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Hit these points to relieve hip pain

Hit these points to relieve hip pain

Trigger Points To Relieve Hip Pain

Hope you are keeping up with the prior videos to eliminate hip pain. Today is all about points to relieve hip pain. Hitting these points allow the deep hip rotators to move correctly and let your hip to have a better cleaner range of motion. Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!

Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com picture of hip muscles

Working with these points to relieve hip pain can be very sensitive, so please be gentle with your body.

The tools for today will be a racquetball and a wall.

1.  Begin by leaning against a wall. Bring your feet out 45 degrees. I show a neat trick to know what 45 degrees is in the video, once you add the ball slowly bring in more weight load. You will be targeting the upper half and side of glutes.  See image.

2.  Once you are comfortable, roll to the right very slowly. Make sure when you do feel a point to stop and take a few breaths before moving on.

Trigger Pointing The Lower Hip Rotators

When targeting the lower points to relieve hip pain, all that is different is when you begin place ball underneath your glutes. Lean on the wall and bend at the waist sticking your butt in the air.  Roll even slower this time; these points do not get worked often. Be gentle!!!


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Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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How do you create balance with putting yourself first

How do you create balance with putting yourself first

Still answering  comments from my E-book “Me First.” If you haven’t looked at it, please do so. At www.mefirstebook.com. It’s a really good book. I’m getting a lot of comments on it, and I’m loving it, and thank you for that. One of the questions that I got was, “How do you create balance?“. And I told the story about Michelle and me first getting together and me being the naive boy that I was. If you didn’t read the book, you’re not going to understand that part. I came into the relationship, and I tried to dictate what was happening. I did not create balance within myself regarding the “ me first” concept. The big component that I finally learned is when it comes down to you creating balance. It comes down to two things.

The two things are knowing you and are you willing to give up your energy. If you don’t know yourself, you’re not going to make it very far, and you will give up too much energy. It’s a give and takes. If you’re a parent and you have kids that taking from you. That’s what kids do; they always need you because they’re not that self-sufficient. But, if you don’t have the energy to give, you’re not going to want to give it. You’re going to fight; you’re going to start resenting things.

What about creating balance

Understanding yourself in a key component to creating balance, knowing what, how, and when do you the things you like. Have a clear picture in your mind of who you are. To balance out anything, especially when it’s in the Me First, you have to know yourself. Know what makes you tick. Based off of experience, tracking, and looking at yourself.

Then, ask the question “Are you willing to give it?” Once you start learning that balance is a give and take, you start realizing that sometimes you don’t want to give and you want to keep it to yourself.  Or, you just want to give, give, give because that’s where your nature is. You’re a giver, and that’s both works, just understand who you are.

Once you figure that out, you must speak up and say, “Let’s balance this out. I would like to do this, but you also have to give a little bit”.

If you did not already watch the speaking up video, please do so.

Because it’s a give and takes, that is the balance. But it all comes back down to a conversation. There is and art to the conversation. Sometimes, people aren’t speakers, and they’re not very conversational. Sometimes, they don’t even realize they have no clue about themselves.

Remember, this so far has nothing to do with the other person; this is about you learning about you. Once you learn about Me First,



For full article click video





Patrick Lerouge





Hello, I am Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy. I have a pain free concierge service that is doing a profile and things, and I love every second of it. Every time I say it, it makes me extremely happy because I’m helping a lot of people get through a lot of hard things that they’ve been doing for years. I’m doing it without them every realizing they’re going through steps because of the domino theory. Right as soon as they do one thing, it leads them to the next which leads them to the next.

As well as I’m getting them attached to a habit, we are changing actual habits based off of doing small things that they don’t even realize they are doing. That’s the beauty of the live pain-free process that I created. Live pain-free process gets you to see things in an entirely different way. It gets you to see things on a physical level completely different; you get to learn about your body communicating with you rather than just doing things. You see what your body is saying, that’s the name of the game on that.

Mental aspect, you start to see the future as well as see what’s happening inside of you, meshing them together, and responding accordingly. Emotionally we just balance you out. That’s where the “Me First “Ebook came out. We are starting to do things in that way. I’m answering questions from that books now. I’m extremely happy with doing that, as you can see I’m very animated right now because we’re talking about a lot of different things.


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Is it selfish to put yourself first

Is it selfish to put yourself first

Here is a summary of the video on

“Is it selfish to put yourself first: It’s not selfish guys, what I’m teaching you is not to be selfish.


Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Is it selfish to feel comfortable in your skin?
  • Is it selfish to want to have fun while doing things for others?
  • What about feeling comfortable nurturing yourself?

Is that selfish? No, you want to feel at ease when you nurture yourself because when you nurture yourself, you can give more to others. Understand it’s not about what we’re doing, it’s how we do it, that’s the key component here. It’s how you get there; you can act like a tool or think of both sides. So, I want you to start nurturing yourself.

It’s not about being selfish, and how you get there, I want you to focus on why.

Why shouldn’t you be a little selfish?

In some way, shape, or form we are talking about your self-preservation. Honestly, if you think it’s selfish, you have some deep-rooted struggle within you that you must address. I want you to think deep about is it okay to be a door mat?

Breaking this down,  it is about boundaries. You need to be able to say stop stepping on me or taking advantage of me. You’re putting others before you, and sometimes you must like when it comes to your kids…….

Continue by watching the video

               So please comment below tell me what’s up. All right? Later.


About Patrick Lerouge


Hello, I am Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy. I have a pain free concierge service that is doing a profile and things, and I love every second of it. Every time I say it, it makes me extremely happy because I’m helping a lot of people get through a lot of hard things that they’ve been doing for years. I’m doing it without them every realizing they’re going through steps because of the domino theory. Right as soon as they do one thing, it leads them to the next which leads them to the next.

As well as I’m getting them attached to a habit, we are changing actual habits based off of doing small things that they don’t even realize they are doing. That’s the beauty of the live pain-free process that I created. Live pain-free process gets you to see things in an entirely different way. It gets you to see things on a physical level completely different; you get to learn about your body communicating with you rather than just doing things. You see what your body is saying, that’s the name of the game on that.

Mental aspect, you start to see the future as well as see what’s happening inside of you, meshing them together, and responding accordingly. Emotionally we just balance you out. That’s where the “Me First “Ebook came out. We are starting to do things in that way. I’m answering questions from that books now. I’m extremely happy with doing that, as you can see I’m very animated right now because we’re talking about a lot of different things.


Download E-book at
Me first Ebook

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Clearing up muscle pain now




My new E-book “Me First” teaches how you can puts yourself first without being selfish.  It is a place you can start learning about yourself and then addressing the world accordingly based off what’s appropriate for you. So you don’t always put yourself in the last place. Today’s conversation’s all about boundaries because a question came in asking. “I’m having trouble with this whole concept of boundaries. What do I have to do and how to execute it. I keep chickening out. How do you create boundaries?” It’s very simple. Everybody thinks about create boundaries in a hard way. Once you realize creating boundaries from a neutral place benefits both parties the guilt and the stress diminishes.


Breaking down boundaries is, number one, all about keeping you safe. It’s all about safety. That’s number one. You need to keep yourself safe. Last week I spoke about speaking up and how vulnerability is what makes you grow as a human being. Just putting yourself out there and getting beaten up consistently puts you down. We do not want that, so we have to create boundaries around keeping you safe. Once you create those boundaries, then things get easier and easier for you to come out of your shell. So, the first task is creating an inventory. List all the things that you don’t like dealing with and want to create boundaries around.


Then, you want to ask yourself, one question. Yes or no?  Do I want to do this action or activity?  If you don’t? It’s a hard no, just say “No. I’m not doing it”. NO is a full complete sentence by the way. “No. please Do not ask me to do that anymore”. If you just say “No” to that one request, that person might say it again later, now, if you say “please don’t ask me to do that because I won’t. I don’t feel comfortable doing it “. Remember, if you’re going speak up, tell them why.

If it’s a yes, that’s when your next step comes up.  The next thing is to start a conversation about the request because this is not just about you, even though we are building a “Me First” reality. It’s about the balance between the person that you’re engaging. It’s a relationship. We’re not trying to be selfish. A proper ME FIRST mentality is about creating a balance where both of you win. That’s the game. That’s where a lot of people get it twisted. They see it as a selfish response. It’s not. This book is not about me teaching you to be selfish. My book “Me First” is all about you getting to balance your life with everyone around you. A life where they’re not beating up on you. They’re helping you. That’s what we truly want, right? Once you get to your yes, try saying something like this, “You know, I’m willing to do that, but we have to create some boundaries around it.”

How do you do create the boundaries?

