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Your Health Elevates your Wealth

Your Health Elevates your Wealth

The health of your body is equivalent to the health of your bank account. This may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s not. A healthy lifestyle can make you more productive at work and improve how you feel about yourself in general. You don’t want to be constantly worrying about getting sick because that will take up all of your time and energy! It’s important for you to stay ahead of the curve so that you are prepared when sickness strikes.

It’s a misconception that sweating cools the body down when it is hot outside. Contrary to popular belief, our bodies don’t naturally lower their internal temperature during the winter months, and you are more likely to get sick due to this.

In addition, your natural mucus membranes protect your internal organs from infection. When they become dried out during a heatwave, they aren’t as effective at doing their job.

When the summer starts to heat up, you need to ensure that your diet stays as cool and refreshing as possible.

One way is to incorporate more vegetables like peppers, eggplant, and zucchini, which are lighter in flavor than we usually have during warmer months when heavier dishes dominate your summer menus. It might seem strange at first, but it’s a delicious change of pace from salads or other traditional summer ingredients such as corn on the cob and watermelon slices!

And finally here’s some health advice for the summer that will help you stay ahead of the sick season:
– Stay well hydrated. This will help to keep you from getting a headache or feeling fatigued and prevent health complications that can occur in extreme cases like heatstroke. A good easy way to drink enough and not overdo it is to aim to drink half your weight in oz. This will assure you get enough in for sure.
Hydration is not only about the water you should eat as many juicy fruits and vegetables as possible. Stay with what grows in this season locally and your digestive tract will thank you later.
– Avoid dehydration by staying well hydrated. Drink water, coconut water, or sports drinks that contain electrolytes to help replace lost minerals and salts when you sweat.
– Dress light. You can layer your clothes or put them away for later in the day but it is important to let air circulate and get rid of any sweat that might be accumulating. If you want a boost in energy stay with lighter warmer cools blue is my favorite and it calming. “Love into color therapy “
– Stay out of the sun. If you can’t avoid being outdoors, make sure to wear protective clothing (hat and sunglasses) and use sunscreen with a higher SPF than usual – it is always better to be safe! Vitamin D is important but in the dog daze of summer, all you need is 15 minutes depending on skin tone and time of day to get the healthy natural amount in.
Your Health Elevates your Wealth

4 ways to stop lifestyle getting in the way of your success?


I am here for you, and I want to help you speed up your success. You have to be clear on one thing your health elevates your wealth.


Your health is the key.


It’s not too late!


If you are ready for a step up in your health, keep reading. If you don’t take care of your health, it will not be good. It will happen fast, even if you are a successful person.


I know you don’t want to hear this, but the truth is if


What you tolerate will persist.


If you don’t take care of your health, it will also affect other parts of your life. Your business is impacted too. So when something bad happens, like if you lose everything you worked for because you didn’t take care of your health, the pain is much worse.


Easier said than done, I know, so let me explain some of the habits that have helped me make my health goals a reality and see how they can help you as well.

patrick lerouge health create wealth

In short:


  1. Choose something to fight for:


Please do not say I want to lose 10 pounds. It would cause you to take action. That knee-jerk response does not get you to lose weight.


But if you caught that eye of your spouse, check-in you out from the corner of your eye. that would make you feel better and attractive again. which triggers more weight loss naturally.


Sometimes, friends are competitive. But sometimes they work together. Competition is real – it can be helpful, and it can hurt people. Friends can work with each other, or they can try to compete against each other. If you don’t have a community that will work with you, then you will fail. 



If you want to achieve big things, break them into smaller tasks. We live in a world where people want everything instantaneously. But this is not the way to do it. It would be best if you had time so that your work doesn’t feel stiff. The best thing you can do is take micro-breaks and be happy with yourself if you take them. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to stop for a moment and relax. Don’t feel guilty if you take time off to work or do something that will build your internal energy and passion back. Never work without taking breaks – breaks will help make your work more effortless in the long run!


Think about it this way. Accelerating your health to elevate your wealth is a marathon of many sprints. If you are physically and mentally prepared, with good habits, then you can do well in your business and personal life.


The main point is getting in touch with your body’s need for rest and recovery. It is essential to take care of yourself. If you don’t, then you are like a sinking ship. If you do not take time out to be kind to yourself, it will all come crashing down instantly even if you are successful.


We know that you are busy. You have a job, kids and a social life. But if you don’t take care of yourself – sleep, food – then your health will be bad. And even if your career is successful, it will all come crashing down when you can’t do it anymore because of your health. 


It’s time to stop tolerating lower standards for our own wellbeing just because “you’re surviving.” Focus on the FACT that your Health elevates your wealth


 Make sure to take time out for self-care every day by creating sustainable habits that build you up instead of breaking you down daily! 


Reach out anytime with questions or schedule a health to wealth clarity call to get started on building those habits together now!!


Your Health Elevates your Wealth

Find out why you’re working harder than you need to



Working harder than you need to is a big problem for many people. It’s working as hard as you believe you should, and if deep down you think that working your ass off will give you what you deserve, then this article is for you.



If deep down, you believe you need to have long days and tons of effort to make it work, you will live an unsustainable life.



This way of thinking is all you know. It is how you got to this level of success. So it’s no wonder we all have these issues and a need to work too hard. 


