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Do not fall into this habit trap called the chasm of chaos

Do not fall into this habit trap called the chasm of chaos

I hear this so many times with my client, I even warn them it’s coming.
Looks like this…
Two weeks of us doing our thing and you’re beginning to make progress. That 10% of easy momentum kicks in making you feel like you’re on cloud nine.
Then they say…Patrick, I don’t know what happened? I was consistent as fuck, I was doing all the things;
  • Exercise
  • Sleep
  • Eating
I was killing it in the business too;
  • Social media
  • Team delegation
  • I’m taking care of clients better than ever
  • Happily doing my admin work
I was feeling better than I ever have. I have no clue what happened. 7 days have passed and I have done nothing and now I feel like shit. I feel like a failure. What did the hell happen?
The ‘Chasm of Chaos’ is the reason you will think you have it when you really don’t.
Between days 27-67 is where true habit-forming happens.
You will need support to be able to fall and get back up.
The brain will begin to look for an easier way to live. The dopamine that has been your upper is depleted and now it’s on its own.
This is where it is easier to go back to your old way of thinking and acting.
So it quietly gives a command that forces you to let go of the throttle and stop investing in building the new way.
This is where I begin to lean in and watch your actions.
You might perform the actions or tasks, but you will be disconnected and just going through the motions.

When a client notices this happening they revert to using will power to get the tasks done.

This will happen unless you know how to break this cycle.
During this hard time, having a support structure around is important, whether it be a friend, mentor, or coach.
You need a proven system that will give you steps that you can intertwine with activities already in your day, so after those 20 days you do not fall into the ‘Chasm of Chaos’.
Knowing this exists is half the battle.
Now, what are you attempting to become consistent in?
  • Self-care during hard times
  • Speaking your truth daily so you are not weighed down
  • Speaking to yourself kindly when you do not show yourself the way you want
  • Not reacting to all the pressure you are under
Comment below if you would like to break this cycle and create long-lasting habits that will get you to do more in less time.
You are tolerating where you are and what you tolerate will persist.

You are tolerating where you are and what you tolerate will persist.

You’re not making it to the next level because you keep making this one mistake.

You are tolerating where you are and what you tolerate will persist.

Sorry for being the bearer of bad news, but it is the truth.

If you don’t know me, I am Patrick Lerouge, your Productivity Specialist.  I help you get more things done in less time.  I do so by breaking through those glass ceilings and enhancing your mind so you can perform 10% better.


This week’s category is all about…

Getting you to make those positive habits that we spoke about last week stick!

First, you’ve got a tough pill to swallow-which is, what you tolerate persists.

What that means is you have to commit.  We go through this place because we can, we allow it to happen. We tolerate so much, but what you tolerate will persist.

  • If you allow your body to feel like shit, it will persist to feel like shit.
  • If you want to make more money and you’re tolerating the amount of pay that you’re getting, then you’re tolerating the amount of financial abundance that you have. It will persist.
  • If you tolerate an unclear mind, an unfocused mind and you can’t concentrate, it will persist.

It’s the truth!  You have to STOP tolerating things.  It’s a survival mechanism that we have.  You have to switch over into a thriving position inside yourself.  You have to thrive.  So you have to commit to what you need, not what you want.

It’s not that hard.  I say it all the time.  All it takes is 10% and the ball will start rolling and you will have momentum.

You only need to access 10%!   It’s not reaching for the stars and grabbing everything.  Productivity happens in small bite-sized pieces.  All you have to do is reach for that momentum, but first, you have to focus on what your problem is and stop tolerating it.  Look at the things that you are tolerating-things that you want to change.  You need to commit to changing the things that you’re tolerating.

All you have to do is take a 10% bite.  Start doing something small daily-even if it’s just staying tuned to these small short videos so I can give you the answers.


Stop tolerating, as what you tolerate will persist and we want you to thrive, baby!

See you at the next one.

Physical Flexibility Is a sign about productivity loss

Physical Flexibility Is a sign about productivity loss

What is up, everybody Patrick Lerouge your productivity specialists, getting you to get more things done in less time. And I want to talk to you today about flexibility. It’s not what you think. It’s not about arm flexibility, body flexibility, but. Your body does tell you how flexible you are in your mind as well as nearby.
So let me ask you a question. When you get apposed in a different way, don’t get something you want. What do you do? Do you, you dig your heels in or do you just let it go? That’s not flexibility. Right. Not being able to see both sides of the subject is what we’re talking about. What we’re talking about is being able to have a nice, healthy debate to understand somebody else’s way or why things are not working right for you.
That is flexibility, mental flexibility. How many angles can you see when something is coming? How well can you see around that corner? That is mental flexibility. Emotional flexibility is that something’s not mostly going your way. You’re able to quiet yourself and bring yourself back down. So you can actually ask the questions to understand both sides of the subject to get a win, win.

Now, this is the fun part.

This is where I want you to think about and start asking questions about when you’re looking at your mentor or emotional flexibility, look towards your body. Your body is the thing that talks to you. The loudest, the fastest, if you’re a high, big back achiness all the time.
There’s something going around, flexibility, shoulder stuff, flexibility around different movement, parts, hip things is a structure. There’s many different ways that your body talks about. But the one I want you to really, really look at is your ankle flexibility. Right. That changes everything the way your ankles move and how you can move, will dictate how well you’re emotionally able to handle how fast you go and being nimble when moving as fast as you are.
And if you don’t have that flexibility, it’s showing up in other places in your life. So easy thing to do squat back down. Can you keep your heels down and get your ass to the grass? That is the whole thing. Can you get down with your heels, flat foot, everything down to get that flexibility up. You need to do a certain things here or there, but if you’re not able to do it well, you can’t run as fast as you think you can and be as agile as you can mentally and emotionally.
And without those things bouncing out, you will never succeed for long. You’re always going to hit a wall and something’s gonna fall apart. So how flexible are you? Stop thinking just body. Start thinking, mind, body, energy, emotions, everything. Think bigger. See you on the next one. Bye.

