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Wearing to many hats is draining your energy

Wearing to many hats is draining your energy

Wearing Many Hats Is Draining Your Energy

As a parent, you believe the only way to survive is to wear many hats.

 Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, there’s always more to do, and you’re tired?

You might not know it yet, but working long hours and juggling different roles has a hidden cost. You have a lot to do. But don’t forget to find and follow your true purpose. Think of it like being yourself all the time, doing different activities.


The question is, do you know who you are anymore without those hats?


You need to align with your true self to be more productive and achieve better results in less time. The blog post will help you find and understand your true purpose. It’s important for making progress without sacrificing your health or happiness. Both will streamline your processes, maximize impact, and balance productivity and recovery.

You are working much harder than you think. You must bring yourself back to simplicity.”

Millions of parents wear many hats: business owners, family caregivers, and everything else. Identifying and aligning with your soul purpose is what is missing. If you are a business owner, you may believe balancing is the key. Which, in turn, looks like. When I am at work, I am not a parent. If the parent person meshes with the work person, you have a conflict within yourself.

There goes your energy drain. The conflict causes many thoughts based on shame and confusion about what to do.

www.patricklerouge.com showing exhaustion


https://patricklerouge.formaloo.me/7alshI’ll tell you why it’s better to stop trying to do everything perfectly. Refrain from exhausting yourself by wearing many hats. Instead, be yourself and choose what you want to happen and do that. 

When you are intentional, you improve your processes and get better outcomes. This also gives you more time to rest and recover.

As a parent, I know you’re tired and frustrated from the constant struggle, and you may feel hopeless. You feel like it’s never enough. You are not good enough. No matter how hard you work, another surprise pops up daily. Like there are always new obstacles, and your to-do list keeps getting longer?

You are working hard, but you are not making real progress toward your goal. You may be feeling burnt out and convincing yourself that you are coping fine. Please ask if you need a quiz to show how close you are to burnout. I have a quiz to help you find out. 


It is important to remember that success and happiness are not always linked. 


Find what matters to you and make your working hours count. Make sure you take care of your body, start early, and make it a habit. Ask for help if needed.

It can be as simple as I need a neat, tidy space to feel at ease. Making your space neat and tidy first shifts you into a purposeful state. Then handling kids and business becomes easy again.


The people I worked with were focused on society’s definition of success or happiness. They believed there was a one size fits all way that was good. The right way to parent, the right way to speak and teach your kids.

Think about the belief or dream of the white picket fence family that has it all together.

You have a good possibility that you are attempting to align with that or a version of happiness. This is what drains your energy.

You must still identify what truly drives your soul. Sure, we all have our career ambitions and dreams of success. However, we need to understand that these things do not bring true happiness. Only when we discover their true source can we find real fulfillment? You’ll have the tools to avoid becoming exhausted parents with a struggling business. 

We are all high-performing parent professionals but listen up. I’ve got some advice for you. 

Now is the moment to reconnect, align with your soul’s purpose, and boost your daily energy.


 And it’s not as complicated as you might think. The first thing you need to focus on is your body. Yes, the world has been telling you to hit the gym, but it’s more than that. Building a habit of movement and challenging yourself is crucial. By doing so, you learn a skill with time. You can tell when your nervous system is more active right before a freakout or anxiety attack. Take action and calm down before it’s too late, unlocking more energy than you expected.


Plus, Building this way of thinking. When you challenge yourself every day to learn about who you are, you break a pattern that relies on willpower. If your habits rely on willpower, it’s hard to improve yourself when you’re stressed.

So, start early and make it a habit. Start with a small action or workout daily that is hard for you to do. After learning to lower your nervous system, get into a calm state often. 

You can use a tool to connect with yourself. Challenge yourself and then calm down. Let’s quickly take apart why you will refrain from doing this work.


Negative Behaviors Loops and your upbringing 

Examining how your upbringing influences your actions helps you understand your motivations. Your upbringing, whether good or bad, can shape your future and impact your health. What you saw as a child gives you what you believe today. 


“Always working hard” is helpful in business but can hurt relationships.”

 The harder you try to exert effort in that department, the more love and intimacy may evade you. To understand yourself better and improve your relationships to who you are. It’s important to recognize how your upbringing shapes your behavior.

