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4 Easy breaths can Relieve Anxiety

4 Easy breaths can Relieve Anxiety

In this video tip, I will be explaining how learning how in 4 easy breaths can relieve anxiety. By stopping and do an easy breathing exercise properly can bring you in a place to relieve anxiety. If you have not yet seen last weeks video on what is anxiety please go watch that. This is the first practical action video where I walk you through how to properly do this exercise. You can come back here and time to relieve anxiety.

Patrick Lerouge from www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about anxiety

One of the main focuses of this lesson besides the breathing is who you are on the inside. Being able to combat and relieve anxiety. You must be confident and believe in what you are doing, in order to be allowed into a place where healing takes place. You must find your lion from within and lead with that when you are at a low point when you are in pain.

Learning The Stop

Is the first component in how you relieve anxiety. You must be able to say stop and look at yourself. Last week we spoke about listing out your triggers so you would have a list to work off of. If you have done this then you have an advantage. You understand when a trigger is coming. Now that you can Stop and practice how to get into your self and begin the process of decreasing your anxiety.

The Guard

In the video I reference a guard you must make it past. This guard concept is something many don’t think about and never get to the area that healing takes place. Once you make it there and because you are confident and secure with what you are doing you can get to the place where healing takes place. This is where you apply the 4 square breathing exercise. By practicing this often you will gain the confidence needed to use this when the time comes.

A Word Everyone Fears Or Disassociates From ANXIETY

A Word Everyone Fears Or Disassociates From ANXIETY

Here is a word that everyone knows but rarely think it pertains to them. Either you don’t have anxiety, or you are fully aware how anxious you can become almost to the point of fearing it. Which triggers another natural process to happen, putting you in a sick cycle. What we focus on we get, or what we resist persists. Fear of anxiety will have you focus on not being so anxious resulting in pressure that causes stress, which causes ANXIETY.

This video is the first in 5 that breaks down how to manage and even eliminate anxiety.Patrick Lerouge from www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about anxiety

This month I will be doing a mini-course on learning how to heal yourself with anxiety being one of the hurdles you must overcome. Each video will cover a different learning point you must have to eliminate Anxiety.

  1. Understand how anxiety is created.
  2. Learning the stop.
  3.  Starting the process of clearing.
  4. Organizing your mind so it can become calm.
  5. keeping anxiety at bay.



Is a thought many people never process. Many believe that id mind over body. When they both have their own mechanisms of control over each other. LIke when you are moving to fast and you touch something hot and you knew it was, this is an example of your body controlling your brain. Or, when you are underwater and your brain runs out of oxygen, it will open your mouth resulting in drowning. These examples are extreme but true. They both being at odds create the makings of anxiety.

This is the first step wrap your hands around and know intimately in order to maintain your calm state.  This takes you learning about your self, mainly what triggers you. Know what triggers you will give you a queue to watch for the will break apart the pattern you go through with anxiety.



Safe Pain-Free Snow Shoveling

Safe Pain-Free Snow Shoveling

I live in the northeast and it is beginning to snow often here. So I wanted to give a crash course of safe pain-free snow shoveling. I made one video ways back but wanted to update that video because I see things differently and there is more to talk about.  This video will cover what to do during the shoveling cycle. But to truly have a pain-free experience you have to prep properly and cool down after you shovel. Those will be covered in another video. For today we are working with the three must do during shoveling, so you don’t break your back.


Patrick Lerouge


When you know you have to shovel snow many things happen in your head like, “Damn this is going to suck or hope I don’t hurt myself this time”. This type of worry I hear all the time. The way you make that easier is conditioning your body to live in the northeast. which includes shoveling snow. This is easy for me to say but challenging to execute. You must have many areas of your body functional and ready to work at any given moment. This takes time to develop because we stopped developing moment to moment muscle necessity, That is the true problem at hand. Let’s call it muscle alertness.


Is needed at all times of our lives but because we are living more of a convenient lifestyle our bodies have made it gone into power save mode. and does not keep all muscles available. We will talk about this more throughout the year but to get this to change you need to routinely active muscles that keep other muscle active naturally. Today we will work on steps to safeguard your body while shoveling.



