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In earlier videos, I show how to foam roll quads and glutes to clear hip pain. In this video, I will be showing you how to how to use your hip rotation to remove hip pain. Last video we spoke about many muscles that can be the cause of the hip pain. I showed muscles that rotate the hip.  At the end of the video, I spoke about how we overuse our hip rotators which cause tightness in the joint cause your hip pain. This video unlocks that tightness using rotation and rolling the quads. I will also share a secret bonus area to work opening the hips.

Before you attempt this advance rolling, you should have already been rolling your glute and your quads; this will relieve many issues regarding the hip. If you have not watch those, please view them here.





Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com explain how to use hip rotation to clear hip pain

It is important to remember the guidelines behind rolling. 

  1. Pace: nice and slow feeling muscle tissue
  2. angle vs weight load
  3. going at your body pace

Let’s clear up your hip pain

Begin at the quad as the picture shows above and allow the weight load to enter. Do not let your back to sway or your leg to flare up. Where the original rolling technique has you roll down the leg, we will go horizontal. This does take some control of your back and balance of weight. With some practice, this will get easier as well. Allow the foot and the knee to stay aligned and bring the big toe and inside foot to touch the ground. Follow this with by rotation slowly to the pinky toe. 

Rolling The Adductors


This area of the body is very delicate and not worked enough, when you roll here, please take your time and be patient. After you use the hip rotation and your hips open naturally, you can lie flat on the floor.  In a sleeping position with knee closer to the chest, place roller under inside leg where the adductors are and allow the weight of the leg go into the leg.  To move roller begin to practice spreading the hip and opening the hips up. Do this in small chunks. 

Please enjoy the video and share your experience.


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