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What is up, everybody Patrick Lerouge your productivity specialists, getting you to get more things done in less time. And I want to talk to you today about flexibility. It’s not what you think. It’s not about arm flexibility, body flexibility, but. Your body does tell you how flexible you are in your mind as well as nearby.
So let me ask you a question. When you get apposed in a different way, don’t get something you want. What do you do? Do you, you dig your heels in or do you just let it go? That’s not flexibility. Right. Not being able to see both sides of the subject is what we’re talking about. What we’re talking about is being able to have a nice, healthy debate to understand somebody else’s way or why things are not working right for you.
That is flexibility, mental flexibility. How many angles can you see when something is coming? How well can you see around that corner? That is mental flexibility. Emotional flexibility is that something’s not mostly going your way. You’re able to quiet yourself and bring yourself back down. So you can actually ask the questions to understand both sides of the subject to get a win, win.

Now, this is the fun part.

This is where I want you to think about and start asking questions about when you’re looking at your mentor or emotional flexibility, look towards your body. Your body is the thing that talks to you. The loudest, the fastest, if you’re a high, big back achiness all the time.
There’s something going around, flexibility, shoulder stuff, flexibility around different movement, parts, hip things is a structure. There’s many different ways that your body talks about. But the one I want you to really, really look at is your ankle flexibility. Right. That changes everything the way your ankles move and how you can move, will dictate how well you’re emotionally able to handle how fast you go and being nimble when moving as fast as you are.
And if you don’t have that flexibility, it’s showing up in other places in your life. So easy thing to do squat back down. Can you keep your heels down and get your ass to the grass? That is the whole thing. Can you get down with your heels, flat foot, everything down to get that flexibility up. You need to do a certain things here or there, but if you’re not able to do it well, you can’t run as fast as you think you can and be as agile as you can mentally and emotionally.
And without those things bouncing out, you will never succeed for long. You’re always going to hit a wall and something’s gonna fall apart. So how flexible are you? Stop thinking just body. Start thinking, mind, body, energy, emotions, everything. Think bigger. See you on the next one. Bye.

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