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In this final video in the miniseries for clearing hip pain, I will be covering how to properly stretch your hip. Using a rope and learning to be patient. Opening the hip without pulling on the hip, so it feels strained. Learning to stretch the hip and not just pull on it can be difficult. Many bypass the hip doing this particular stretch often, it will run directly to the back.  Remember this is a mini-series if you did not watch the other videos please go back and allow for a complete healing.

Clearing Hip Pain Mini-Series

Video 1 – Hip Pain Keeps Coming Back

Video 2 – Use Hip Rotation To Eliminate Hip Pain

Video 3 – Hit these points to relieve hip pain

Things you need to follow along:

  • rope
  • your leg
  • floor to lie down on


The first step is to have a rope that does not have any bounce to it. To stretch the hip well or any muscle for that matter, it is best to have a sturdy object. The bands out there work well, but they add a micro bounce which gets the muscle to also contract when you are asking it to open.

Second, place the rope in the arch of your foot below the ball of your foot. Bring your leg up and allow the rope and a straight arm to now support the leg up. No muscle tissue should be holding that leg up. Guide the leg across your body slowly, You might have to reposition the opposite leg. Go as low as the leg and hip will allow. When your elbow can rest on the ground stop there.

Third, allow gravity to do the trick here. With breathing and patience, your hip will begin to open closer to the hip joint and around your glute. Hold for a few breaths and bring your hip back up using the rope, not muscle tissue. and repeat as much as needed.


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Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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