To understand yourself better, think about how your upbringing affects your current behaviors.

The third is the most critical your soul driver.

Discovering your soul driver is crucial to maintaining long-term joy and avoiding burnout. Do you remember the activities that made you lose track of time? They filled you with energized passion. 

That’s your soul driver 

 Those tasks you’re aligned with on an energetic level. To make the most of it, you must recognize why you love them and incorporate it into your actions. 

For example, I found my soul driver in rapid transformation experiences. They energized me more than anything else. To understand someone, I must be open to different philosophies and techniques and accept guidance. There is no one right way; it’s their way I must uncover. This brings me present state to guide them to the right place that uncovers who they are. Letting them see their truth. Letting them know who they are. Making this my focus prevented my burnout and allowed me to excel.

Find your true passion, incorporate it into your daily routine, and watch for signs of burnout, such as irritability and exhaustion. This will help you live a more fulfilling life.

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One of my biggest struggles has always been understanding my "identity" - who am I? Once you broke it down to the simplest form I soon learned that I was in crisis. Once I was able to break that down and not focus on my root issues you Identified, it really helped me
Korey Torres
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You are addicted to stress

You are addicted to stress

Signs You Are Addicted To Stress

Quick Tip

Signs you are addicted to stress


We can agree that stress can be a bad thing. But what happens when you flip stress onto its head and say you are addicted to the very thing you’re trying to get rid of?

I am aware that many people do not see the connection between addiction and stress, so try to hear me out on this. 

Addiction is compulsive behavior. Not to downplay addiction, but for now, let’s repolarize the thought of what addiction is to see the compulsive behavior.

If you don’t think about the stress that way, it’s always harder to eliminate stress from your life.

I view my clients as having stress that they seem to need at the time. Also, I see them having a visceral response or a mental attraction to their stressor, forcing them to go through a self-sabotaging cycle. 

The compulsion: 

That you’re addicted to is stimuli. 

It is the need for an energetic hit of some sort. I bring awareness that most clients are on the hunt for another hint of stimuli for whatever reason.

I found four categories that I’ve coined within my ecosystem. If you seem to agree with one or more of them, you’re addicted to stress. 

I call number one “The Busy Body.”

This person can’t stop doing things. A classic sign of this is when things slow down and calm down, they instantly go and try to do something like cleaning the house or something that’s going to keep their body in motion. A lot of the time, they do something right before bed. They scroll their phone, looking for stimuli or another hit. 

It’s an external validation of external feelings. And an example of what I see in my business owners is that they have to put out fires all day. The habit sets in, so they’re always looking for something to put out or solve. They’re saying, “I’m so busy, I’m so busy, I’m so busy,” but it’s busy work. They could put out fires with a small amount of planning and calmness. Rather than taking the time to quiet down, they’re A BUSY BODY. 

They’re always looking for that external hit. And those external stimuli hit is because they can’t feel a sense of calm. Once they start to lower down, INTERNAL PRESSURE begins to percolate up, and they can’t deal with that. 

So they do something that distracts them from the actual problem within. 

If you do a couple of actions in that realm, you are “the busybody.” 

Remember, this is not bad or wrong; shaming is off the table. Being in a state of busy body is just a place where you’re a box that we’re going to hold you in for a second because you’re going to get out of it shortly.

Once you realize what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, there is a way your mind begins to create a plan.

Person number two is the “overthinker.”

The overthinker has classic signs of worry. And they can’t turn off their brain. A classic symptom they have is trouble falling asleep because they wake up and their mind turns on like a light switch, running a mile a minute. 

The overthinker goes a lot deeper than just a busybody. And it’s straightforward. In my 20 years of practice, I have seen many belief systems and thought processes around “I’m not good enough.” The over-thinker has deep roots here.

So when an over-thinker calms down, they have trouble allowing themselves to be calm, and then they overthink. The over-thinker is looking for problems or different things to worry about. That’s going to get them to see situations in the future that they give power to now. Their worry gives them the thought process the strength of saying I need to build a skill, a skill set they don’t have, which is powerful all on its own. But they allowed the fact that they don’t have that skill set to disable them. So they worry about how they’re not ready for it by starting to prepare for it like everyone else. As you begin to see you’re not good at something, you practice it, play with it, get more involved in it, and get better. But the overthinker doesn’t take action on that. The overthinker sees a problem perpetuating because they overthink what they must do to solve it. The busybody can’t stop moving and has to do something like scrolling because of their need for stimuli. The overthinker worries about things all the time. They can’t sleep at night because they’re worried about a skill they don’t have based on the belief system that tells them, “I am not good enough.” 

