Quick Tip about getting to sleep and staying asleep
Quick Tip
Get to Sleep and stay asleep
Freedom mastering experience gives you simple hacks, tips and tricks to stay focused, high energy and optimized.
He goes up to that you probably already know, avoid bright lights before sleep, we all heard it, you know, the blue lights, electronics, all these things emit this blue light that now disrupts your sleep patterns, you can see Pomona, specifically the one that they pick on his melatonin, but to reduce that detail to get the blue light glasses, which all you know, and how you do that is you have a nighttime routine that now spaces out how much blue light you have, like before sleep that is 101 when I have to show you is how do you produce melatonin.
So if you know the blue light diminishes melatonin and doesn’t allow your body to produce it because you’re naturally being settled down what produces it, you have to actually get sunlight, the sunlight throughout the day actually allows your body to produce the melatonin so you can actually get a good sleep cycle outside. So you now have to understand you have to go get bright light, you have to get bright light throughout the day. And this is another side note. Blue light doesn’t just happen in that small hour before sleep. It actually happens throughout the day.
It’s something that compiles in you. So you have to be aware of how much electronics you have all the way throughout your days throughout your day, as well as got to get sunlight. If you’re not getting sunlight, your body is not in its natural state and your sleep cycles will become will get off.
Patrick Lerouge here, your Productivity Specialist. I help you get more things done in less time. I do that by breaking through your glass ceilings, enhancing your mind, and getting you to perform 10% better. Now you’re probably a high performer. You probably do a lot. I’m going to tell you a place that’s a hidden curse for you. It’s this world of maintaining this is The High Achievers Kryptonite.
As high achievers, we can produce a lot because we move fast. We think we can maintain our current position, our current place. That is a big fat no-no.
Think about starting to work out. Did you do it five days a week forever? No, it doesn’t work like that.
You may have started working out five days a week and that was hard. It took you to your wall. Once you reached your goal, you actually have to bring it down a little bit. So instead of going five days a week, you might go three days a week, because the long-term game is to make this a lifestyle.
Whatever you’re doing is a lifestyle in my world, enhancing your mind and body is you. It’s your lifestyle. So we have to take you to your wall and then bring it back down. So in the workout analogy, you would actually bring yourself down to three days a week. So you now can maintain that pace. Do that for a certain amount of time until you hit another wall, which then you change it up again.
But now, you’re no longer even thinking about actually working out. It’s how you’re changing up the workout that you’re already doing in a certain amount of time-the parameters change. Those parameters are always building on a foundation that you already built after the first time. What I see continuously is everyone going balls to the wall, until they break, until they burn out. Set your goal so you can thrive.
Do what you do well. After that goal is done, stay with it, but do it to a lower degree. That’s what’s going to help you maintain at a ridiculous level. Like the turtle and the hare, you have to keep on doing something slow and steady. Slow and steady. As you learn, that’s where things start to change for you.
Start to learn and grow exponentially. It will start compounding on itself. Learn how to maintain properly, don’t just go, go, go.
If you could learn a skill 2x as faster what would you do?
How would that help you in your life now?
Take what you want to learn and have it be able to come into your life and impact you immediately.
The way I have done this with my clients is simple. First, I must break a bad habit we all have. The habit of needing to take a skill and tinker with it; work with it in your own privacy and attempt to get it perfect before you use it.
This is a curse. We must make it perfect before we allow ourselves to use it.
It is not about that.
I also see the flip side, which I am guilty of.
When clients just run off and haphazardly do it. Put whatever they learn into high stack application.
I do not want you to do that either.
To get this right you will have to go through a small sequence of steps.
After you learn something, you begin to talk about it. The more you talk about it the more ingrained the habit of doing it becomes. The more detailed and with ease you’re able to talk about it, the easier your body will be able to perform the action.
You will know for a fact that you can do it when you are able to talk someone through the skill.
So, I tell all my clients to stop trying to memorize the skill and action. You must make it your own.
Everything I teach you is based on what is happening inside of me. I cannot tell you the exact way you will act doing every skill. I am going to give you the playbook, but you must make it your own.
So, you must teach it. That means it must come off in your own way. That is why I can keep on going and going and going. It is because when I learn something, I teach it. As I teach it, I know I can do it.
That is what I want for you. Start teaching what you are learning; as you take something in, try to have a conversation about it consistently.
Let us be clear, it does not mean that you’re getting paid to do it. It does not mean that you are a rocket scientist or a know-it-all. This is a mechanism of how you learn.
By you having open conversations with the people around you about what you have learned, you will excel your ability to learn it. Something like, ‘this is what I learned today, and this is what it means to me, and this is how I’m going to apply it’.
