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Learning to balance your mind and your body is tricky because our starting point is slightly off. We start getting some results and then things seem to stall out. And, we can’t figure out why that happened.

Today I will be simplifying balancing the mind and body based on a better starting point. By connecting the muscular system to the brain because when you move specific sets of muscles your brain changes its chemistry.

The starting point of any project and or experiment you are conducting is important to tracking and progress. What we all need to refocus on is our life as our great experiment. Reaching our full potential is the goal, the actions you take are the journey.

If you did not watch the first video about the importance of realigning your starting point with where you’re currently at, please watch it here.

Balance Your Mind And Body

The way I simplify this is by giving you a general idea of how the mind and body work. Not a direct actual way it works, but it will help you get the general big-picture point.


Patrick lerouge from www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about balance the mind and body

image from http://www.vidyavrikshah.org

The image above explains what I mean. Your fight and flight actions have many parts. In this example, it is the grey area and the green is your higher thinking. The two shades of blue are your motor functions or the movement part of your brain. Think of that as the connection between the two. you need energy there to allow them to balance out and talk to each other.

This is important because most of us don’t move enough and when we do we do most of our action is with the front part of our muscles.

The muscles associated with the back part of the brain, causing us to be mostly in the fight or flight place, start a spiral of limiting actions we do not want.

Balancing the mind and body takes using the other subset of muscle to balance us chemically in our brain. This gives us a more balanced emotional state, a mental state that is quick and clear and what’s more important, you show up as a whole individual.

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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