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Focus On Blowing Your Air Out For Relaxation

Focus On Blowing Your Air Out For Relaxation

Blowing air out of your body is critical to how your brain functions.

Think of this as the yin and yang of the body, for every muscle, there is a counterbalancing muscle. Each muscle corresponds with the brain in a certain spot. In this case the fight or flight part or the rest and relaxation part.

By doing diaphragmic breathing and you focus on your diaphragm to take in the air, you feed the fight or flight system.

By focusing on the transverse abdominals and blowing your air out you feed the rest and relax.

Focusing on blowing your air outfocusing on blowing air out image from www.livepainfreeprocess.com

Feeds the part of the brain that holds the rest and relaxation part of your nervous system. This is important for continuing to stay calm after your breathing exercise is over and you continue on with your day.

All breathing exercises work because of the yin and yang aspect of the art of breathing. you need to use your Transverse abdominals to blow your air out, so you are always using it in some way shape or form.

If you are one of the lucky few that have been practicing breathing for relaxation it will be easier for you to switch your focus to blowing air out rather then allowing air in.

If you are just joining us for this mini-series please take a look at the previous video to see where we are making our first mistake. OUR STARTING POINT

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Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!


(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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Hip Pain Keeps Coming Back

Hip Pain Keeps Coming Back

This month we will be taking apart and teaching about why your hip pain keeps coming back. I see a lot of hip pain showing up more this time of the year because of increased movement and activity; for instance, I garden and begin working in the yard.  Others start running and doing more outside exercise and activities which have a much higher physical impact. I have done other videos that are more focused the upfront causes of hip pain. This video is all about the back burner reasons why your hip pain keeps coming back.

Patrick Lerouge, www.livepainfreeprocess.com, hips pain keeps coming back, showing hip pain


The focal point for this reoccurring hip pain is the overuse and misuse of our hip rotators. The common muscle causing hip and secondary hip pain is Piriformis, gluteus medius and different parts of hip flexors. They all rotate out the hip, but the important question to ask is why are these muscle creating and maintaining trigger points?

Our piriformis muscle refers to deep in the sacrum and in the back pain of the hip at the back of the femur. Gluteus medius refers to the entire butt and back part of the hip. The hip flexors play a role here and refer to the front side of the hip.

So, Why Does Your Hip Pain Keep Coming Back?

It happens because we spend a lot of time in a seated position and we naturally will rotate our femur in or out.  Over contraction and overuse come into play due to this. What happens is while we sit we compress our glute depriving it of blood. We contract it ever so slightly using our hip rotators while sitting.  Not realizing it has not been getting adequate blood flow or movement. Then the first thing we do when we get up and walk is over exaggerate our first step.

Let me show you what I’m talking about. Try this now…

If you are sitting at a desk where you usually work or image you sitting in your car. Get up and look what your foot does. 100 percent of the time it will point in the direction you want to go. The only time it will be point straight is when you are seated on your couch and get up and go. And, the majority of the time, you will end up over-rotating a muscle that has been deprived for a while.

but that’s not the real kicker though…

The real problem happens when you do an activity that needs actual power to sustain your body, lIke me when I’m gardening and doing yard work. If I don’t prepare these muscle to move, then I won’t be able to work for long and my body will recruit other muscles to pick up the slack. This is why your hip pain keeps coming back.  Plus it might not even look the same because other muscles are creating more trigger points and malfunctions trying to keep up with this pattern.

This month I will be showing you how foam rolling, trigger point self-care, and stretching to combat this vicious cycle.

Enjoy the video. It explains more of why your hip pain keeps coming back. If you’ve got questions or want to tell me what you think, leave a comment down below and I’ll get right back to you!

What does my life lessons have to do with getting out of pain

What does my life lessons have to do with getting out of pain

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com, and I have a pain-free concierge service that teaches people how to heal. I teach people how to heal through connecting and balancing out their mind and body.  Today we will be talking all about the mind-body connection and how it comes into our lives. We will learn  how LIFE LESSONS help get you out of pain

Life lessons can give you mindfulness because you must be present to experience it.    The mind-body connection is a term that goes way back in the day that we always used to use that got replaced with mindfulness and replaced with being present.

What is a life lesson

This video tip is all about the concept of life lessons, and it always perks me up thinking about all my life lessons that got me here. What were the experiences that I went through that got me to a place that I wanted to learn about the body, I wanted to learn how to speed up people’s potential. How I met every single one of my clients was a bunch of life lessons that led me to a place.

The easiest way to understand that there’s a bigger power. If you have a significant other, how many things had to go wrong for you to say, “This is the right person,” or even meet that person? So many things had to go wrong in life for that right thing to be accepted because if you had met her or him right out from the gate, you would have never had enough salty to see something sweet. You would have never had experienced how bad someone made you feel, to appreciate the way this person makes you feel. It’s a balance. It’s always a balance, and that’s life lessons.


