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Living the Beach life part 2 of 4 Be A Child

Living the Beach life part 2 of 4 Be A Child

Continuing living the beach life mini-series, I am walking you through how we stay checked out while connecting to what makes you heal.

Not forcing a relaxed state is harder than one thinks, and most do not realize that the more genuine the relaxation is, the more healing happens.

Living the beach life is not about sitting on the beach reading a book. It’s not about not worrying about anything. Remember our body is not designed to sit and stay still. It is about movement and connection. If you have not watched the first video please check out why we are on the beach and how to check out.

Connecting Is The Key To Healing

When doing anything to make yourself feel better, the more you can feel and connect the more benefits you will receive. The beach life is the same thing. Doing activities that get you moving naturally and connecting to the world will get you the most benefits. Here I show you the two stations we do on the beach. Both have one theme in common.

Being A Child

This is my next secret to Rapid Healing. The more you can show high energy naturally, the faster you heal. Using the state of curiosity and wonder gives you that state easily.

Listen to when Tyler finds the shark tooth. His energy skyrockets. All you have to do to acheive that is begin to look around and find something unexpected, bend down and get it all in amazement. It’s an instant recipe for healing.

There is so much in this world that’s not in our daily life and we don’t see often. Get in there and experience it, When doing this you stretch more than your hips and back. It stretches your mind, too. And, once you make a habit of stretching your mind, you have connected to another pillar for experiencing rapid healing.

Connecting the mind and body is always spoken about and living my beach life will connect that.

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

Please sign up for weekly inspiration and more great tips to live and move pain-free and create the life you love,

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Finding your balance to become balanced

Finding your balance to become balanced

Finding Balance Within Ourselves is this month’s miniseries topic. If you have not watched the first three video please go back and watch them, the first week was about what is balance from within.  The second was about Work-life balance, and the third was about how to improve your personal improvement balance,

Today I will be discussing physical balance. How is being clumsy showing you are out of balance? Actual standing balance can show how you are interacting with the world. Many speak about being clumsy and having lousy balance. Unless you are getting up there in age or you have a nerve issue, your balance can improve dramatically with this exercise.

How does balance translate to not being balanced within

Have you ever reached for something and missed it, or missed your mouth or messed up your footing while walking? These are all signs your not aware of your mind-body connection. I give another example of what it looks like as a child in the video with what happened with my daughter on our walk to school 🙂

When your mind moves faster than your body can, we get clumsy and make mistakes that can be embarrassing. So use this moment as a sign or a clue that you are not connected mentally and physically. In the video, the exercise is used for rehab to work on intrinsic muscle strength, creating better balance and movement patterns. I do the spin during my meditations and learn how to build a better connection between both areas.

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

Please sign up for weekly inspiration and more great tips to live and move pain-free and create the life you love,

More ways we’d love to stay connected:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel




Creating work-life balance

Creating work-life balance

One of the trickiest things anyone I know that has a family has to do is create a good work-life balance. Most realize there is something called a work-life balance but never attempt to create one. This month we have been speaking about balance from within to create a pain-free life, today is all about how to create a work-life balance.

Work-life balance is tough because you are either in the world of needing to be with your family and having an issue with going to work. Or, you need to be at work and missing your family. There is a way to balance this out. It takes you sitting down and asking yourself a couple of questions.

  1. Which one are you? Need to be home or Need to be at work?
  2. How can I put one in priority first then put the other?


Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about work life balance

Making this decision creates that flow of one to the other.  This flow is where all the mistakes happen. You must learn to manage what is happening in your big picture to stay ahead of the out of balance phase. (This image will be in the next few topics as well as it shows other areas you will need to balance.)

Staying ahead of the out of balance phase.

It is inevitable that you will become out of balance, the trick is catching it quickly by using your systems to correct it. I use my planning to see both my business world and my personal life.  A planner is a great tool to get into the habit of using. Just like anything else it takes practice in using it and becoming efficient at it.  There is a time you will rebel and say it is not worth the extra energy it takes but with time you will not be able to live without it.

Watch the video for the classic mistake most people make when using the planner?



(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

Please sign up for weekly inspiration and more great tips to live and move pain-free and create the life you love,

More ways we’d love to stay connected:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel




Improved way to relieve allergies

Improved way to relieve allergies

Last week in the allergies mini-series if you have not seen the others in the series please double back and take a look. The first weeks’ video tip was about learning what is allergies. The second week was about eating more foods that are anti-inflammatory so your system can function better. Last week was a video about doing supplements that even a baby can handle.  This weeks is our more improved way to relieve allergies. We were able to decrease a lot of work with this hack.

To relieve allergies is a systematic approach, but more so it is an accumulative approach. The more you do a small amount of work consistently the more your body will be able to process the extra issues it is going through. By eating foods that do not inflame your body and taking natural supplements that assist the body deal with nature, you should be fine.  I have been finding more ways to assist the body in being more efficient so you can relieve allergies easily. This hack is BEE POLLEN

What does bee pollen do

It has many benefits other than what we are talking about helping with allergies.

