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I am here for you, and I want to help you speed up your success. You have to be clear on one thing your health elevates your wealth.


Your health is the key.


It’s not too late!


If you are ready for a step up in your health, keep reading. If you don’t take care of your health, it will not be good. It will happen fast, even if you are a successful person.


I know you don’t want to hear this, but the truth is if


What you tolerate will persist.


If you don’t take care of your health, it will also affect other parts of your life. Your business is impacted too. So when something bad happens, like if you lose everything you worked for because you didn’t take care of your health, the pain is much worse.


Easier said than done, I know, so let me explain some of the habits that have helped me make my health goals a reality and see how they can help you as well.

patrick lerouge health create wealth

In short:


  1. Choose something to fight for:


Please do not say I want to lose 10 pounds. It would cause you to take action. That knee-jerk response does not get you to lose weight.


But if you caught that eye of your spouse, check-in you out from the corner of your eye. that would make you feel better and attractive again. which triggers more weight loss naturally.


Sometimes, friends are competitive. But sometimes they work together. Competition is real – it can be helpful, and it can hurt people. Friends can work with each other, or they can try to compete against each other. If you don’t have a community that will work with you, then you will fail. 



If you want to achieve big things, break them into smaller tasks. We live in a world where people want everything instantaneously. But this is not the way to do it. It would be best if you had time so that your work doesn’t feel stiff. The best thing you can do is take micro-breaks and be happy with yourself if you take them. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to stop for a moment and relax. Don’t feel guilty if you take time off to work or do something that will build your internal energy and passion back. Never work without taking breaks – breaks will help make your work more effortless in the long run!


Think about it this way. Accelerating your health to elevate your wealth is a marathon of many sprints. If you are physically and mentally prepared, with good habits, then you can do well in your business and personal life.


The main point is getting in touch with your body’s need for rest and recovery. It is essential to take care of yourself. If you don’t, then you are like a sinking ship. If you do not take time out to be kind to yourself, it will all come crashing down instantly even if you are successful.


We know that you are busy. You have a job, kids and a social life. But if you don’t take care of yourself – sleep, food – then your health will be bad. And even if your career is successful, it will all come crashing down when you can’t do it anymore because of your health. 


It’s time to stop tolerating lower standards for our own wellbeing just because “you’re surviving.” Focus on the FACT that your Health elevates your wealth


 Make sure to take time out for self-care every day by creating sustainable habits that build you up instead of breaking you down daily! 


Reach out anytime with questions or schedule a health to wealth clarity call to get started on building those habits together now!!


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