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I did a Facebook live video a couple of days ago that I think you should watch if you are beginning and confused about the process of healing.

Most people don’t even realize that there is a learning cycle.

Learning how to be easy on yourself while going through the learning curve is key. I explain how learning how to heal does not happen in the moment of pain.

It needs to happen throughout your life in places where you can learn how to be easy on yourself and see how you will get better with every challenge you give yourself.

Be Easy On Yourself

This statement is only one of the many points you need to learn to stay in a healing state. I teach clients to look at their entire lives as a challenge, a journey where events happen and all you have to do is adjust based on the last event.

In the video, you can see the project I have been working on for two years.


My house has been one of my biggest accomplishments and I have been working on it since I moved in. Clients are always seeing the evolution – kind of like a butterfly.

I take this concept of ” be easy on yourself ” to heart here. You’ll get to see the first walI I ever built with pride and joy, I explain how it is not perfect. just to show you the next wall built months later, with marked improvement. It’s been a work in progress that I finished last week!

As you can see there is a world of difference between the walls. I have learned how to challenge myself and not take it so seriously. I saw my imperfects and worked on it. The next time I came up with another similar challenge I handled it better. That’s all you should ever ask of yourself…



When was the last time you challenge yourself outside your comfort zone?

How can this apply to you being gentle with yourself?

The next time you are in pain calm yourself by remembering you are not perfect and you don’t have to be perfect to get out of pain.

Next week we will be getting back to the mini-series on Healing made easy because you are clear on your starting point. If you have not looked at it please go back to it here:



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Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!


(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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