Life lessons and pain?

Now, let’s take this back into pain relief. I journal often. In 2007, I had journal entries of me going through the same business experience over and over, because I never changed my business-wise mentality. I had issues with me not feeling adequate. I was very insecure about people wanting to listen to me, and people have to listen to me, and I would push myself on people. That was the problem. I saw this life lesson over and over again. To shift it I had to learn that I am adequate, I am good, I am everything that I wanted to be, but the more I pushed, the more things would fall apart.

I have audio of me messing up conversations with doctors and people, just because I tried to show them that I was good rather than me, in my mind, saying, “I am good. I learned how to calm myself down and realize if a person doesn’t want to talk to me, listen to me, that’s their loss. I needed to learn the balance between what I did and what I thought. I balanced out my mind, my mind and my body. That’s a life lesson.

You have to realize when it is time for you to learn, it will show up consistently.  So if it’s time for you to learn about pain, it will show you pain over and over again in many different areas until you learn that lesson it’s giving you, whether it be, “I have to be kinder to myself,” “I have to stop pushing so hard.” If I’m 50 and I’m trying to run like I’m 20.” Or  I’m 30, and I’m trying to act like I’m 50, 60, which looks like you’re not pushing your body hard enough.

Everything needs to balanced based off of where you are,

But you will get more and more life lessons based off of that, so you need to learn how to be and what’s going on in your present life,  which brings you back to the mind-body balance. Where are you currently in your head? That’s now going to balance out with what happens in your body. Your feelings need to mesh with your logic mind. They need to run side by side. They need to go through that melting, and then you see a completely different being. You see a powerful being. You see a person that can do anything because they know their limits.

In the last video tip about what is a mind-body balance, I gave you an example of two-lane highway, two people driving the same pace. Now if you have not watched last video tip do so it’s a good one.

This is the key point. If you focus on anything, it’s going to start presenting more, and the fact that you’re watching this means that you’re going to be more aware of the life lessons that you’ll be getting. That means they will be coming faster and faster. You need something to know how to combat that. My 40 ways to get out of pain PDF should give you a little leeway. If you need more help, I am here or talk to the person that helps you with your body as well as the person that helps you with your mind. If you don’t have one or the other, you need to find somebody. Find that person for you. All right? Download the 40 ways to get out of pain.


What life lessons are you learning?

What is going on in your life that’s consistent? And I guarantee you there is something there. You need to find it. You need to figure it out. Right? That’s where the mind comes in. What is something? What is the constant here? I would like to know what your life lessons are? What are you going through now? Right?

That’s gonna be the key to everything once you start looking at it in this way, because then you realize, “That’s why I keep on getting this pain. That’s why I’m always struggling with letting go. Why I’m always aggressive. Why am I so angry? Why am I so sad? Oh, because I need to learn about me holding on too much. Me trying too hard.” That was a good one.

Comment down below and tell me what is your life lesson now? What is going on?

Until the next one,  where we’re going to be talking about how your mind-body balance and your life lessons look like in your everyday life, and how to utilize that. How to utilize both of those to make healing supercharged and fast. All right? Till the next one. Bye.

Mind-body Connection is What You Need To Reach To Speed Up Healing

Mind-body Connection is What You Need To Reach To Speed Up Healing

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You could find me at livepainfreeprocess.com, and I have a pain-free concierge service that teaches people how to heal. Teaching people how to heal through the mind-body connection so you can speed up healing. The more that’s balanced, the more your body can perform properly. I said that statement carefully because that’s what this video topic is going to be about today. This video topic is going to come in the form of four places.

It’s all about the better way of dealing with things, how to heal, and how I facilitate that. It’s coming from a client that I had just leave here, so you have to apologize because this is raw coming out of my head. I wrote down some notes, so excuse that as well. We were talking about how to get her mind proper again, how to balance herself out.

She’s good at what she does as a holistic practitioner, about balancing people. We all need levels, and levels, and levels, and levels. It brought me back to my training where I just recently changed and showed that I’m still improving. Even though I think that I’m well off, I still need help. It all comes back down to your mind-body balance.

This tip is coming in four parts, and one, it’s what is the mind-body balance. Number two is life lessons. I’m smiling hugely; it’s because life lessons are what people keep on messing up. We keep on dealing with things over and over again, and we’re not seeing the pattern of the universe, your God, whatever bigger power that you believe in is giving you to teach you a lesson.

The third one is how to do life lessons, and mind-body balance looks like in our lives, and how we can utilize it, as well as the fourth one is a specific way how to do a life balance. When we talk about how it looks like in the rest of our life and how we can implement it, I’m going to do it through foam rolling, because I course in foam rolling trigger point stretching and this is what it teaches you. I want to give you a glimpse into everything you do teaches you about your life lesson if you are balanced mentally and physically, right?