The three steps needed to make sure you are safe is:

1.) Feet placement and weight load distribution.  

2.) Hand placement and knowledge of which type of shovel you have.

3.) Core activation but blowing air out of your body as the trigger not you doing this manually. 


Each one of these is important in their own right so think of each one as a skill to be learned. More so when you are looking at developing this skill notice the parts of your body stopping you, then begin Targeting those areas with your self-care. Using Foam Rolling, Trigger Point Self-care, and Stretching as your tool of choice to target and release those areas. This is how you begin to make progress on actual issues you have in your everyday life.



What does my life lessons have to do with getting out of pain

What does my life lessons have to do with getting out of pain

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com, and I have a pain-free concierge service that teaches people how to heal. I teach people how to heal through connecting and balancing out their mind and body.  Today we will be talking all about the mind-body connection and how it comes into our lives. We will learn  how LIFE LESSONS help get you out of pain

Life lessons can give you mindfulness because you must be present to experience it.    The mind-body connection is a term that goes way back in the day that we always used to use that got replaced with mindfulness and replaced with being present.

What is a life lesson

This video tip is all about the concept of life lessons, and it always perks me up thinking about all my life lessons that got me here. What were the experiences that I went through that got me to a place that I wanted to learn about the body, I wanted to learn how to speed up people’s potential. How I met every single one of my clients was a bunch of life lessons that led me to a place.

The easiest way to understand that there’s a bigger power. If you have a significant other, how many things had to go wrong for you to say, “This is the right person,” or even meet that person? So many things had to go wrong in life for that right thing to be accepted because if you had met her or him right out from the gate, you would have never had enough salty to see something sweet. You would have never had experienced how bad someone made you feel, to appreciate the way this person makes you feel. It’s a balance. It’s always a balance, and that’s life lessons.


Life lessons and pain?

Now, let’s take this back into pain relief. I journal often. In 2007, I had journal entries of me going through the same business experience over and over, because I never changed my business-wise mentality. I had issues with me not feeling adequate. I was very insecure about people wanting to listen to me, and people have to listen to me, and I would push myself on people. That was the problem. I saw this life lesson over and over again. To shift it I had to learn that I am adequate, I am good, I am everything that I wanted to be, but the more I pushed, the more things would fall apart.

I have audio of me messing up conversations with doctors and people, just because I tried to show them that I was good rather than me, in my mind, saying, “I am good. I learned how to calm myself down and realize if a person doesn’t want to talk to me, listen to me, that’s their loss. I needed to learn the balance between what I did and what I thought. I balanced out my mind, my mind and my body. That’s a life lesson.

You have to realize when it is time for you to learn, it will show up consistently.  So if it’s time for you to learn about pain, it will show you pain over and over again in many different areas until you learn that lesson it’s giving you, whether it be, “I have to be kinder to myself,” “I have to stop pushing so hard.” If I’m 50 and I’m trying to run like I’m 20.” Or  I’m 30, and I’m trying to act like I’m 50, 60, which looks like you’re not pushing your body hard enough.

Everything needs to balanced based off of where you are,

But you will get more and more life lessons based off of that, so you need to learn how to be and what’s going on in your present life,  which brings you back to the mind-body balance. Where are you currently in your head? That’s now going to balance out with what happens in your body. Your feelings need to mesh with your logic mind. They need to run side by side. They need to go through that melting, and then you see a completely different being. You see a powerful being. You see a person that can do anything because they know their limits.

In the last video tip about what is a mind-body balance, I gave you an example of two-lane highway, two people driving the same pace. Now if you have not watched last video tip do so it’s a good one.

This is the key point. If you focus on anything, it’s going to start presenting more, and the fact that you’re watching this means that you’re going to be more aware of the life lessons that you’ll be getting. That means they will be coming faster and faster. You need something to know how to combat that. My 40 ways to get out of pain PDF should give you a little leeway. If you need more help, I am here or talk to the person that helps you with your body as well as the person that helps you with your mind. If you don’t have one or the other, you need to find somebody. Find that person for you. All right? Download the 40 ways to get out of pain.


