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What’s up everybody, Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at www.livepainfreeprocess.com.  I’m the creator of the live pain-free process and I’m determined to get you to bring healing back to the basis. what we’re gonna be talking about today is my 1% Rule.

I Have been realizing that healing is thought about in a complicated way now and you are working much harder, all because of our love triangle you are in and don’t even know you are in. If you don’t know what the love triangle is, I’ll be doing a video about it soon.

What my 1% rule

My 1% rule gets my students to realize that everything that they do in their healthy life gives them a 1% bump in benefits.  You have to realize that there’s a consistent drain on your body that withdraws more from the body.

Everything is taxation on the nervous system. So that 1% bump compared to everything else in the world, especially if you’re in the organic world or staying in the natural world won’t amount to anything unless you are consistent. Which then that 1% bump will turn into something good because of the compounding effect. After seven to 14 days of consistent work, you start to compound that and stacking the benefits of what you are doing. In fact, the one percent will turn into2%, 2% will turn into 4%, four to eight, eight to 16, et Cetera, et cetera. The one percent becomes very powerful over time.

So, the 1% rule is all about how often you doing one thing and stacking that one thing over time. The simpler easy things that you do in that 1%, now you’re on the track to rapid healing. You no longer think of only doing one thing expecting great results,  you thing one to two%, stacking happens then two, four, to eight%. You will be starting to stack things in such a way where now you’re actually coming up with a bigger percentage and much bigger results.

 What I want you to think about

  1. All the things that you’re doing throughout your day that’s healthy

2. Are you doing consistently over a seven to 14-day spread.

That is the stuff that you’re going to be compounding, and that is the basics. The thing that you’re doing more often is going to create a habit around. For instance, a very good one that I hear a lot is, I the concept of cinnamon. They’re adding cinnamon. This is good to balance blood sugar levels.  So I see people adding cinnamon to an item once a while thinking “Oh, I’m going to have to take down my sugar intake so let me add some cinnamon to my oatmeal that I have today, but they don’t do it all the time. Because of all the extra sugar that you’re having throughout their day, one act of cinnamon will not make a dent in your levels or the way you feel.

Let’s get clear here:  if you do any action just once, you’ll feel good for a couple of hours, you might feel balance, you might even feel great, but then you go back into your habit. The habit of not having cinnamon to balance out the negative effects of sugar. If you make adding cinnamon to your everyday

Action step

Take track and look at all the things that you’re doing in a healthy way. See what you’re doing over a seven-day spread and that is your 1%. Think about the amount of the things that you’re going and doing consistently. Does that outweigh the things that you degrade your body?  Possibly not because you are in pain currently but with time and adding in more 1% things throughout your day.

1% things are relatively easy as a walk, going asleep on a good time, eating in appropriate times. All those things are 1% of tools that are common knowledge.  what you eat, how you eat it. Your meditation, your hobbies, how much you work out and how much rest you do. All these things I will be doing video tips on soon. I am going to be talking about them and getting you back into a basic way of thinking about your health.

Think about what you are doing consistently as a 1% gain. The biggest problem that I see that people do is they think one supplement is going to fix their issue. A surgery is going to fix them. A new fade extreme exercise routine is going to straighten them out. It never works because the action that you do is based around “I am broken” mentality and I need to be fixed. Your body is always adapting, always changing based upon the habit loop you have created. YOU ARE NOT BROKEN

If you like this, share it to somebody else that needs to know about the 1% rule because so many people are depending on one thing to fix it and it’s never that. Alright, so I will see you on the flip side. later.

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