Number three: “The jumper” 

The jumper has anxiety written all over where the overthinker overthinks. The jumper has a skin-crawling sensation where you have to do something similar to the busybody. But it’s more nervous; it’s spikier. There’s more of an urgency that says, “I need to do something right now. Go, go, go, go, go.” They always have to feel like they’re doing something, perpetuated by anxiety. Like the overthinker, the jumper worries about things, but they also become very anxious and paralyzed by these worries. But they have extreme action to do something. And they need to; their compulsive nature keeps them moving. It shows up physically, where you want to do more. An ailment they often experience is a restless leg. And if you’ve ever had a restless leg, it’s like a bone-chilling feeling that runs through your body, and your legs want to crawl, and it’s hard. Now, meshing the mind and the body stimuli states gives you the jumper. A high level of stimuli in the body creates a busy body which shows up as the body is always active. And the overthinker is just-minded but doesn’t have the body when they’re both in line. The jumper often runs to the future, is highly agitated, worried, and highly sensitive, and their skin conduits force them to do things. 

Number four: “The problem solver”

I see way more often than any others: the problem solver. The problem solver is addicted to stress because they are looking for problems to solve. The compulsion stems from a more profound need to be of service, and that’s the tricky part. We use these stimuli to look for problems looking for this. And it has a little bit of all three meshed in one. You try to look for more and more things to solve because you want to make life easier. Easier for your spouse, employees, people around you, and loved ones. So you look for problems to solve rather than just being present. That is the crucial component.

Now the most accessible example I can give you of the problem solver in everyday life is.

The masculine energy when dealing with feminine energy.

 We’re not talking about male and female; we’re talking about how masculine energy has to be right or wrong, black or white. It’s a “give me the facts” type of energy that has to mesh with the curvy feminine energy. It comes up in husband and wife issues all the time. Remember, a wife can hold the masculine energy. It’s the quality of listening to your spouse speak and looking for the problem to solve for them. The problem-solve automatically sees their spouse’s feelings, and they want to make them feel better. The masculine needs to learn from the feminine. Once you understand both, magical stuff happens. Once you know that your spouse might not want you to fix the problem but listen to it, you start to find a solution because now you’re not trying to correct it. You’re giving them the love and support they need. So, the problem solver they have all the aspects of the busybody, the overthinker, and the jumper meshed in with “I need to solve a problem.”

But most of the time, the problem they’re trying to fix is not the root problem. It’s a surface issue, just like trying to solve a problem for your wife when all she needs is to feel connected to you. That is the power that you have to start looking for. 

I’m always looking for something to make someone happy and be of service. That is my thing. Which one is yours? How addicted to stress are you? Because that’s what this world is all about. It’s about how well you bounce back.

There are multiple ways to learn how to deal with stress. There are techniques up the wazoo, but unless you agree with where you are, you’ll never be able to get better in the long term. So learn how to slow down to speed up. Learn how to quiet your mind, calm your body, and sit with sensations that are not always pleasant. Learn to sit with them so you can understand them and eliminate them. That is how you overcome your addiction to stress. Otherwise, you’re going to divert different stimuli and manage a bunch of other tasks and duties, like juggling balls. There are only so many balls that you will be able to juggle in the air before one falls. 

Another place to start is looking at all the things you are doing or the multiple hats you are wearing, look at this blog post to dive into this aspect of energy drain. 

Get to sleep and stay asleep

Get to sleep and stay asleep

Quick Tip about getting to sleep and staying asleep

Quick Tip

Get to Sleep and stay asleep

Freedom mastering experience gives you simple hacks, tips and tricks to stay focused, high energy and optimized.

He goes up to that you probably already know, avoid bright lights before sleep, we all heard it, you know, the blue lights, electronics, all these things emit this blue light that now disrupts your sleep patterns, you can see Pomona, specifically the one that they pick on his melatonin, but to reduce that detail to get the blue light glasses, which all you know, and how you do that is you have a nighttime routine that now spaces out how much blue light you have, like before sleep that is 101 when I have to show you is how do you produce melatonin.