What life lessons are you learning?

What is going on in your life that’s consistent? And I guarantee you there is something there. You need to find it. You need to figure it out. Right? That’s where the mind comes in. What is something? What is the constant here? I would like to know what your life lessons are? What are you going through now? Right?

That’s gonna be the key to everything once you start looking at it in this way, because then you realize, “That’s why I keep on getting this pain. That’s why I’m always struggling with letting go. Why I’m always aggressive. Why am I so angry? Why am I so sad? Oh, because I need to learn about me holding on too much. Me trying too hard.” That was a good one.

Comment down below and tell me what is your life lesson now? What is going on?

Until the next one,  where we’re going to be talking about how your mind-body balance and your life lessons look like in your everyday life, and how to utilize that. How to utilize both of those to make healing supercharged and fast. All right? Till the next one. Bye.

Pain down the leg can be more the just sciatic pain

Pain down the leg can be more the just sciatic pain

What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy and I have a pain-free concierge service that I am loving doing, and I’m having so much fun doing it because I get to see people come out of their light. The pain-free concierge service brings out the best version of you. It brings out the best version because I’m not just doing one thing. I’m doing many, many things to help you see you better, get in touch with you better. This practice is not just about, “Ow. My elbow hurts,” anymore; It’s so much more. I’m doing it with my Live Pain-Free Process, which gives you the tools you need to deal with things in the physical world. Gives you tools to deal with things in the mental world. If you’re overthinking things, how you’re overthinking things, or you’re not thinking things at all. You do not see things whatsoever. As well as it gives you the tools to deal with things on the emotional level to balance you out. To give you a stable emotional place to think about things. Now, what we’re going to be dealing with today is all about sciatic pain. Sciatic pain, we’re going to be telling you the quick ‘whats‘ about what’s happening here. So many people know about the sciatic pain that it runs from the butt cheek all the way down the leg or both legs. What I want to show you it’s not always about the sciatic nerve.



On The Pain-Free Mindset, which I’m reading right out my book that will be the outline for the actual book. “Sciatic Pain, the ‘why’ behind sciatic pain could be many things, a lot of it behind being hypercritical and having a fear around the future issues as well as money issues, so think about it this way. “Anything that’s going to make you pucker your butt,” like, “I don’t know what to do with a particular move. I don’t know what to do about this job offer, I don’t know what to do about anything,” is going to pull up your pelvic floor, tighten up that whole area up and then you can grab your sciatic nerve, so that’s one aspect.

Being hypercritical is another aspect. Having these such high  unbreakable beliefs, sometimes even  moral things might sound like “I am not doing this.” I remember when I dealt with a very, very brief sciatic pain. When I was in massage school, and I didn’t know what to do, and I didn’t have any money to get back upstate. I lived in Jersey, and I needed to drive back and forth upstate, and I didn’t have enough money.  I was talking with a friend, and she said, “You know what, why don’t you just get a job at McDonald’s?” and my pride got in the way. I was like, “No. I’m never working at McDonald’s. Never doing this, never doing that,” and I got my face smacked and I paid the price. My butt started hurting because I had my pride. My belief structure system was  challenged.  I felt like “I’m better than this.”

That is a humongous thing. Once you start putting yourself on a pedestal saying, ” I don’t want to move here. I’m better than this person. I’m better than this job,” your body’s going to respond. Not saying this is good or bad, I’m just saying there are pros and cons to everything so take that in line. That is your ‘why.’



The next thing is you have to start realizing what your body’s up to in the low back. It could be pinching things at the sciatic nerve through the piriformis.  Which is the real go-to one, but I want to get you to realize that we don’t want to focus on one thing. I want to focus on the whole area, get your back to learn how to flex as well as extend as well as get your sacrum to stop compressing because your sciatic nerve is only one of the many nerves that can cause those pains.

You have to understand, your sciatic nerve runs through holes in your sacrum and runs downs all the way down the leg. That’s what everybody knows and the know the piriformis muscle can trap that nerve. What you don’t hear about is, all the other nerves that run alongside, up through the glute, in superficial layers  all the way to the sacrum. All those areas can be entraped and get the same sensations down the leg. Maybe not as streamlined, but you can be so focus so hypercritical by saying, “I have sciatic pain,” that you forget about everything else.