The last one is an actual issue that I’m constantly seeing in my practice now because I work with a lot of females. It’s has a specific name in the orthopedic world that a lot of moms get thumb issues. It drives a lot of issues within the wrist and weakens the hand grip, so on and so forth. We’re going to do trigger point to show you how to clear this one.

You have to realize, they all mesh all together, and it’s how we learn anything and everything. That’s where the fun part is. That’s where I was just like, I’ve got to do this right now. Everyone is all about this mindfulness kick, and the holistic world, and being present. I realize that I was in the mix of that and in that fad. I call it a fad, not to demean anything, but it’s something that, that’s the new keyword. Everyone wants to be mindful; everyone wants to be present because you do need to be there.

What I teach is a balance between the mind and the body. That’s what gets you faster along in your journey through whatever you want to be, a powerlifter, sprinter, runner, marathon. The more you can balance your mind and your body, the faster you accomplish any goal. A millionaire, helping your kids, being present. Anything in that world takes you understanding those two concepts and then balancing them out.

The way I want you to think about mind-body balance, let’s go into the first tick. What is mind-body balance? It’s the concept of what your brain and your body does at the same time that you’re experiencing something. That’s your mind-body balancing. How well they balance themselves is the way that you will perform anything. Let’s take you driving on a highway. It’s a two-lane highway, and you find somebody driving past you at 90 miles per hour, and then past you. You’re driving at a mere 40 miles per hour when it’s a 65 mile per hour zone.

There’s a guy flies past you, got so many running at 90 miles per hour, and you’re running at 45, running slow. The equivalent of that is, your brain is running so fast, so fast, but you feel so sluggish. Your brain will get to a place well faster than you. It’ll get you well, well enough to go, I can see everything done, but all of the sudden you can’t accomplish the goal. You physically can’t do it.

Or you’re running fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, and you’re going, your body is running at 90 miles per hour on the body end. You’re able to do all these different things, but then you get there, and you forget what you have to do. Why did I come in this room again? Put yourself back on that two-lane highway. Have you ever been behind two people driving the same, exact pace, just moving along? Can you get around them? Can you do anything? No, you have to stay in line. Everything is balanced, everything goes.

Now, if you’re running and you’re doing something, and your body’s running as clean as your mind, things run effortlessly. Things move easy, and people call that the zone. People call it all sorts of different things. That’s what you have to do when it comes to healing your body from anything. From anxiety, which is more mentally driven and at 90 miles per hour, or depression, where it’s going slow, or body aches and pains from shoulder pain, to back pain, to this, your muscular system, a lymphatic system.

Anything, one of those systems probably not working, which means your body’s running either too fast and burning out an area, or bringing it back and not functioning well enough. You have to learn how to balance those things out. That is the mind-body connection. That’s what you have to do. The only way you learn about this, the only way you understand it is by looking at the bigger picture of what going on in your life.

I have journal entries for me going through the same type of problems in many different ways. We’re going to cover this in the next one, but that’s what we’re going to be talking about is, I saw the same problem over and over again until I fixed it. What I noticed is, I fixed it because I became balanced within myself. I saw myself dealing with it mentally, and I watched myself physically go through it, right? It took the practice of me going over and over again.

That is the key to everything. That’s next week’s video tip is all about life lessons and how does it teach you, what is it showing you. Now, I want you to think about it. What do you think about the mind-body connection? Where are you in this world? Are you mentally driven, like I mind over the body, if I get my body to push through things? Or are you very, very mind-driven, you’ve seen the future, you’ve seen the past, and you’re not here. Both of those things cause ailments.

Or are you just muscle? Are you always just picking up things and muscling things through, no matter what’s happening. No matter if you don’t feel well, you’re just going to muscle it through, or a person that you just don’t have the energy anymore. You just can’t process things, you’re just like, I have all these thoughts, but I can’t process things. They both equate to a non-balanced state. Where are you? What can you tell me about that? That’s you taking a look at yourself, which then brings you present. That’s all your body needs to start changing things around, right?

I had this ebook that I wrote called Me First. Look through that, look at the comments down below, because that gives you a concept of the bigger picture and where you roleplay in it. That will get you a concept of what mind-body connection is. That’s the first thing I want you to do; I want you to download that book. It’s free, easy. https://livepainfreeprocess.com/me-first-ebook/ That’ll get you to start thinking about things. Easy, breezy, right?

Then I want you to look at yourself and say, where do I stand in this? Nothing like action-driven, just where do I stand in this place? Am I more mentally driven than the body, or am I more body driven than that? If you’re in the type of ailment whatsoever, I guarantee you one of those things are off. You just have to figure out which one it is, and that’s how I get people to heal rapidly, by balancing off your mind-body connection. Until next week, I’ll see you later.