Patrick Lerouge and I want to share why it is so hard to know how to heal. I’m here to give you tips on how to Heal rapidly by getting back to the basics. Today I want to talk about something that I teach my clients, the love triangle. This love triangle is why you’re can’t get out of pain. It keeps you stuck in the cycle, by telling so many different things and ways to get out of pain. What’s worse is it’s happening and you probably don’t even realize that you are in the middle of it.
What is the love triangle
The love triangle is all about the three points of entry that go on inside your head that use to deal and fix your problem and pains. At the top of the triangle is our culture and the beliefs it gives us. In America, and what I’ve learned with a lot of my clients is they need things fast. It’s the instant gratification. We have trouble waiting for things. Things need to be as fast as possible. There is a demand for our activity to be hard works intense so we feel like we don’t have to do as much. Plus we need convenience, which is number two.
So not only do we want things fast and we want things to be hard and heavy, but we also want to be convenient. That is our cultural thing. Everything is becoming so simple for us but our human body that needs stress to adapt and grow. Which the body doesn’t get as much and is beginning to show signs of dis-ease. So the taking advantage of the fact that we like the convenience and we need things fast our culture is selling us more of this and we are eating it up.
What this looks like is
We sit for hours so we must work harder in the gym, the choices that we pick is a HIT workout and now everything will be okay. It’s hard, it’s fast and it’s the new fad or another one is getting to go to Ketosis. Ketosis is a natural process that your body naturally goes through. Now if you add these beliefs in it looks like: just get to ketosis and stay there, or the big one nowadays is intermediate fasting.
I’ve, I’m seeing some people go through 12 hours without eating and yet that is scientifically proven but it is not sustainable. Your body and your mind need food and it needs food throughout the day. The meals just need to be structured. Our culture is, Go bigger, go hard, and they stretch it out and they get results, but how long will that result last. That’s what’s gonna get you.
The medical world
The medical world is all about stabilizing and keeping you within the proper numbers. If you go to the Emergency room, all they are required to do is is stabilizing you. It is needed and at the time but that is it stabilizing you so you do not die. So they find things and they patch the holes, which is Uber necessary. I tell all my, I tell everybody that I’m holistic.
I do think holistic I use herbs, I use all these different natural things, but if I get into an accident, I’m going to say, bring me to the Er. Let’s stabilize this, let’s get this out. It works and it works amazingly, and I’m not saying it’s bad. What I am saying is they look at you as parts.
They look at your shoulder and see the shoulder joint is grinding, so let’s replace it. Or you have tendonitis in this shoulder, you just have to do a Bicep work and shoulder re re-education. Where they put you through different shoulder activities and they don’t look at the whole kinetic chain.
This way of thinking happens so often and so the norm that we get a worse mentality in our head. The Mentality of I am broken and needs to be fixed. If you look at any commercial about any pain. it’s going to imply and give you the thought that you are broken and needs to be fixed it. That is not the truth, right But that is our medical world.
The Love Triangle Continues. Our Science
Science cured polio. They could also are different things by going down into the microscopic world and finding the one thing that works, and then say if we can change this one atom we can change the whole part and that would science is good for and it’s awesome. Don’t get me wrong, all three of them are necessary for all three of them are needed.
It’s just the love Triangle does not look at you as a whole and you don’t put yourself first in making decisions regarding the three. We allow them to pull us in many different directions and make us feel we do not know what is good for us. So that is going to be the biggest thing that I want you to really focus on. The love triangle is pulling you in three different directions and you are not putting yourself first and looking at who you are and using your culture, your medical society, your science for your advantage. You have to see who you are and that what works for you.
This is what I want you to do next time you have pain. Start Looking at what the love triangle. Don’t allow it to pull you in. Ask what does your culture say about doing about pain? Does say just use meds? Doesn’t say use only holistic remedies. In your cultural world, what is being said? which will change in different pockets of people and different classes of people. Then, what is your medical society say? Are you all about just replacing your problem or looking to nurture yourself back in a sustainable way. And the last one is science. How is science dictating the medical world that tells you what the fad secret weapons will be?
That’s what I want you to think about with this tip?
if you liked this tip, please share it, and as if you really, really truly, really love me, give a comment down below. Tell me what’s up. Tell me what you think about this. This is one of my very first lessons to get people to stop just doing things. Tell me what you think? Write it down below and holla out me. And biggest thing is if you do not know, I have a Facebook group that I answered questions is if you have any questions, please go to my Facebook group, which is live pain-free and I will answer your questions there.
Until next time, peace