What I want to start saying is that “I have an issue in my glute and my low back.” To clean that up what you have to now is deal with it as a lower leg issue, an upper leg issue, a hip issue and a low back issue. So many people go to PTs, go to a massage therapist, and they just work one specific area. They just work with the glute. They just work with the hamstring, and they forget there are laws and principles to everything. You have to realize you have to work on something on the front of the body as well as something on the back of the body because it’s by law if something on the front of the body turns on, something on the back of the body has to turn off so your body can do it.


Here another way to look at this

If your butt is like locked up, the front part of your body’s going to fight, fight, fight; this is the offside. We live in a society that’s anteriorly driven. We sit a lot, making the body to crunch shut.  This constant need to tighten the front part o your body going to win over your butt. Which is going to make your butt fight harder which makes your piriformis or you’re sciatic, whatever is catching work that much harder and scream that much louder. Let alone that the driving force could be you having these high beliefs, high moral standards, which are great. But that could be one of the many things happening at a given moment. You could have this fear of money, fear of a big move that will change your life, all this other stuff that is driving you to curl up into a ball because that’s what happens when you’re in a fight or flight position. Your body wants to protect all of this. You have to get this to get undone, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about next time. We’re going to have to un-wire what’s happening in the emotional place, get you limbic system to spool down and get you to see an answer to the problem that you’re having using your frontal lobe.

Now I’m talking real quick. We are going to have to get you to spool down your central nervous system. Get blood flow to your frontal lobe, so you can correct the problem that you have all. We will do this using a tapping sequence, going through what’s happening and then sitting there and saying, “What is a different way I can see this? What is my vantage point now?” Then I will take you through the core three and show you where to foam roll, how to trigger point run, how to stretch, all this win uncompressing the sacrum, getting your spinal rotation back as well as your flex and extension.

If you have a bulge or herniation, the process does not change, but your body awareness needs to be really good to do everything. It comes down to how you are doing the action not what action to do.  Remember all therapies work because all we’re doing is getting the body to heal itself by getting the fight or flight system to spool down, and you see an answer to your problem.

That’s all we’re going to do, so now is going to be humongous. Next week I’m going to open it up. I’m going to allow you to buy it and do whatever you want with it and then what we’re going to do is we’re going to look at who had the sciatic pain, and we’re going to talk with them. We’re going to have a little chat and we’ll have a Q and A. That’s what’s up. That’s what we’re going to do, so until next week, keep on hitting me up. I love it, and I’ll see you next week. Later.

How I Got Around Allergies

How I Got Around Allergies

Patrick lerouge, www.livepainfreeprocess.com, seasonal allergies

What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m here to help people understand that everything in the body is connected. I want you to realize that you can use that connectivity to help you eliminate pain for the long term and quickly all because you understand the concept of balance; mental, physical and emotional balance. That is the only way your body works quickly, and that is what I’m here to show you today.

Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of allergies….. and damn, allergies stink!! I just started getting allergies after 35 years of never having them. A few weeks ago my whole family was suffering from allergies as well. We nicknamed my daughter ‘the faucet’ since her runny nose would not stop! We had some fun with that at first before we realized what was happening.

Our bodies were having trouble dealing with the excess particles in the air that have always been there. That’s a problem for me on a deep level since that’s something our body is supposed to be able to do, but for some reason is not.

What I want to talk to you today about is the fact that our bodies are not falling apart on us. Some may bring up the argument of age. However my two-year-old, seven-year-old and my wife were all showing signs. For some reason, our bodies weren’t able to keep up anymore, and that is what the issue here is. What did we do in the past to allow these allergies do not affect us? That’s what I want to talk about today. I want you to understand that I put this issue through the Restorative Process and the Live Pain-Free grinder and came up with a perfect strategy for the Lerouge Family. It might not be for you, but it might be for somebody that wants to stay natural and is willing to do it consistently.

What Are Allergies?

