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A Word Everyone Fears Or Disassociates From ANXIETY

A Word Everyone Fears Or Disassociates From ANXIETY

Here is a word that everyone knows but rarely think it pertains to them. Either you don’t have anxiety, or you are fully aware how anxious you can become almost to the point of fearing it. Which triggers another natural process to happen, putting you in a sick cycle. What we focus on we get, or what we resist persists. Fear of anxiety will have you focus on not being so anxious resulting in pressure that causes stress, which causes ANXIETY.

This video is the first in 5 that breaks down how to manage and even eliminate anxiety.Patrick Lerouge from www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about anxiety

This month I will be doing a mini-course on learning how to heal yourself with anxiety being one of the hurdles you must overcome. Each video will cover a different learning point you must have to eliminate Anxiety.

  1. Understand how anxiety is created.
  2. Learning the stop.
  3.  Starting the process of clearing.
  4. Organizing your mind so it can become calm.
  5. keeping anxiety at bay.



Is a thought many people never process. Many believe that id mind over body. When they both have their own mechanisms of control over each other. LIke when you are moving to fast and you touch something hot and you knew it was, this is an example of your body controlling your brain. Or, when you are underwater and your brain runs out of oxygen, it will open your mouth resulting in drowning. These examples are extreme but true. They both being at odds create the makings of anxiety.

This is the first step wrap your hands around and know intimately in order to maintain your calm state.  This takes you learning about your self, mainly what triggers you. Know what triggers you will give you a queue to watch for the will break apart the pattern you go through with anxiety.



How To Conquer Your Day

How To Conquer Your Day

In this video, I will explain how to conquer your day. If you have not watched the video on Importance of goal setting, and How to achieve the goals you set watch those first. In this video, I will show the first significant shift you need to make to make a self-sustaining system to healing. It is changing the mindset to creating an environment by doing daily habits, starting with your morning routine.

A morning routine can be vital to conquer your day. Many people make the mistake of allowing anything to happen int he morning as the day starts. What this does is let many stressors and possibilities to highjack your day. All it would take is one email to set up off, and you are off to the races putting out fires for the rest of the day. I hear this so often from my clients, and it saddens me to hear that they are running from the moment they open their eyes.


When you begin your day with your morning routine, you create what is in your face and what is empowering you to kill the day. You can put just about anything in your routine; there is no right or wrong way to do this. What matters is it supercharges you to take on the day. A few things shouldn’t allow into your routine


You want to avoid emails and text messages that can infiltrate your routine and highjack you. I would try to stay away from my phone altogether. One of my morning routines is to stimulate my brain. So I take an online class or course that get me learning for a half hour a day. Begining your day with anything that gets your mind active is a life longevity tool. Our brains get neglected often and we don’t realize it. We have workouts for the body. Cardio for the heart but challenging our minds is last on the list. Let’s begin to change that. One thing you need to add is.


I am not speaking about hours of exercise but 10 to 15 minutes of movement is all you need. I get all my client to do their corrective drills all during the wake-up. My practice is only 15 minutes and is designed to get my muscle system up and ready. I have another one that brings down my nervous system and gets me calm and straight fro the day.

Tell me a little about YOUR morning routine in the comments below! What are your favorite things to do? What do you now to support the way you want to live that you didn’t like doing before?

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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Reach End Goals By Using Means Goals

Reach End Goals By Using Means Goals

Many People make a grave mistake when they set goals. With all the best intentions in the world, they set out to accomplish their goals just to fall shy of them and more likely lose focus on the end goal and leave it by the wayside. This tutorial will explain how to reach your end goals by using means goals. I will walk you through the beginning to end of how to build a skill that will always get you accomplishing your tasks and reaching a goal you set.

If you have not seen the first goal setting video that was two weeks ago please start there MAKING YOUR GOALS COME TRUE. One main thing to remember and the fact I always focus on in my service is, you are not doing things to accomplish a goal, where are experiencing actions to build a skill that helps in many places in our lives. If you begin to look at your lacks as you don’t have the skill to accomplish your task you will begin to look for things and people that can help you with this skill that transcends an action or a task you are struggling with.


