Now when it comes down to Thanksgiving and being thankful, I would like to say I am thankful for all of my clients that trust me with to walk with them through their journey to a better version of themselves. Their journeys and stories like this need to be heard and cherished. They give others the power to change their lives and realize it’s much easier than they would ever imagine. So, I say thank you to everyone that is allowing me to help them with their journey.
Sara cooked Thanksgiving turkey, and it is a big deal. A REALLY big deal!
She wrote me this email only two weeks into the master class. I’m so proud of her and I wanted to share her story because it’s such a powerful one that can easily be swept underneath the rug as small.
“Two weeks into taking the class (and a year plus of working with Patrick regularly), I cooked my first turkey!”
For many people, this might not seem like a big deal – but for me it was. My husband and I have hosted Thanksgiving for over a decade. Over the years, our attendee list has grown from 10 people to up to 24 some years. We always make all the staples: stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and the “important” pies. But never the turkey. Cooking the turkey was just something I felt sure I could NOT do. And years of avoiding it only strengthened that belief.
Two years ago, the catered bird was salty and undercooked. I swore that the next year, I would make the turkey. Last year, I geared up to do it! But in the end, I let sick kids and work demands be my excuse at the ninth hour to not follow through.
This year, a good friend offered to help me cook the turkey. A few weeks ago though, I started to panic and talk myself out of doing it .. again. When I told my friend I couldn’t do it, she urged me to still do a small “trial” turkey our Friendsgiving.
“If it is really stressful or it doesn’t come out great or you just don’t want o do it again, then you can cater the real one.”
I had one moment where I heard myself trying to talk myself out of doing the test turkey – but I ignored myself. I was a little surprised to hear myself actually order the turkey.
And then, I just did it. With my friend’s step-by-step instruction: I did it! I cooked a turkey!!!! And I even deviated a bit from her recipe/directions.
I am not super shocked that it came out pretty good. (I am a decent cook.) But I was surprised that not only did I actually DO it — climb my Everest and face my fears — but I didn’t obsess about it beforehand. I just put one foot in front of the other, and did the thing I was so sure … for so long .. I could not. AND IT WASN’T EVEN HARD! Because the hardest part is overcoming my own compelling argument for why I can’t accomplish something. But this time – with this thing I spent a decade telling myself I was incapable of doing – I didn’t talk myself out of it.
I picked up an even bigger turkey tonight – the real one – to feed 20 people vs. 8. I feel a little apprehension. But mostly I feel confident: obviously, I can cook a turkey. I have done it before – and it wasn’t that hard.
And I have Patrick and Dottie (and my good friend Jodi who helped me!) to thank for this victorious story:)”
She sent me this picture that moved and touched my heart last night. With the words we did it!!
I wish everyone would Be able to chase down their Everest and be proud of climbing it. To top it off once you do it you will notice it is easy. Look truth is, once you get a handle on the smaller things that are holding you back. like the beliefs. Life becomes blissful because you are not holding onto so much, this leaves more room to love and have fun.
Great work Sara and can not wait to hear the next big win for you.
It is always surprising to me just how much we all limit ourselves by the stories we tell ourselves. It takes courage to do what you did Sara! Congrats!! You did it!! And, I know you will do even more!!