Allergies are the body showing signs and symptoms of it performing a lot of work and not being able to keep up with the overload. The reason why your body gets all the sinus issues, watery eyes, etc. is because it is trying to expel all the pollen and different materials in the air.

We are now in blooming season; the snow is all gone; the dust and all these different particles in the air are being taken in by your body, mainly through your nose. As it takes in all the particles, it gets clogged, and your body attempts to deal with it.

What the western side of the world tries to do is block the particles from you. They’ve created prescriptions that try to let the pollen not affect you or they stop a reaction on a chemical level. What I’m going to explain to you is what I did, which is more on the eastern side of things; the nurturing side. We need to remember that your body knows how to take care of itself, it’s just not able to keep up at this moment. You want to start feeding that cycle and helping your body to get through what it needs to get through at that precise moment.

First, realize when something comes into a cell, let’s call it an allergen; it could be pollen, it could be a nut, could be anything, what happens is your body absorbs it. The allergen comes in, gets absorbed and starts to manipulate the cell. The cell now has to produce waste or chemical, which we’ll call histamine. This forces your body to protect itself against this new chemical in your body. Your body needs to get rid of all these chemicals. That’s our primary focus; getting your body to speed up the process, because guess what!?….. Spring is here, pollen is not going anywhere, and neither is grass. It is just going to get worse. You have to get your body to process better. That’s the name of the game, and that is what you have to start focusing on.

Now, this is beautiful! What we did was focus on producing more anti-histamines. I tested many things and put it through the process and realized I have to stop the onslaught of what’s happening.

I started to think about different things; my wife already used the Neti Pot, but that’s not sustainable for daily use. You can add stuff in the Neti pot like the saline solution or apple cider vinegar, which seems to be used for everything nowadays. Although that’s one approach, I decided that it wasn’t going to work for sustainability for daily use. If you’re suffering from a tuff case, you might want to clean out your nasal cavity. Apple cider vinegar, as mentioned, is good at cleaning things out and starts to help your body boost its immune system. Boosting your immune system is the most important condition here.

Another thing you can do is close all your windows, but that’s not fun. It doesn’t work for the Lerouge Family as we are outside people. What we ended up doing is working on a cellular level. I’m going to tell you one of my key things that’s easy for everyone to do. It’s called Nettle Leaf. I found it at Whole Foods in essential oil form, but you can probably find it other holistic places also. It also comes in a dry tea form if you prefer drinking tea, but I decided to go with a more pure form.

What I started doing was giving everyone one a dropper full for the first day. After that, I started drinking a tea with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil to help my body produce and do the things that it needs to do. I also gave my kids the tea, which was a big dose upfront. We did that the first day since we were having a real hard time. We took it in the morning, noon and the evening. Then we started adding drops of it in our water bottles. That’s the sustainable trick; putting drops in the water bottle. Then I started watching them throughout the day. My daughter the faucet began to slow down to 50%. My son, not so red in the eyes. Me, I had the scratchy throat, and the compact sinuses and my wife had the posterior drip. We had everything across the board, and by the end of the day one everything was cut in half.

What I saw was that on the second day everything took hold. It took us two days to make everything better. It’s going to take time for your body to harmonize and start processing all the gunk out. That’s what this is all about. Getting the gunk out, so what I want you to do is find something that sustainably works for you, something that’s going to get your body to get the gunk out. It may be the Nettle Leaf, or there are plenty of different things that I found out there. Another was roasting some onions down and taking that with some local organic honey. There are many things you can do; you just have to make it sustainable in your way. I found this is the best method for us since we can go anywhere and everywhere by using it in our water bottles and it will cut the majority of the symptoms down. It’s not going to eliminate them, as that’s not what the body is doing. The body needs to get all this stuff out.

So folks, find out that sustainable method that works for you. This method worked for us; find out what works for you. The only way that’s going to happen is by you testing it safely. I do not suggest trying it out on your two-year-old, I would test it out on yourself first.  So, if this helped, please send it out because this is something that a lot of people need to hear. It’s not just about blocking everything or running to a drug. It’s about getting your body to balance itself out. Till next time folks, bye.