When you make a goal or a plan don’t rush it take your time with making it. Have the plan but do not do anything with it yet. As you sit on it for a little while maybe a day or so your mind will troubleshoot it and begin to alter out the areas that may cause potential problems. This is what the brain does, but if you set the plan and skip the sitting part you will begin the rat race and will run smack into an issue where now you start the process of putting out fires.

The second step is making your plan your own and as creative as you can. Don’t find something that works and just do it word for word. your body and mind will class this as a chore and begin to repel it. Whereas, if you added a little of yourself into it your mind will begin the process of finding flaws for you to adjust to make this workout.


Third, find out how big the goals are and turning them into Means goals. This is where the fun starts and the real journey begins. You have to forget the end goal in some ways because you will now make that end goal into smaller bite-sized actions and just focus on those. To take it one step further if your goal is life changing you must find the skill you are missing and add that small action to your everyday life. This is another reason you have to take your time and sit with your goals. Sitting with them stops you from just doing actions steps that turn into stressful chores that will eventually burn you out.

Going as hard as you can and burning out does not help the bottom line of living and moving pain-free.  Building skills that help you create and build an environment that is sustainable for healing are our true objective. Getting your to your goals is so much easier and will become a byproduct of the skill you have received and honed.


If it has anything to do with health please begin with building body awareness. The video series and course besides this page is an excellent place to begin.




So, I was lost for the first two weeks because I was not prepared to do my planning in this way.  But I would like to explain how to make your goals for the year come true. But first, let me apologize able the missing time. Well what had happened was…. Right before I ordered my new planner, Michelle told me what she was doing and wanted to jump on her bandwagon.
What she showed me was something I was teaching to my clients. I have journaled for years now and have made it my own each time. What she was doing was adding creativity to hers. She showed me the things you can do with a bullet journal and my mind blow up. So many possibilities and tracking and pictures, colors and creativity, I needed to add that to my system.

So, I got a late start and began on Monday working on my Planning and tracking. What makes things worse is this new way has you drawing all of your tracking charts. Which can be problematic drawing everything you need, but so worth it.

Let me explain; I have been watching so many people talk and teach about goal setting and resolutions. Speaking about why they most people never get to the goals and ultimately forget about them shortly after. I don’t just do goals there is so much more that needs to happen to make it past your lovely need to self-sabotage yourself. It is in all of us. I teach people to realize it is there and waiting to come out and mess up everything.

What I all ways teach is to make anything real you must be able to SAY IT, SEE IT, FEEL IT. If you can not do that, it will always just out of your reach and vulnerable to be left behind. When Michelle sow me this bullet journal, I jumped on it because it further enforced this concept. I have to draw in all my finances, all my clients log tracking system, and most of my goals I want to accomplish this year.


Patrick Lerouge Bill tracking log for Bullet Journal

By drawing in all my tracking, I feel so much more connected to what needs to happen in my financial world and more important what clients need me most. I see where they are in my process of getting them to LIVE AND MOVE PAIN-FREE. It is a must to put your mark in your work. Planning your goals needs to be the same. The better you can put yourself into that process the more likely you will stay looking at it, which keeps in front of you so you can make it a priority. The extra time it takes to do this work is essential for the rest of the year.


Patrick Lerouge client log for bullet journal

I made so many tracking images, here is one for me reading books and audible books. I am torn about if I show draw it in as a read. Or should I put a bunch of books in and color them in as I read. Not sure yet but this is the point, the question already applies that I have read a bunch of books.

Patrick Lerouge

www.livepainfreeprocess.com bullet journal image

Next week, I will talk about the lesson I teach about end goals and what needs to happen to get to those goals called means goals.
Your homework today is
1.) what can you do to put yourself in your goal planning for the year?

2.) How do you think I should finish my bookcase? Draw them in as I go, or draw a bunch of untitled books first, then color as I go?

Comment down below and give me a nudge in a direction.