The 5 step Process to Freedom Mastery
5 steps to Freedom Mastery Process
I would like to share a small piece of my bigger picture and my signature solution. This is all based off of getting, getting you to learn. That any issue that you’re having within yourself, anything that’s happening? Business-wide likewise anything that’s happening external is happening because you’re having more internal struggles and your external battles are the result of those internal struggles.
So no matter what I teach and whatever I do, how I need to do it. It all comes back down to my five steps that I have to get you aware of. So you can exceed so you can get past those self-sabotaging cycles, those things that make you think that you’re not good enough that makes you not do the things that that’s right for.
You. Right. So the very first step that I have to get you to realize that start clearing out the beliefs, the things that you’ve learned way back in the day that you have learned to manage, to cultivate. We work around them using your willpower. Now, Using willpower is what drains you of energy at all time. We have be conditioned to you use willpower to defeat your habits.
Right. Those old methods do not work, and is causing you to fail way more. You have to get all the way to the root. That’s what makes this Process so powerful, is because as eliminate the root, it becomes ridiculously simple to change the behavior, change the aspect, change everything that’s happening in cycles. So things just shift. Once
I get you to understand who you are ” Self-Esteem”.
You start to do things based off who you are and feel inside.
We clear out the beliefs that say you’re not worthy or you are suppose to be something different. There’s a world of beliefs. There’s a world of things that’s happening inside your mind that tell you and information that no longer serve you. The mental world becomes combative. Which defaults to you not understanding what and who you think you are.
Once this becomes clear.
We will get you clear on what you need versus what you want.
If you’ve ever said I’m running out of time, or I don’t have enough time, you have done more wants over your needs. We have to get you to get clear on that. You can’t get clear on that unless you know who you are.
So once you realize who you are and you start do as you Need, you go to the third step, which is understanding how far you can push Your limits. This is where we start to grow your body efficiency and make it more effective your mind to pass it in and grow the amount of things that’s happening inside your mind, let alone, this is how we keep you safe with the boundaries.
Your body and mind only expands and excels when it feels safe enough to be vulnerable. If you know your limits you understand how much you can take. You will consistently go over your limits because of a lack of understanding of what you need. Which is based up of who you are, see how it starts to flow.
Having the upper layers of the process clear, then you can truly hold yourself accountable. Being able to say what you mean and mean what you say. You will no longer say I put too much on my plate.
It will naturally flows to get you to create a responsible mature world for you to live in. Now, this is key, when you think or feel like you can’t have this relaxed, easy lifestyle. Thinking it can not be in the cards for me.
That’s because you haven’t followed the 5 steps in order.. So you’re trying to learn how to do all these different hacks and methods and you’re missing the Mark.
You can’t hold yourself responsible for all of these things you stumbled on, because you haven’t gotten to the root of everything. The belief of who you are first.
To download the free PDF of this 5 step Process CLICK HERE