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Where Do You Go When You Want To Check Out?

To live and move pain-free is more than physical work. There is more to life than just the physical world there is a detachment that we need to learn. Today we will be showing you how to do live the beach life. This is one of the activities we rarely do to check out of the rat race. Checking out and living the beach life is an amazing and peaceful thing if you plan it and learn to be at ease.

There is a difference between going somewhere to check out and actually checking out. Preparation has to be done in order for our busy minds to calm down. I have three kids and a wife I have to stay connected to, and if I just wing going to the beach and hope I will check out, I have a serious wake-up call coming.

The Art Behind Calming The Mind

I am realizing that there is an art to calming the mind in any situation.  Being prepared is key but the intention is where you start.

Ask yourself where can I go to completely check out. Where ever it is to prepare yourself for the obstacles that stop you from standing there in amazement of the wonders of natures. That is what will stop you from experiencing the calm. It looks like this picture of Devin during sunrise one morning. She just stood so still and that child does not sit still.

PAtrick Lerouge with daughter looking at the ocean


I speak with clients and they say they know how to check out, they explain the earthing qualities they get when their feet are in the ocean and their skin is bathed in the vitamin D of the sun. But they do not say anything about their mind being calm and clear so they can feel more.

Experiencing the beach is how you know you are in the sweet spot of healing. Watching the water, hearing the water feeling how it has the power to push you back and forth. Those are the experiences that get you to feel, Feeling anything turns off the logical mind and allows healing to rapidly take place.

Make the intention to experience the action you are doing and prepare yourself the obstacles that will get in your way next, for me its kids 🙂  and I will explain how I get around that through this months mini-series.

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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