tighter. That means it has to hold on to the bone harder. The bone has to get harder to hold on to the rest and keep you upright. That’s the way the body is supposed to function.


But because we’re always on our cellphones, in our cars, on our soft couches, we all are unknowingly doing it.  This is why convenience is silently killing us. I love talking about this, but I’m realizing, the more and more I make my life convenient, I must balance it out with challenges. I’m not saying my life isn’t convenient. I’m not going off the grid per se. If I am in my car, it better be for a pretty twenty minute drive. It better be for a distance, and it better be for something, or else you’re taking your life and dwindling it. That might be hard to hear, but that’s true. If I can ride my bike somewhere, I’m going to ride my bike. If I can walk somewhere, surely I am going to walk there. But if you have to drive, drive, and own up to it. Be honest with yourself if something is within walking distance. Start whittling those convenient things down, and you’re going to start realizing things are going to change physically. You’ll actually start to feel better because now you’re asking more of yourself.

So folks, if you like this, share it. If you know somebody that needs to hear this because they’re not recognizing that they’re doing a lot of things that’s keeping their body down — based off of convenience and having a really easy life — and they’re not looking at the bigger picture, send it to them. If you guys are not part of the can, and you’re a part of the evolved crew, the family wants you in. We’ll gladly have you. Until next time folks, bye.




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