However, when the mind and body are optimized and integrated to work smoothly, actions flow, and your mind becomes relaxed- allowing success to come naturally. 


To do this takes some time, but luckily, there are ways to make it easy on yourself!

Patrick Lerouge Freedom

When you align your mind and body with a deliberate plan that aligns internally, actions flow naturally. There is an ease in how you think about achieving your goals. There are no conflicting thoughts or emotions to disrupt what’s going on. 


Natural flow means going out and having success in whatever exploits your inner ambition comes with. 


Image having the necessary details small enough that they’ll take action immediately without even second-guessing or thinking about it.


It’s time for us all to start living within ourselves instead of just existing day-to-day like robots going through motions when happiness has always been right under our noses this whole time!




It is hard not to feel frustrated when your own body is beating you. 



I remember every time I worked out and did the proper form, and my injuries start up again at a moment’s notice- no matter how much energy or focus I put in, it all seems for naught.



I have always thought that if there were just one thing wrong with me, then maybe it would be easier to fix, a bone spur or even a considerable bump on a muscle that hurt.



At that time, I reached for the common go-to of Physical therapy or chiropractic treatments and then bumped up to specialized functional Physical Therapy and body rolfing, etc. All with no real long-term change.



Now I realize this isn’t so simple as we think of it today because our old understanding has been limited only on what is physically seen rather than incorporating something more abstract like mental state, which will heavily affect any physical issues someone might have.



To make this stick, get internally aligned to why you are doing the activity you are doing. 



How is your body responding?

Does it have clean and easy movements?


You have the level of awareness you believe you have.

Any think they do, but instead, they default to seeing what they should be doing or what is right, causing becoming rigid.



This deeper awareness is critical. 



Here is what you need to do


 Begin to shift that perspective of needing to work hard to get results and become open to obtaining more with less effort.

Here is an example of in the workout space

Deliberately plan to connect to the movement you are working on training.

Select a specific exercise movement to watch your body move naturally and focus on what muscles are working.

Add slightly more weight and watch how the workout becomes much more effective with less—giving you a better RIO due to less time and no way of injuring yourself.


Stay in the hamster wheel and attempt to take care of the never-ending cycle of injury using old techniques that place a bandaid solution on a more significant issue. 

Leading you down an endless path until you hit rock bottom, where there is nowhere else for your body to turn but stop you permanently. Random Sickness and or Cause more trouble, so you opt-out of the working out altogether. “I DON’T HAVE TIME TO DO MY WORKOUTS” 

The key?

Take real action NOW!

I invite all those who are ready to break free from their injuries- be they mental or physical -to receive one of my morning routines explicitly designed for

Mind: balancing the body while activating both head and heart to come into each day prepared and energized. 

Fill Out the Form Below and Start right away!!!


Self care routine.

Self care routine.

Is this you…

Doing all the Self-care routine, they told you would work to clear your mind and focus.

Working out daily or even twice a day
🥤drinking water
🧘 meditating
📔 journaling

Tactics that make business work -delegating to team

Your Brain is not getting any quieter.
Sleep is not improving.
Which is a mystery because you get the right amount of sleep.
And you wake up feeling heavy, sluggish.

Using and needing coffee or a motivator
to get moving.

Does this sound familiar???

If it does comment below and I will send you a quick solution that is so simple you in I’ll be pissed.

Your Health Elevates your Wealth

Convenience is your hidden anchor

You want a reliable way to begin to improve massively?

Break out of the conditioned habit of looking for convenient solutions. Convenient will get you what you want in the short term. It’s something that’s doing more harm than good.

Suppose you keep on conveniently doing things. You will fail epically.

🤔You’ll start to take shortcuts consistently.
🙈You will blindly be lead by the quick-fix mentality

Your desires will conveniently be just out of reach
You will have growth and self-sabotage cycles popping up

This state of mind will eventually end with you not being able to optimize your mind or body.

Optimization takes challenging your current state safely. It takes you to do things that are not always convenient.

If your knee-jerk reaction is to reach for a convenient way, you continue to stay in the realm of mediocrity.

Here is an example I see daily

You need your body to perform to a high degree.

For some reason, you run out of energy quickly. Your mind becomes cloudy, and your emotions begin to dictate the outcome.

Sound familiar?

It should because if you want to break into your next level, you need energy on tap. A clearer mind, and emotions that keep you calm in stressful moments.

That conditioned response to reaching for convenience is the deeper habit loop that stops you from getting what you desire.

Your freedom is not that far away, just going to take a different way to get there. Not harder or forceful either. Just not the traditional way the world wants you to think will get you there.

Breaking the convenience cycle takes you:

✅Clearing out the belief systems that have you second guess what is easy and what is not

✅Tapping into the bodies rapid healing abilities to heal and optimize

✅A way to keep your nervous system in a state of peace and calm

✅A guide that walks you through the ever-changing world of stressor called life

💪Optimize your body, so you have energy on tap

📃Optimize your mind so you can clear the list of priorities

😴Getting the sleep, you need to heal and be the best version of yourself.

If this sounds like something you want to clear up and learn more about, reach out through a quick Dm

It is a simple chat you have nothing to lose so much to gain.

Recognize when you’re getting comfort and start doing things to challenge that comfort. Make that the habitual way that leads to optimization.