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Here is why you could be much better than where you are.

Stop using crutches to get through tough, uncomfortable times.

I’m going to tell you why I stopped drinking. Yeah, this is one of those stories.

 So listen up…

Not saying it’s bad if you do have a couple of drinks.

I learned that I was using drinking as a crutch.  I was drinking to calm myself down in tough situations.  I had a networking event to go to and I was so amped up.  I believed I was able to be comfortable without a drink, as well as I wanted to focus.

Having an awareness of the way I was handling networking events was work to get to but I wanted to do this event on my own accord.

It was an epic fail as expected.  I failed because every time before I used a crutch to succeed.  All the practice I had, I used some type of substance with me.  A drink, some type of food, anything that would calm the nerves.  I couldn’t depend on myself.

The point to this is…

Start learning to depend on yourself!

Completely focused, completely being the true you.  That’s what you must do. Focus on being comfortable being you. So you are good whenever you want.

That’s why I stopped drinking.

With that being said, I do have drinks every now and then that’s not what this post is all about.  The post is about not using crutches to make yourself better.

You are awesome the way you are.  start practicing being you; focus on that trust in yourself, but you also need practice without it.

An easy way to practice this is if you already have a drink or two at night to calm yourself, attempt to do something without a substance or crutch to bring you into a calm state.

Be able to stay calm in those vulnerable times, it takes you dropping those crutches those vices that come easy to us.  So when the big time does come, you’re already ready.

Week three in January is going to be all about hard, fun, truths.

Truths that are all about enhancing who you are inside. Getting a handle on the internal struggles that cause the external battles

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