So if you know the blue light diminishes melatonin and doesn’t allow your body to produce it because you’re naturally being settled down what produces it, you have to actually get sunlight, the sunlight throughout the day actually allows your body to produce the melatonin so you can actually get a good sleep cycle outside. So you now have to understand you have to go get bright light, you have to get bright light throughout the day. And this is another side note. Blue light doesn’t just happen in that small hour before sleep. It actually happens throughout the day.

It’s something that compiles in you. So you have to be aware of how much electronics you have all the way throughout your days throughout your day, as well as got to get sunlight. If you’re not getting sunlight, your body is not in its natural state and your sleep cycles will become will get off.

See you on the next one.

You are working harder than you have too

You are working harder than you have too

You are working much harder than you have to because you need to catch up on one component.

Are you among the millions of parents who wear multiple hats: business owners, family caregivers, and everything else? Do you feel like no matter how hard you work, something more still needs to be done? You may not realize it yet, but chances are you are missing out on an essential component of making those working hours have a bigger impact. Identifying and aligning with your soul purpose.

In this blog post, I will share with you why it pays off (literally) to streamline your processes and achieve greater results while giving yourself more time for rest and recovery.

It is important to remember that success and happiness are not always linked


Sit with this, Do you ever feel like it’s never enough, no matter how hard you work? Like there are always new obstacles, and your to-do list keeps getting longer?

The truth is you most likely are working hard but have yet to get anywhere. You might even be close to feeling burned out and rationalizing yourself to believe you are managing well. Please ask if you need a quiz to show how close you are to burnout. I have a quiz to help you find out. 

It is important to remember that success and happiness are not always linked. Find what truly matters to you and make your working hours count. Make sure you take care of your body, start early, and make it a habit. Ask for help if needed.

It may be because you must still identify what truly drives your soul. Sure, we all have our career ambitions and dreams of success. Still, most of us need to realize these aren’t necessarily connected to real-life satisfaction – only once we uncover the core source beneath them. In this blog post, I’ll help us understand why so many overworked parents in businesses hit burnout sooner than expected – it’s because they often forget their true Soul Drivers and end up going astray with their own lives!


We are all high-performing parent professionals, but listen up I’ve got some advice for you. 

It’s time to reconnect, become aligned with your soul driver, and amplify the energy you’re using daily.

 And it’s not as complicated as you might think. The first thing you need to focus on is your body. Yes, the world has been telling you to hit the gym, but it’s more than that. Building a habit of movement and challenging yourself is crucial. By doing so, you can recognize an upregulated nervous system, take appropriate action and calm down before it is too late, which unlocks more energy than you thought possible. 

Plus, it’s much harder to stick to being healthy if you rely only on willpower forcing yourself to work out while stressed. 

So, start early and make it a habit. To learn to lower your nervous system, get into a deeply calm state often. You need to focus on your body. Yes, the world has been telling you to hit the gym, but it’s more than that. Building a habit of movement and challenging yourself is crucial. Doing so can upregulate your nervous system and unlock more energy than possible. Plus, sticking to being healthy is much harder if you rely only on willpower. So, start early and make it a habit. Finally, don’t let limiting beliefs hold you back – it’s time to take control.


Negative Behaviors and your upbringing



Looking at the connection between your upbringing and your current behaviors is a direct way to assess why you do what you do. Whether positive or negative, your upbringing can dictate everything from where you go to what you believe. Believing in always working hard may have its place in the business world, but it can backfire when connecting with a loved one. The harder you try to exert effort in that department, the more love and intimacy may evade you. It’s important to acknowledge the influence of your upbringing on your current behaviors to better understand yourself and improve your relationships.

Understand Yourself Better by Connecting Your Upbringing and Current Behaviors. Your upbringing can shape your beliefs and how you connect with loved ones. While working hard is excellent in the business, it can hinder intimacy. If you think you need to work hard at the relationship like work, you will create a deeper rift. You can improve your relationships by acknowledging the link between your past and present behaviors!


The third is the most critical your soul driver.


