"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 [email protected]

Blowing air out of your body is critical to how your brain functions.

Think of this as the yin and yang of the body, for every muscle, there is a counterbalancing muscle. Each muscle corresponds with the brain in a certain spot. In this case the fight or flight part or the rest and relaxation part.

By doing diaphragmic breathing and you focus on your diaphragm to take in the air, you feed the fight or flight system.

By focusing on the transverse abdominals and blowing your air out you feed the rest and relax.

Focusing on blowing your air outfocusing on blowing air out image from www.livepainfreeprocess.com

Feeds the part of the brain that holds the rest and relaxation part of your nervous system. This is important for continuing to stay calm after your breathing exercise is over and you continue on with your day.

All breathing exercises work because of the yin and yang aspect of the art of breathing. you need to use your Transverse abdominals to blow your air out, so you are always using it in some way shape or form.

If you are one of the lucky few that have been practicing breathing for relaxation it will be easier for you to switch your focus to blowing air out rather then allowing air in.

If you are just joining us for this mini-series please take a look at the previous video to see where we are making our first mistake. OUR STARTING POINT

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Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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