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What is up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m pretty gifted at getting people out of pain relatively quickly because I understand the concept of the body having a protection cycle and a healing cycle. I just have to get you to focus more on getting yourself out of that protection cycle into the healing cycle by focusing within and getting yourself to stop doing the things that’s making you protective. Today, I’ll be talking about a real quick fix for the shoulder. Here is something you can do to eliminate some of your shoulder pain and get you really moving properly. In last week’s video tip, I talked about why our extremities are so vulnerable and why it’s out there. Now we have to get you to start counterbalancing that tip that I did last week. You want to start learning the concept of the shoulders.

Everybody knows about the rotator cuff, but they don’t realize the intricacies of it. It’s a sister-brother unit where four muscles work together to allow structured, smooth movement. It’s not about making your rotator cuff strong. It’s about smooth structures and how well they move together, but you can only get access to one of the muscles relatively easy. I’m going to show you how to touch the muscle called your infraspinatus, a muscle that runs right in the back part of your scapula itself. If you were to reach back behind you and grab the back part of your shoulder blade, the muscle that’s right underneath your palm is your infraspinatus. The infraspinatus has a lot of trigger point aspects; some are located i the front of your shoulder where you’re doing a lot of the bicep overexertion and using way too much.

If you can get the front part of your shoulder and the back part of your shoulder to work a little bit more efficiently, you might actually avoid what we spoke about last week and start adding in more of your body so you no longer have to use the biceps so much. I’m going to be showing you a trigger point aspect to getting your shoulder pain to go away. What we’re going to utilize is just an easy hand ball. This hand ball is going to be placed right in that groove. Remember how you grabbed your hand back behind your back as if trying to scratch your back? The little soft spot that you hit is your infraspinatus. Where your fingertips fall, I want you to put the ball right there.

Then I want you just to put that spot against the wall and lean against it. You can stand or sit; all you have to do is wait and add a little bit of weight. This is not pushing as hard as you can. Sitting and leaning against the wall in that area gives you the weight load that you need, and things will start to happen.

This infraspinatus is notorious for being a slow talker. If you do this nice and easy and wait for a second, you’ll start to feel it work its way in, and then your body will start talking to you. All you have to do is just like vacuuming your house, in straight lines left to right. Make sure you start to move with the same amount of weight load left to right using long strokes from one area to the next area. Drop down a little bit, and repeat until you clear the whole area. Eventually, you’ll find a point that’s going to refer right to the front part of the shoulder as well as the trigger points that deal with the top part of the head.

This will actually generate tightness in the front part of your shoulder up into the upper and back of the neck. If you also have upper neck and back tightness, this can help dramatically as well, mainly because you’re getting the shoulder pain to become less tight, allowing more movement. You’ve heard me say it plenty of times. The more movement that you can get, the more blood flow happens. The more blood flow happens, the more you heal.

Now you have to consistently keep that bad boy moving. Keep learning how to move. Then learn how to put it in the action of when you’re lifting up, learning how to move everything. You see how I’m not just picking something up? You would actually have to use your whole entire body, use your core, use many aspects of yourself so that you’re not isolating one area. That is how you have a quick fix for your shoulder. If you have any other questions or comments, please hit me up. I love getting them. Love you. Bye.

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