Discovering your soul driver is crucial to maintaining long-term joy and avoiding burnout. Remember the activities that made you lose track of time and filled you with energized passion? That’s your soul driver – the task you’re aligned with on an energetic level. To make the most of it, you must recognize it within yourself and incorporate it into your actions. For example, I found my soul driver in upfront transformative work, which energized me more than anything else. Making this my focus prevented burnout and allowed me to excel. Find your soul driver, incorporate it into your routine, and avoid symptoms of burnout, such as short tempers and energy crashes, for a more fulfilling life.

If you feel like life is chaotic and overwhelming when you’re stuck in a cycle of self-sabotage, negative thought patterns, and never making time for yourself. Stress from work or family life can push us to our limits. We try to make changes, but nothing ever seems to stick.

Sometimes the way out isn’t by trying harder – it’s by accepting that help is available. Imagine having access to an ancient healing practice that allows you to be heard so that you can create real change in your life. Accessing this level of care will allow you to take back control and create the life you’ve always dreamed of living.

 Unlock your potential with the support of life Activation. Our age-old tradition provides a safe space to explore new perspectives and gain clarity on your life path without needing problem-solving skills or mental understanding first. Get ready for real transformation!

Dealing with Frustration

Dealing with Frustration

Dealing with Frustration

As a spiritual parent professional, you may be feeling frustrated with the world’s expectations and pressure to always have everything “dialed in.” You may feel like you’re not good enough and fear the future. These emotions can lead to a disconnect between your mind and body, causing you to suppress your feelings until they explode in anger, sadness, or depression. But there is a way to find peace and control in your life.

Give Yourself Time to Acknowledge and Accept

The first step to finding balance between your mind and body is to give yourself time to acknowledge and accept your feelings. This means taking the time to identify and label your emotions. Once you have labeled your emotions, you can start to understand and manage them more effectively. Practicing mindfulness is another powerful tool to help you become more aware of your feelings. Mindfulness allows you to break patterns of destructive behavior and find a sense of calm in the chaos of life. Finally, building a strong support system is essential for finding balance. Surround yourself with supportive people who will help you stay true to yourself and find balance in your life.

Don’t Let the World’s Expectations Drag You Down

The pressure to always be “convenient” can be overwhelming. But convenience is a trap that takes power away from you. Don’t let the world’s expectations drag you down. Instead, focus on what’s truly important to you and your family.

Be Proactive

If you’re feeling frustrated,. Don’t let your emotions control you. Instead, take control of your emotions by finding healthy ways to express them. This might mean journaling, meditating, or talking to a trusted friend or therapist.

Focus on What You Can Control

It’s easy to get caught up in things that are out of your control. But focusing on what you can control is essential for finding balance. This might mean setting boundaries, saying “no” to things that don’t align with your values, or finding new ways to manage your time.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is essential for finding balance between your mind and body. Take the time to do things that bring you joy and recharge your batteries. This might mean taking a relaxing bath, going for a walk in nature, or treating yourself to a massage.

It would help if you gave yourself time to acknowledge and learn how to accept your feelings so you can respond, not overreact. This is the only way to find peace and control in your life.


  • Take time to identify and label your feelings. Identifying and labeling your feelings will help you to understand them and make them easier to manage.

  • Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness will help you become more aware of your feelings and allow you to break patterns of destructive behavior.

  • Focus on building a solid support system. Having supportive people in your life will help you find balance and stay true to yourself.

Finding a balance between your mind and body is essential for a fulfilling life. Don’t let the world’s expectations and the pressure of leaning on the convenience habit drag you down. Take the time to acknowledge and accept your feelings to find peace and control in your life.



Finding balance between your mind and body is essential for living a fulfilling life. Don’t let the world’s expectations and the pressure of convenience drag you down. Take the time to acknowledge and accept your feelings, and you can find peace and control in your life. Remember to be proactive, focus on what you can control, and practice self-care. With these tools, you can find the balance you need to thrive as a spiritual parent professional.

Dealing with Frustration

Dealing with Frustration

Dealing with FrustrationAs a spiritual parent professional, you may be feeling frustrated with the world's expectations and pressure to always have everything "dialed in." You may feel like you're not good enough and fear the future. These emotions can lead to a...

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Find out why you’re working harder than you need to

Find out why you’re working harder than you need to

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