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What’s up everybody Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy. I am your pain consultant. My job is to get you to understand that healing is natural once you focus on the basic routines that get you healthy. Today, I wanted to talk about the signs that your body needs help.

I want to use an opportunity that is happening in my house and teach you based on it. I have three kids, and sicknesses happen, My two-year-old daughter, Devin, has a pacifier that probably dropped on the floor. She put it in the mouth and caught a virus. That only give signs affects the mouth. After three days of care and watching, we went to the doctor to make sure it was not something worse. I tell everyone after three days of you doing something holistically, find out some more data. We found out that it was just the virus.


runs its course in about four days to five days, and it just swells the mouth and the tonsils and the vesicles inside the mouth. So Devin’s teeth were hurting. Her mouth is red and angry. So that happened a few days ago, now Layla is started to get ill, which then I knew what was going to happen to her. Angry mouth and gums for four days and everything is going to pass. But during those four days, the body’s going to do natural remedies
I want to show you how to notice the signs that your body needs help, or when it is becoming ill. This learning this skill comes in handy with kids, mainly cause they can’t really talk to you well.

What are the signs of the body (Disclaimer: So if you’re squeamish, maybe you should not be watching this.)

So with every child, there’s a vibrancy and energy in the face. When you first look at a child’s face, look for how vibrant it is, see how full the face is. Does the face projects energy out, Layla’s face is sinking in. This happens because her body is bringing energy inward and does not have enough to hold muscle tissue up well. So her eyes look falling back a little bit.

Notice the darkness around her eyes. Many people think that’s just signs of anemia. It’s not, it shows the vitality of the person, how strong the doing. So you can see the circles around the eyes, the, it’s not just about sleep, it shows how vital your body is. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul because it actually shows how healthy you are. The whiteness of the eyes shows a lot of your self as well.

The Tongue


Sticking your tongue out, notice how the textures and coating. Layla’s tongue has this white coating around it.
That’s a sign of the body actively trying to get toxins out. That’s why tongue scraped is a big thing, see the spotting that’s happening on the tongue, it looks like it’s a leopard. That’s a sign that the body’s really bringing up its fire or heat to kill the intruder. Lalya has been having waves of fever on and off. Her tonsils in the back are all inflamed and angry looking. Plus, a big white patch on her tongue with more sores by her tonsils.

Those are signs that the body needs help. Whether it’s bacterial or viral, the body is working on something. These signs happen whether you’re going through actual sickness or you’re overworked. It’s going to show you things in the face and the eyes. How vibrant is your energy that pops out of your face as well as your tongue. Your tongue is a big sign.

Here is minePatrick Lerouge

See how it’s pink all the way through as well as there’s not many deep lines or creases. Creases also tell you about your body, like how hydrated you are. In short, you want it to be nice and flush pinkish red, but not red hot. That is showing me to much heat in the body.

These signs tell you what’s going on in the body, whether it’s viral or bacterial. Your body still has to go through the same process. Body temperature shifts to kill whatever is there, making the environment inside your body unhealthy.

That is the basics.

Now, what are some simple things you can do when you have these signs?

You got to rinse your mouth to kill all the bacteria in your mouth. No sugar. Rule of thumb: avoid eating anything white. It is an inflammatory. It gives your body inflammatory responses, things like cheese, milk, white bread. I don’t want to say carbs all together because when your body’s going through this elevated state, it needs energy.

Once you start recognizing these signs, it becomes simple to get ahead of illness, because all you’re going to do bump up your routine for when you get ill, which is another routine altogether.

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