It’s about finding the sweet spot. How can you work together to find a place where both win. By asking that question with the intention of finding the sweet spot, what you did is open up a space for a conversation. Your boundary will come out of that conversation. If you’re willing to work with your significant other, willing to work with your kid, willing to work with anyone around you, co-worker, boss, anything, you focus on creating a sweet spot.  Saying statements like “I’m willing to make your request. I can do this. I feel comfortable doing what you asked of me. Then, are you okay with these boundaries, so I can feel comfortable doing it?”

It is easy when you go in with the sweet spot in mind

So, the old way of doing boundaries work, but it can be stressful getting there. With statements like “This is how it’s going be.” Turns it into a conversation that your boundaries get created between both of you. Which then, it’s mutual. Then it’s balance. With Practice it’s something that will be easy for you to obtain. That’s the ideal way you want to create boundaries.

One last thing, If your issue is something that’s not so safe or has a little bit of danger involved, and you’re still willing to do it. The only thing that matters is the safety component.


Now that’s ideally what I want you to do. Play with this tip. Please comment down below and tell me what you think about creating boundaries. What is your style of creating boundaries? Finding the sweet spot by making a conversation is just one. I want you to start talking, communicating, giving other people the thought that you have a choice is the goal. So please, comment down below and say something. Here are a few examples, “This is what I think about boundaries. Tell me what you think about other people putting up boundaries”. How do I feel about the concept of boundaries or do you have any.

 About Patrick

Hello, I am Patrick Lerouge owner of Evolve Restorative Therapy. I have a pain free concierge service that’s designed to get people to change their lives. Enjoy what they’re doing, how they’re doing it and feel good while doing it. And a lot of times you won’t even know that it’s happening because you’re just walking along and things are just becoming easier and easier to deal with. So I do that by teaching you my live pain-free process. My live pain-free process will get you to see the world completely different.

I’ll get you to see that your physical body is doing things differently because of the way that you’re dressing the physical body. And realizing everything that you’re learning within the physical body, you’re  doing it to learn the language and the dialect that your body is speaking. Now that’s a cool concept. Completely different and we’ll talk about that more in the process itself. But the dialect that you speak is what you need to understand your body.

Now, in the mental aspect. The mental aspect gets you to see the world as different components. You seeing what’s happening outside in the world, and outside the world is going to happen, and your body is going to respond to it. You must take both of those and come up with what you want to do with it. By you seeing that consistently, you’re never caught by surprise. On the emotional side, you must always stay balanced. Staying balanced is a tricky aspect because you should understand what all the worlds are up too.  What’s happening in the physical body, what’s happening in the mental body and they equate to what’s happening emotionally.

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Me first E-book

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Clearing up muscle pain now

Time To Speak Up

Time To Speak Up

What’s up?  This week’s self-help tip is all about speaking up.  We need to get you to speak up and not feel guilty about it.  Speaking up is important-you must realize that is number one.  Speaking up is not about stopping some in a mean way; there’s a difference.  It’s voicing your opinion and saying what’s in your heart.  You’re not lashing out at someone, if you are going to speak out realize that you must say something that is going to help you.  Honestly, if you are just starting the Me First practice you don’t have many opportunities at first to speak up. Remember, if you are going to say something, make it count.  You have to make your words count!

First, let me introduce myself to the people to the new people that have joined the family.

I am Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy.  You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com.  I have a pain free concierge service that’s doing some profound things!  I don’t even think my clients realize the amazing things they’re doing; things that they used to do in the past and are doing them so differently now that they don’t recognize that they’ve gone through the steps.  Their pains are going away and can do things so much easier.   Things that once bothered them, no longer bother them. Now they talk about big problems as though they are little issues, as opposed to the beginning when small things seemed like massive problems.  Allowing me to guide them through the Live Pain-Free Process has afforded them this new way of living.

That’s the beauty part of the Live Pain-Free Process, it allows you to see the world differently since you no longer get sucked into reacting to everything.  You see things for what they truly are.  Mainly you see the world differently in the physical world.  You no longer think about one thing to fix one problem.  You see a chain of events that need to happen to change one aspect and to keep it going.  We, in the Live Pain-Free Process, strive for vitality.  Vitality spools on its energy.  You don’t need to put anything else in it, it just goes on its own.  You just need to build that momentum.  And to build a momentum, you must go through many steps.

