Dealing with FrustrationAs a spiritual parent professional, you may be feeling frustrated with the world's expectations and pressure to always have everything "dialed in." You may feel like you're not good enough and fear the future. These emotions can lead to a...
Wearing to many hats is draining your energy
by Patrick LeRouge | Aug 3, 2023 | Living Pain-Free
As a parent, you believe the only way to survive is to wear many hats.
Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, there’s always more to do, and you’re tired?
You might not know it yet, but working long hours and juggling different roles has a hidden cost. You have a lot to do. But don’t forget to find and follow your true purpose. Think of it like being yourself all the time, doing different activities.
The question is, do you know who you are anymore without those hats?
You need to align with your true self to be more productive and achieve better results in less time. The blog post will help you find and understand your true purpose. It’s important for making progress without sacrificing your health or happiness. Both will streamline your processes, maximize impact, and balance productivity and recovery.
“You are working much harder than you think. You must bring yourself back to simplicity.”
Millions of parents wear many hats: business owners, family caregivers, and everything else. Identifying and aligning with your soul purpose is what is missing. If you are a business owner, you may believe balancing is the key. Which, in turn, looks like. When I am at work, I am not a parent. If the parent person meshes with the work person, you have a conflict within yourself.
There goes your energy drain. The conflict causes many thoughts based on shame and confusion about what to do.

YOU DONT HAVE TO LIVE LIFE LIKE THIS’ll tell you why it’s better to stop trying to do everything perfectly. Refrain from exhausting yourself by wearing many hats. Instead, be yourself and choose what you want to happen and do that.
When you are intentional, you improve your processes and get better outcomes. This also gives you more time to rest and recover.
As a parent, I know you’re tired and frustrated from the constant struggle, and you may feel hopeless. You feel like it’s never enough. You are not good enough. No matter how hard you work, another surprise pops up daily. Like there are always new obstacles, and your to-do list keeps getting longer?
You are working hard, but you are not making real progress toward your goal. You may be feeling burnt out and convincing yourself that you are coping fine. Please ask if you need a quiz to show how close you are to burnout. I have a quiz to help you find out.
It is important to remember that success and happiness are not always linked.
Find what matters to you and make your working hours count. Make sure you take care of your body, start early, and make it a habit. Ask for help if needed.
It can be as simple as I need a neat, tidy space to feel at ease. Making your space neat and tidy first shifts you into a purposeful state. Then handling kids and business becomes easy again.
The people I worked with were focused on society’s definition of success or happiness. They believed there was a one size fits all way that was good. The right way to parent, the right way to speak and teach your kids.
Think about the belief or dream of the white picket fence family that has it all together.
You have a good possibility that you are attempting to align with that or a version of happiness. This is what drains your energy.
You must still identify what truly drives your soul. Sure, we all have our career ambitions and dreams of success. However, we need to understand that these things do not bring true happiness. Only when we discover their true source can we find real fulfillment? You’ll have the tools to avoid becoming exhausted parents with a struggling business.
We are all high-performing parent professionals but listen up. I’ve got some advice for you.
Now is the moment to reconnect, align with your soul’s purpose, and boost your daily energy.
And it’s not as complicated as you might think. The first thing you need to focus on is your body. Yes, the world has been telling you to hit the gym, but it’s more than that. Building a habit of movement and challenging yourself is crucial. By doing so, you learn a skill with time. You can tell when your nervous system is more active right before a freakout or anxiety attack. Take action and calm down before it’s too late, unlocking more energy than you expected.
Plus, Building this way of thinking. When you challenge yourself every day to learn about who you are, you break a pattern that relies on willpower. If your habits rely on willpower, it’s hard to improve yourself when you’re stressed.
So, start early and make it a habit. Start with a small action or workout daily that is hard for you to do. After learning to lower your nervous system, get into a calm state often.
You can use a tool to connect with yourself. Challenge yourself and then calm down. Let’s quickly take apart why you will refrain from doing this work.

Negative Behaviors Loops and your upbringing
Examining how your upbringing influences your actions helps you understand your motivations. Your upbringing, whether good or bad, can shape your future and impact your health. What you saw as a child gives you what you believe today.
“Always working hard” is helpful in business but can hurt relationships.”
The harder you try to exert effort in that department, the more love and intimacy may evade you. To understand yourself better and improve your relationships to who you are. It’s important to recognize how your upbringing shapes your behavior.
To understand yourself better, think about how your upbringing affects your current behaviors.
The third is the most critical your soul driver.
Discovering your soul driver is crucial to maintaining long-term joy and avoiding burnout. Do you remember the activities that made you lose track of time? They filled you with energized passion.
That’s your soul driver
Those tasks you’re aligned with on an energetic level. To make the most of it, you must recognize why you love them and incorporate it into your actions.
For example, I found my soul driver in rapid transformation experiences. They energized me more than anything else. To understand someone, I must be open to different philosophies and techniques and accept guidance. There is no one right way; it’s their way I must uncover. This brings me present state to guide them to the right place that uncovers who they are. Letting them see their truth. Letting them know who they are. Making this my focus prevented my burnout and allowed me to excel.
Find your true passion, incorporate it into your daily routine, and watch for signs of burnout, such as irritability and exhaustion. This will help you live a more fulfilling life.
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