"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 [email protected]

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I have a pain free concierge service, and it’s been doing some magical things in the concept of showing people how to live and move pain free. I’ve been doing it with my Live Pain-Free process as the tool of choice. I designed it to teach people how to balance themselves emotionally, to be aware of what’s happening within themselves. I also show people how to do the same in the mental world by clarifying their mind and get clearer visions inside their heads. Balancing out the physical is where I started, using the core three, foam roll, trigger point, and stretching, and it’s done some magical things. Last week, we spoke about the concept of putting yourself first and making a choice. I realize that I forgot one aspect. It needs to be a lifestyle.

Once you choose this, it’s not a chore, something you do now and then. It needs to be a lifestyle. There are so many different concepts that I want you to think about in the world of priorities. Once you make something a lifestyle, you can not do it in dribs and drabs. It incorporates everything in your life. It shifts, it weaves its way into your heart and soul.




The big thing that you want to realize is there’s always eyes on you. Those eyes might come in the form of a child learning from you and not even realize they’re learning from you. I have a three-month-old. All she does is look. She doesn’t talk. She just looks and sees how the world is. That’s starting the internal programming that’s going to govern her life. If she sees me running around crazy, unfocused, screaming at kids and never really smiling. Never really doing anything that’s making myself happy, that will be the only thing she sees, it will become her world.

You need to realize there’s always eyes watching. When you’re walking down the street, through a parking lot, what’s the image on your face? When people look at you, what will they be saying, “Oh that guys happy”?


Here is a good funny story

I walked into a local store to get a gift certificate. I happened to find parking; it’s called prime real estate in my family, find some prime real estate in front the store.  I had some music on. Singing and dancing are one of my favorites go-to tools to stay happy. I always have music on, and I just found this great station on Pandora called “Jock Jams.”


I’m listening to old school stuff that I used to dance out to back in the day.I jump out the car, and I’m still singing putting my money in the meter, I walking into the place, and the host just looks at me, and says, “Wow. You’re in a good mood.” I  said, “That’s what’s up. You know why?” I showed her what I was listening too. Her response was “Oh Jock Jams. Here goes another one I listen to, hip-hop barbecue


That whole interaction happened because I was listening and I was jamming, I was having fun, I guarantee you I changed their day, and they influenced my day. It’s an infinite cycle of feeding people upwards, all because I had a smile on my face and I was ready to engage and have some fun. It’s my lifestyle.




That’s what I want for you guys to start shifting and thinking about, but it doesn’t happen like that. It takes small itsy bitsy steps. I want you to realize that. Don’t say; I’m just going to shift into making just being happy a lifestyle.” You can’t do that. It’s almost like quitting cold turkey. It’s a pain in the butt, but if you make small steps, it happens without you even knowing. That’s the name of the game. Make the small steps that make things easy for you. I have a pain free process to do it.

If you want some help, I have a 40 ways to get yourself to heal PDF. All you have to do is look at it and start doing each one of those things now and then and you’ll be surprised what your body would do get a smile on your face, to get healing, to get your body to shift and go upwards. Look at the PDF. Do something about it.

Until next time folks, peace out. Later.

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