On the mental side, you’ll start to see the world completely different because you will no longer be caught by surprise.  We call it the Mind Movie.  We see things in advance as well as we see what happens inside of our bodies.  When that thing does happen, we don’t get blindsided; we see what’s happening.  On the emotional side, we focus on staying balanced.   Staying within ourselves consistently and saying, “You know what, I’m going to react to this and I’m not going to have an emotional outburst, but I’m going to do something amazing.”  Amazingly different, right?

That’s where the Me First book comes in.  If you guys haven’t done so, please download the Me First eBook.  It’s the filler, the glue that’s going to combine everything and make this really good.  It will make this skyrocket as something that you and everybody else should do because it’s the foundation to everything.  I’ve gotten so many great reviews which touched my heart.  I love all the support you all gave me and I thank you.  The me first concept evolved completely by accident.  I started answering and seeing an emotional component to my client’s issues and saw that my clients were not putting themselves first- and that’s where the book came from.  I wrote the eBook and people gave me a lot of feedback and now I’m going to start answering the questions.


Back to Making every word count:


Making it count is very important because what you say means something.  I guarantee the person that you’re now starting to speak up to has no clue that it’s about to happen or why it is happening because they are used to an old paradigm.  They are used to just speaking and going about their way.  Now, they’re going to have to pump the breaks.  When you begin speaking up start out by doing it in a way where your body and your mind are so clear that the words are feeling based, this way they don’t take it in a mean way.  Then they’ll start understanding it’s hurting you.  You need to be very clear and say something like, “You know what, that is not okay.” Then tell them why it’s not okay.  Don’t just say, “Stop that” and walk away.

You want to be very clear and precise. The reason why you want to be precise is all about the concept of wanting the downward spiral.  In the book, if you didn’t read it, please read the book, in chapter two I talk about the downward spiral; this is when I talk about positive psychology.  Many people don’t realize that they are the ones holding you down while you’re trying to bring yourself up.  By you speaking up and saying, “Stop” and giving a reason why, you break the cycle and start that downward spiral that is a natural place for the body to go.  Get them to realize that it’s not okay.  Once you do that, things start to change.  You will be speaking from a different place; a place where you can open up and say what you need and now they are listening.  Now they are faced with a choice- either interrupt and stop them or listen.

Which then brings up the next point, “YOUR POWER.”

Your next point is, you need to regain your power.  The more you speak up, the more power you gain.  Not power over a person, that’s not the point-I’m referring to internal strength. Every time you speak up and people are listening or even if they’re not listening, it gives you data.  Once you get that data, things start to change dramatically and you begin to see where you stand in your world, which in turn gives you choices.  For this reason, you must start regaining your power and then realizing that your confidence is very crucial and very fragile.  That same person can take all your power away.  For instance, take Michelle, Michelle is my lovely wife, she is the only person that can turn her head and destroy me.  I give her that privilege because vulnerability creates evolution.  The more and more you are vulnerable, the more and more you are going to learn.  She’s my greatest teacher as well as the person that can put me in my place and take everything away.

She knows and understands that, so she must be mindful when I ask her for something and when I say something that she could hurt me.  That’s what’s going to be happening here.  When you put yourself first you can’t feel guilty because it’s about taking care of you, but you’re also going to be mindful of the people around you.  It’s going to be a give and take, not a take and take.  That’s what we should strive for and that’s what the purpose of this whole video tip is.  It’s all about speaking up for yourself because you’ve got to make it count.  Your voice means something.  It truly means something, so make it count.

Let’s break it down…

Break into the downward spiral just by saying something.  Make sure the words you use come from the heart, a place of feeling and that your words express why you’re hurt.  This one easy step is what I love about the whole Live Pain-Free Process; the whole thing is a domino effect.  Once you do one thing, it streamlines into the next thing which gives you the next thing.  You’re no longer fighting for the next step, it’s all about systems and chain of events.  It all boils down to you regaining your power and feeling more comfortable with yourself.  That’s the name of the game of Me First.  If you haven’t downloaded the book, please do so.  I would love to hear your comments and thoughts, especially on the concept of speaking up.  Is it hard for you?  Go below and say, “You know what, speaking up is hard for me, but I’m going to try.”  You doing that might get the rest of the world to say, “You know what? This person is going to try, I’m going to try too”. Then you start a chain reaction and that’s what we want here.  Go down below and write down how you feel about speaking up. Until next time, later!
