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Here’s the final segment of living the beach life. I’m going to show you how I manage my three kids once they fall asleep because of all the water play and digging in our big hole.

But first I have to say, Michelle and I have been at this for a while and we’ve had to buy a few things to make it work. Normally I don’t show you things you need to buy, but in this case, a proper chair and a tent that you can put sleeping kids in are all key things to living life with kids on the beach 🙂

From this point on, you have prepped your day on the beach beautifully! You have figured out why you are there and how you really check out. You’ve set up some earthing games that get your kids to play in the water and learn about the world, in two ways. If you haven’t watched the previous videos please watch them here


Relaxing is what we all want to do, and if you do this right, then you can, from playtime to your seated time. Having my kids fall asleep on me is one of the best experiences ever.

The kicker is the chair I have, its called a high boy because my hips and legs are higher off the beach this gives my body a better position to be in. Once my child falls asleep I put her in a guarded tent, all while I sit and drink my lovely beverage. This is how we live our life with kids.

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