  1. Reduces inflammation
  2. Acts as an Antioxidant
  3. Protects Against Liver Toxicity
  4. Boost the immune system
  5. Helps Relieve Stress 
  6. Promotes Healing

As so much more.


To get bee pollen all might take some work because you want to get local bee pollen. So hitting up your all local grocers will be the trick. I start off everything we do slowly. Just a few grains of the bee pollen at first to see how your body begins to adapt to the pollen. Please ERR on the side of caution, I literally gave my kids 5 or six granules to make sure they were okay for a bunch of days. then moved up to licking the tip of the fingers and whatever takes they get. No more than 10 can stick on their little finger. I gave devin a 1-year-old 2 granules only. this is important for you to go slowly and if you are allergic talk to a doctor or have your epi pen handy lol, seriously tho please take care of your self.

Hip Pain Keeps Coming Back

Hip Pain Keeps Coming Back

This month we will be taking apart and teaching about why your hip pain keeps coming back. I see a lot of hip pain showing up more this time of the year because of increased movement and activity; for instance, I garden and begin working in the yard.  Others start running and doing more outside exercise and activities which have a much higher physical impact. I have done other videos that are more focused the upfront causes of hip pain. This video is all about the back burner reasons why your hip pain keeps coming back.

Patrick Lerouge, www.livepainfreeprocess.com, hips pain keeps coming back, showing hip pain


The focal point for this reoccurring hip pain is the overuse and misuse of our hip rotators. The common muscle causing hip and secondary hip pain is Piriformis, gluteus medius and different parts of hip flexors. They all rotate out the hip, but the important question to ask is why are these muscle creating and maintaining trigger points?

Our piriformis muscle refers to deep in the sacrum and in the back pain of the hip at the back of the femur. Gluteus medius refers to the entire butt and back part of the hip. The hip flexors play a role here and refer to the front side of the hip.

So, Why Does Your Hip Pain Keep Coming Back?

It happens because we spend a lot of time in a seated position and we naturally will rotate our femur in or out.  Over contraction and overuse come into play due to this. What happens is while we sit we compress our glute depriving it of blood. We contract it ever so slightly using our hip rotators while sitting.  Not realizing it has not been getting adequate blood flow or movement. Then the first thing we do when we get up and walk is over exaggerate our first step.

Let me show you what I’m talking about. Try this now…

If you are sitting at a desk where you usually work or image you sitting in your car. Get up and look what your foot does. 100 percent of the time it will point in the direction you want to go. The only time it will be point straight is when you are seated on your couch and get up and go. And, the majority of the time, you will end up over-rotating a muscle that has been deprived for a while.

but that’s not the real kicker though…

The real problem happens when you do an activity that needs actual power to sustain your body, lIke me when I’m gardening and doing yard work. If I don’t prepare these muscle to move, then I won’t be able to work for long and my body will recruit other muscles to pick up the slack. This is why your hip pain keeps coming back.  Plus it might not even look the same because other muscles are creating more trigger points and malfunctions trying to keep up with this pattern.

This month I will be showing you how foam rolling, trigger point self-care, and stretching to combat this vicious cycle.

Enjoy the video. It explains more of why your hip pain keeps coming back. If you’ve got questions or want to tell me what you think, leave a comment down below and I’ll get right back to you!

Using Your Senses To Calm Anxiety

Using Your Senses To Calm Anxiety

I will be giving the next action step to eliminating anxiety in this video I will show you how to connect to your body, bring you back to the present moment using your senses. By using your senses to calm your anxiety you will be able to calm yourself anywhere. There is no easier way to bring you back to your body other than using your senses. If you have not watched the first two video please do so.

In the first video, we speak about tracking and becoming aware of your triggers. In the second video, I spoke about creating a stopping point using the 4 square breathing. Today we address the body as it is in the triggered zone. Bring you out of it and calm yourself down. Once you see how easy it is to calm yourself using your senses you will never go back. You can do it anywhere and no one will ever know.

Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com


can calm any issue, because it brings you back to the present moment where the body and the threat can be. Most of the time when we have these anxious moments it is based on a past event you are making real, or a future event you are forecasting to be real. Once you Bring yourself back to the present, most of the time you will realize there is no actual threat to your personal being. This allows your body to regain its composure.

If you are outside it is easy to use your senses look at the next thing that catches your eye. describe it in detail. Or smell the air what does it smell like?


Using your sense with 4 square technique

In the last video, I explain how to use 4 square breathing.  By adding your sense of touch and hearing you can make this technique much more effective. JUst by putting your hands on your belly and listening to how you are breathing adds a completely different level to the practice of breathing. The next secret I tell you if done properly will enhance your ability to be present 10 fold.

Please tell me what you think? Enjoy