Overwhelmed? DO This

Overwhelmed? DO This

In the last two videos, I talked about breaking the cycle of failure. About not being able to get your things done or going through the cycle and falling apart later. We talked about not playing the short game. We covered doing small things consistently and focusing on how you do them. I will tell you the one thing to do when you feel overwhelmed.
Let’s face it you are now overwhelmed because there are all these things you have to do and you have to focus on how you’re doing them.

So, how do you deal with overwhelm?

That is the key component here.
What you have to do is a three-step process. And here it goes:
  1.  You STOP and you focus on one breath-your breathing. How are you breathing? You need to be able to slow down and stop and focus on the first breath.
  2. Then you FOCUS on what the next step that you need to do is. That is important! So many people are overwhelmed and get frantic, thinking, ‘I have to do this’, ‘Let me do that’. Stop! Breathe and go into the next thing.
  3. DO that step. People make it into this big thing and tend to overthink this one. It literally could be, ‘I need to walk to the bathroom.’ That’s it. Perform the step you were focusing on.
Keep repeating this pattern throughout the day.
One breath, one step, and one action at a time.
That is a critical step in all my systems.
If you start to feel overwhelmed, which you will, remember-one breath, one step, one action at a time. It is so critical that you get that right and put it into your day because now you’re focusing on how not what you are doing. Things will start to change for you. You’ll start to feel it more. You’ll get into your body more and be able to perform better once you stop reaching for everything and making it all work.
When you get overwhelmed, focus on one thing, that’s it. Then it’s one breath, then it’s one step and one action at a time.
That brings us to the end of the video series that ends the cycle of failure.
See you on the next set.

Become A Master in your craft In Less time

I will help you get more done in less time. I do that by getting you to break through your glass ceiling so you can enhance your mind and perform 10 times better. I do this through short little action steps and short little video tips that get you to break the cycle of failure.
That’s what’s happening this week.
A couple of days ago, I did a video all about breaking the short game habit loop that you’re in. Now we’re going to talk about how you do anything is how you do everything. That is the key. You have to realize the smallest task is a way for you to build consistency that helps you get into this right.

Think about what you do on a daily basis.

By practicing doing it the best that you can with everything you do, then you have practiced putting everything you got into a task. Now, if you stretch that out for a long period of time, you start practicing getting things done with focus. I’m going to focus on:
  • Doing the laundry
  • Writing sales copy for the business
  • Client work
  • Doing videos for the week
When you consistently do that throughout the day-at first, you’re going to get exhausted. You’re tired, but if you start stretching that out past day three days, four days, even 10 days you will start getting into a habit of consistently bringing in focus and staying in that state.
Once you get that aligned by focusing on how you do in the moment, you will be able to build on that focus.
It is not what you do at the moment, it’s how you do it.
Focus on that, everything changes. So stop playing the short game and start focusing on everything that you do daily. This will stop that cycle of failure.
These are small, simple things-You can do it!
So I’ll see you on the next one. Bye.
This is Why You Feel Like a Hamster on a Wheel All Day Long

This is Why You Feel Like a Hamster on a Wheel All Day Long

You are like a hamster on the wheel all day.

It’s not your fault.

You’re just trying to get everything done, but it never seems like enough. That is called having a short game plan, and it will lead to failure. Focus instead on having long-term goals that are realistic and attainable for your business. Then supplement those plans with short-term wins that will keep you motivated in the meantime.

Here is Your Problem:

We are all so busy and feel like we have to do everything, but when you’re doing a bunch of little things instead of focusing on the big picture, you can’t get ahead.

The people who are successful at what they do always focus and execute on their long-term goals. High performers know that as long as they keep moving forward in small ways every day, eventually, they will succeed.

Focus on your short-term goals while keeping your eyes on the prize. This is how you build your career to be successful over time.

You’re playing at a high level, but you know that your short game will suffer if you don’t take care of yourself mentally and physically.

What is the long game?

The long game is everything you do to enhance your mind and body to stay playing at this high level of success..

How are you optimizing it?

How are you enhancing it?

Are you doing something daily that gets your mind to get better? 

You have to evolve.

If you cannot pivot and move, have the space to feel good inside your head, you will eventually crumble. It is not if it is when!

Most players don’t think about their mental edge until they lose it. And most people who practice yoga or meditation only do so when they want an immediate result – like clearing their head right before they blow or to stop the chaos. But what if you find peace and more concentration with yourself on a more regular basis – even when things aren’t going well on the course?” 

I get it…

When you’re playing at a high level, it’s easy to get caught up with the pressure of such a competitive space. It can be hard not to feel like you’re fighting an uphill battle and that every day is another exhausting game of chess where one wrong move will cost you everything.

You know this feeling all too well: when your thoughts start racing in circles and end up spiraling out of control, or when self-doubt creeps its way back into your mind without warning. 

Even the most experienced players have days where they struggle. but what sets them apart is their ability to take care of themselves mentally and physically- their “long game”- so that even on those tough days they can still succeed while staying focused enough.

The long game has a plan

It can execute it every day, and not only that but also have an end goal in sight. The long game isn’t something you can accomplish overnight; it takes time to build up those foundations with consistent work- just like any other endeavor worth pursuing. If you’re looking for help creating your mind-body optimization plan and roadmap, I’d love to partner with you!

The highly customized plans are specifically for each client’s needs by considering their past experiences, successes, and daily challenges.

Contact me today so I can get started building out a personalized future together!

“A simple plan to getting everything done in less time”