"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 [email protected]

Okay, so what we are doing here today is getting you to do a little bit more when you already have so much to do.

So, what do you normally do when you have a lot of things to do? You start to multitask! Even though you know that multitasking does not work….we try to do it anyway.


Because we want to get as much done as possible in the least amount of time, that’s why!

So this is what I want you to do. I want you to understand that you are going to try to multitask and you’re going to try to make it work. And it’s going to work to the best of your ability in your own thoughts, but we know it doesn’t, right?

I want you to think about the concept of multitasking. Your brain can’t split apart multiple things, but what it can do is focus on one thing very well. So the way I go about this is, I have 15-20 tabs open on my computer screen of all the tasks I need to get done. As I have my task open, I set a timer for a half-hour. This is kind of a twist on time blocking-I do half-hour blocks on each task. When I’m done with the task, I close the box. That’s how I get done with multitasking. This helps me to focus on one thing.

For more, check out the video!



That’s how simple this is. We have to get you moving forward to what you want.

Remember, all we need is a small, little increase, just 10% will make a massive change and boost productivity.

So come back tomorrow, I have 2 more for you!

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