As you do that countless times, you are going to realize that you’re already doing the thing that you’re teaching.
So, to make this tip simple, it comes down to three words:
That is the key. That is how you are going to get more things done faster. It is a matter of how you do it now.
Here is why you could be much better than where you are.
Stop using crutches to get through tough, uncomfortable times.
I’m going to tell you why I stopped drinking. Yeah, this is one of those stories.
So listen up…
Not saying it’s bad if you do have a couple of drinks.
I learned that I was using drinking as a crutch. I was drinking to calm myself down in tough situations. I had a networking event to go to and I was so amped up. I believed I was able to be comfortable without a drink, as well as I wanted to focus.
Having an awareness of the way I was handling networking events was work to get to but I wanted to do this event on my own accord.
It was an epic fail as expected. I failed because every time before I used a crutch to succeed. All the practice I had, I used some type of substance with me. A drink, some type of food, anything that would calm the nerves. I couldn’t depend on myself.
The point to this is…
Start learning to depend on yourself!
Completely focused, completely being the true you. That’s what you must do. Focus on being comfortable being you. So you are good whenever you want.
That’s why I stopped drinking.
With that being said, I do have drinks every now and then that’s not what this post is all about. The post is about not using crutches to make yourself better.
You are awesome the way you are. start practicing being you; focus on that trust in yourself, but you also need practice without it.
An easy way to practice this is if you already have a drink or two at night to calm yourself, attempt to do something without a substance or crutch to bring you into a calm state.
Be able to stay calm in those vulnerable times, it takes you dropping those crutches those vices that come easy to us. So when the big time does come, you’re already ready.
Week three in January is going to be all about hard, fun, truths.
Truths that are all about enhancing who you are inside. Getting a handle on the internal struggles that cause the external battles
To start a Productive habit believe it or not defense is your best offense habit
We are now closing upon this short video series on solidifying positive habits. In order for you to do that you have to realize productivity is not always being on the offensive and taking action. You need a strong defense as well.
You must guard the environment around you. Look at the environment that you’re working in.
Is it a mess?
That mess is a symbol and will dictate what happens in your head. If you look around and there’s paperwork everywhere; if there’s clutter in all the places then your mind will be cluttered.
Brain fog and indecision will be close behind.
The thing that you need to focus on is your environment. Get honed in on what’s happening around you and make it safe to be productive.
Here is an example:
Say you’re working out doing walking lounges in the free weight section and people are have thrown all the weights everywhere.
How safe does your organism feel? It will be more aware of not hitting a weight than proper form.
It’s the same thing with productivity and getting to your goals. You have to create an environment around you that streamline and clean. One that you can easily see so your organism feels safe to move at a faster pace.
That is when your body’s going to go; it’s going to move with ease and grace.
For you to be productive, it’s not always about taking action. It’s about clearing up your space so you can be productive.
There is a huge secret I have to tell you. There are massive benefits of knowing everything not working out immediately. We’re going down this rabbit hole of making your positive habits stick! Our last video was about the chasm of chaos. If you did not watch that short video make sure you double back and check that out.
We all have great intentions when we start a project or begin to learn a new skill. What you need to understand is It’s all about realizing not everything works for you. I’m so sorry. We invest in everything we do-time, energy, and money. If you’re following the methodology that I’m teaching you then you’re focusing on how you’re doing those actions. By now, you’re starting to get slightly overwhelmed, as I said in last week’s video tip.
If you didn’t watch it, go watch it today!
You have to realize it’s not always going to work out for you.
Think about the 80/20 rule. 20% of the things that you learn will become the most productive things you use. These actions will put you in the super-hyper zone. That’s what I want you to focus on, but you have to figure out a couple of things first.
Figure out why isn’t it working for you? What is it about you that’s not jamming right with it?
Once you figure that out you’ll have a bigger foundation; something to bite into.
Put some fire under your ass to fix it! Figure out what you need to improve within yourself to make ‘X’ work.
Ask yourself what part of your life is this going to enhance when you complete this learning? If you can see that image well enough, it will feed and give you a little bit more momentum to take the steps needed to do the things that you need to do.
We invest in coaches, but not every coach is going to teach you 100% of the things that you’re going to need to learn. So find out what that 10% is in everything that you’re a doing-every investment that you’re doing.
Find out how am I in the way? How am I the bottleneck? Figure that out and then you’ll be able to jump leaps and bounds over your competition. You’ll jump leaps and bounds over your goals! Everything will work out once you realize everything doesn’t always work out for you right away.
Stop playing the short game. Live in the long game. Look at your role in it. You’re the bottleneck, as well as the solution.
And you will be the solution 100% of the time if you stop doing these small little mistakes.